Although I was digging a well in the village square from the early morning after getting permission from my grandfather, honestly I didn't have much hope of successfully finding a water source underground but I was clear of one thing.
If the "Well" is in the middle of the village then it will be easier for everyone to get water, so I decided to dig in the middle of the village with the thought even if I failed at least I tried to the end and after digging for almost 50 meters I finally discovered the water source.
Yes, I finally discovered it, now talk about that am I lucky or what?
Anyway not long after I had discovered the water mom ran to call everyone in excitement while I stood beside the well with my dad who told me with water of happiness in his eyes "Now that we have a clean water source, we won't have to put our lives in constant risk."
"Maybe we can use it to water the farm in the dry seasons as well." I suggested with an agreement.
"Maybe we can use the water in the dry seasons but I think it will be better if we share our water with the neighboring villages since they also suffer and lose a lot of their members in the dry season only because of clean water to drink but that is only if we have enough for ourselves." dad suggested shaking his head and I understood how selflessness the common village people can be who thinks about the betterment of others instead of their profits.
Truly they are great and have less greed for worldly goods instead of the betterment of others, they are nothing like the modern people or the city folks who will kill even their parents or children only for their profits.
Maybe the reason why this small village is still not completely erased because of this unity and care they have for one another.
I can still remember the time when I was 8 years old there was the best horde attacking my village and all the village that is close to us quickly cake to the rescue if not my village would have also been destroyed that time.
Besides that yesterday while returning from the city even when I was inside the Wagon there was still a wolf who managed to attack me after breaking the wagon roof and I was so scared that I might have a heart attack if its drool had hit my face but luckily my mother had punched it flying and in that process, her hand got injured when the Aunt from the Su village came to help us, if not I am not sure about the outcome of that day.
"Yea we can also find some water for them since the crops from 2 seasons are enough for us to get by." I agreed with him with a smile since we can help others why not besides we are living with the harvest of 2 seasons already, so it won't that hard if we don't get to plant some crops in the dry season and with the water problem solved we won't have to worry about dying out in the hunt for water or from being thirsty.
"Son although we have water in the well however when we try to get some water and get inside the water every time won't it be polluted and undrinkable?" breaking me out of my thoughts dad asks me with a thoughtful face.
"No dad we are going to build a wall and roof for the well next then we will also use a rope and bucket to pull the water from inside the well." I said pointing at the rope and bucket I had purchased from the city.
"And here I was thinking you wanted to use it for something stupid again but it's also good." says my dad in agreement before he looks at the tools by my side.
While explaining how the "Well" works my mom has returned with grandfather and the rest of the village members and after looking at the water everyone almost cried from happiness thinking now we won't have to worry about water anymore.
You can live for a few days without eating but if you don't have something to drink it's hard to say whether you will get to live or lose your life in the time of hot summer.
While grandfather is talking with a dad who was by my side all along my grandmother comes beside me to say with a smile while she cleans the water from her eyes "You have done something great this time, Kai."
"Yeah, Son your contribution to the village is greater than everyone's in the village and I believe it will be one of the greatest events in the history of our village." says mom with water in her eyes before she cherished my hair.
"Mom you will make me emotional, if you praise me so much." hey why do I also have water in my eyes, and believe me it's not because this is the first time I am getting praised by my mom and not getting called a useless lazy bump by her and because of the dust that went in my eyes while digging the whole made water come out of my eyes.
"No son you deserved to be praised." says mom before hugging me with a smile when my grandfather walks behind us before saying "Kai after what you had done we have all decided to make you the next village Chief after my retirement."
After that with my suggestion, they soon build a wall surrounding the Well before putting a roof too if after making it with life and bamboo.
By afternoon the "Well" became useable and everyone in the village was glad since they won't have to worry about losing someone when they need to send the members to the closest river for some water and for your information even my grandfather lost his two sons and my father lost his parents in an attempt to get some water and his previous village was destroyed in a beast horde attack only leaving behind a few dozens of survives when the help from my grandfather arrived.
As they didn't have anywhere to stay my father agreed to stay in the Mu village with the remaining members of his previous village since it's also a village of the long line of the Long family bloodline.
Not long after moving to the Mu village, my parents fall in love and here we are.
Anyway, when night fell we made a bonfire to celebrate our discovery and hope which is water before grandfather suggested "Let's eat and celebrate till you are filling."