The First City

Me and Lyra stepped out of the portal completely naked right in the middle of a gigantic city. And so me and Lyra looked at our surroundings in complete amazement and that was when I began hearing the whispers. So I looked around and saw women, children, men, old people, etc. were staring at us and were covering some of the children's eyes and ears.

Then a man in amazing looking clothing stepped forward. He then glanced at both of us before bowed. "Hello. I am one of the 64 nobles of the spirit world. I am in charge of this area. I see you two have just ascended?" We both nodded which made him smile. "Good. Then come with me and let us give you two some clothes."

He began walking towards a gigantic mansion while me and Lyra just followed him and didn't really care that our bodies were shown to all the spirits around us. Of course they were all cursing us, saying that we have no manners but as I said, we really didn't care what they said or saw.

As we walked through the streets I saw that the style of the buildings were very similar to that of The Empire. It was actually quite interesting to see all of the similarities.

And after a little while of walking we finally arrived at the mansion. It was very big as I said before and was even bigger when we came closer. He gestured for us to go in, and so we did without any hesitation at all.

Then we were lead to a room where some clothes were prepared and I had to convince Lyra to put it on with quite a bit of effort. Though it did take me quite a while.

After that a servant entered the room and led us to another room where the noble was sitting and sipping his tea. We sat down across from him and he smiled both of us.

And suddenly he asked, "So, what are your races?"

Lyra immediately answered, "Fire dragon."

The noble nodded in response. "Good. Fantastic. Then what about you Mr. ..."

"Elamtel. Mr. Elamtel. And she is my sister, Ms. Elamtel." I answered him with a cold expression and he nodded with a relaxed smile.

"Alright then Mr. Elamtel. Are you a fire dragon too?" He asked me and I shook my head in response.

"No. I am a heavenly snake. But I might be called a monster by you people even though I am just a snake." I answered him while still having a cold expression. "I mean, isn't that why you have your guards stationed right out side currently?"

His face became pale, "How did you..."

"How did we not know? I mean their energy was so easy to sense that it was quite boring. Isn't that right Lyra?" I turned to look at Lyra with a bored expression.

"Oh. So those people are things called guards? That is interesting." She said and I nodded and patted her head to praise.

"Yup." Then my smile disappeared when I turned to look at the noble. "So am I gonna get another cup of tea or... are you going to just refuse me?" I asked him while pointing at an empty cup and he shook his head rapidly.

"No no no. Of course not Mr. Elamtel. I wouldn't dare to not give you another cup." Then he waved his hand and a maid appeared and poured another cup for me. "So, Um, Mr. Elamtel, what are your plans for staying here right now?"

"Right now I am planning on opening a flower shop while Lyra will join the guards. She is quite powerful after all." I answered him. "And oh yeah, would it be alright for me and Lyra to stay here for a small amount of time? Of course, only until me and Lyra get money enough to buy a house for ourselves."

"Ah, sure. Why not? Hahaha. I am looking forward to living with you Mr. Elamtel." He then reached out his hand nervously and I shook it with a calm smile.