Am I In Love?

Me and Lyra walk out of the mansion as the noble had just given me and Lyra some money and had given Lyra a position as a guard of the city and me a flower shop. We were walking all around the town while everyone was staring at us oddly when an old man with two horns on his head walked over and bowed.

"I never thought I would see a true fire dragon in this place. But what is this dirty..."

But before he could say anything else Lyra gripped his throat and said, "If you say another word and disrespect him, one who is equal to our kind, again. Then I will personally make your death as painful as possible." Then she released her grip and took my hand and we continued walking in silence.

After a little while of silence and when we were alone I asked Lyra, "Why did you do that?"

She then stopped and I also did in response. She then turned to look at me and said, "Magus, do you believe in love at first sight?" Before I could answer she continued, "My mom always told me stories about when she saw my father for the first time she fell in love with him at that moment. She called it love at first sight." Then she took a deep breath and shouted, "MAGUS I LOVE YOU!!!"

Then a certain feeling bloomed in my heart. It just grew and grew and when I looked at her my heart began to beat faster. My face reddened and I looked down onto the ground as my legs began to shake.

What is this feeling? I've never felt anything like this before. It, it feels as if I am in... no. It, it can't be love. But what is it then? Hate? No. It can't be hate because I like... No, no way. Have I actually fallen in love with... But I don't even know her. Then what is...

"Actually Lyra, I..." But suddenly my head begins to hurt and I scream in pain.

And before I knew it everything became black but it also became... bright.

I opened my eyes and I a felt stinging feeling all over my body including my eyes. I looked to the side and saw many machines. And that was when it hit me. I had entered the game and everything became black when...

Memories of this world began to appear in my head. Pictures, voices, people I know and... knew. I remembered what candy was. I remembered so much but... that world was real wasn't it? No, it had to be real because... my heart is still...

That was when I heard a sound of metal hitting the floor and I looked at a girl who had long blond hair with curls and emerald green eyes. She put her hands in front of her mouth and tears began flowing out of her eyes.

Who exactly was she? She was my childhood friend, Alicia. She had always been there by my side and had never once betrayed me and for some odd reason everyone else had betrayed me. I never found out why.

I smiled at her. "It has been a while Alicia." She took a few steps back but I continued, "So how is your family? Are they doing well?" I asked her while still having a smile on my face. Then I looked down on the ground and sighed in sadness. "I am sorry I could not have woken up sooner."

But before I could continue to apologize she hugged me and tears just flowed out of her eyes as her howling was heard by the entire hospital.

And suddenly a bunch of people ran inside the room and began checking to see if I was alive and well.

2 hours later.

I was alone with a woman who was my mother. She had me when she was 20 which is my current age. I hadn't been awake for five years. That is quite a long time. Must have been painful for them.

Then my mother opened her mouth. "Alicia, would you please leave the room?" Although she was smiling her eyes were filled with hate and anger.

"Mother, Alicia can stay. She is like a sister to me." I said and my mother immediately became irritated but didn't say anything.

The silence continued for thirty straight minutes until I said something.

"So you didn't answer me before Alicia. How is your family? Are they doing well? Is the puppy doing alright? I guess it isn't a puppy anymore. Haha." I laughed and Alicia looked really surprised but then her face became filled with confusion.

Then she mumbled, "Why are you not angry?"

"Umm, I am sorry Alicia. What did you say?" I smiled at her and then she looked me dead in the eyes.

"Why are you not angry? I, I was the one who, who gave you the..." She put her hands on her head and tears began to fall again.

I sighed. "I would hug you but I can't right now because I am plugged into all these machines. So Alicia, I will say this. It was not your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. It wasn't mine either. So don't be so hard on yourself." I smiled at her.

She looked up at me and asked, "Really? You are not... angry with me?"

I shook my head. "No, of course not. I would never be angry. After all, it was just an accident." I then looked out of the window and mumbled quietly enough so no one would hear me, "I need to get back to Lyra, my love."

Ding! System has found the host because of his endless love.

Ding! World is getting connected…

Ding! Success! Your world is now connected to the others and they are connected to yours.

Ding! System will begin changing this world's people to suit the other worlds.


Oh shit! This mortal world which has only heard of magic, cultivation, ghosts, spirits, and dragons in web novels and ancient old stories are actually going to go to this world!? How is Lucy gonna react when she sees Kalum together with another girl!? Find out later in the story!!! >_<