Chapter 18. Onoki Vs Ryu

Onoki looked at Ryu coldly for a few seconds.

Onoki: Boy, you got guts to come here and challenge me. Do you really think I am like that weakling Rasa?

Ryu: Of course not. I know Rasa is the weakest among all the kage and you are among the strongest.

Onoki: Yet you came here.

Ryu grinned at this sentence. His battle intent was increasing by the second. He said

' Onoki of the dust style, I really hope you can satisfy me '

Onoki sensed Ryu's battle intent and those eyes. Those eyes showed his desire for battle. He has seen these type of eyes before but not as strong as this one apart from a single exception,


Ryu's eyes showed the exact same craze for battle as Madara did. Onoki got serious. These type of people were the most dangerous.

Onoki's murder intent soared. He put his hand in front of him.

' Dust release : Detachment of the primitive world.'

A large scale Dust release was aimed at him. Ryu got serious and his hand produced a light spinning blue colour ball which turned red

' Blazing Sun Rasengan.'

This was Rasengan with added fire nature. Both the attacks collided and created massive explosion.

Onoki flew towards Ryu. ' Earth style : Rock fist '. Onoki's fist was covered by rock. He smashed it towards Ryu. Ryu dodged it and used it as a support to throw a kick to Onoki.

Onoki flew up and created five rock clones. Each of his clone created a miniature ' Dust style: Atomic dismantling Jutsu '.

Ryu saw the incoming Jutsu and his body produced lightning. He dodged the first one but another one reached him. Onoki's attack created large holes in the ground. Ryu dodged four of them but couldn't dodge the last one.

Onoki looked around as he didn't believe Ryu would be defeated this easily.

' just as i hoped, you really are strong. You managed to make me use that. '

Onoki was surprised to find him uninjured. Sure, the attack was a miniature one but he still expected his attack to give some damage. When the last attack was about hit Ryu, he used Hiraishin to dodge. Ryu never intend to use Hiraishin to battle. That would be boring. He would only use it if no other choice. Ryu was not like Minato whose fight pattern largely centered on Hiraishin. For Ryu Hiraishin is a support technique. Moreover Ryu has already created a technique to achieve high speed in short distances though its not perfected at the moment.

Onoki was still startled seeing Ryu unharmed. He didn't even see how Ryu dodged his last attack.

Ryu: Now it's my turn.

Saying that Ryu's whole body produced lightning. He jumped up, just as everyone thought he would fall down Ryu kicked the air like it was ground and further ascended. Every stone ninja had their jaw dropped. Onoki was also surprised but was calm the next second. As a kage he has fought many opponents and seen many weird things so to him Ryu kicking the air can be considered as only surprising.

Ryu kicked the air around Onoki several times. He was flickering around Onoki producing many afterimages. Onoki was always on guard for any possible attack. One of the figure attacked Onoki from behind. Onoki used his Rock fist Jutsu to block it but his arm just passed through the image. He was startled. Just as he was about to turn around he felt an attack hit him from his side. The attack was a spinning blue ball which Onoki identified but he had no time to be surprised. He quickly did a Jutsu

Earth Style : Hardened skin

His skin colour turned slightly brown and just barely defended the attack. Before he could relax another one came from the top of his head and hit him directly on the face. Due to the hardening Jutsu, the damage he took was reduced by several folds. Onoki was blasted towards the ground.

The stone ninjas were scared. They have never seen their tsuchikage get hit like this. Among the kages, the tsuchikage can be considered one of the strongest, a man revered as a hero by their village and here he was being beaten to the ground by an unknown man.

The dust cleared. Onoki got up from the crater created by his fall. Right now he didn't have that awe inspiring sight of the Tsuchikage. His robes were torn at different places, his nose was bloody and his hair was in a mess.

Ryu landed on the ground: Come on. You aren't tired, are you?

Onoki almost spat blood hearing that. His anger reached a never seen high before. He was beaten to the ground in front of his own village. This was a disgrace to him.

Onoki said gritting his teeth almost breaking them: I will kill you boy. I will kill you in the cruelest way I can.

Ryu: Cool! Shall we go for round two?

Onoki stopped speaking as it would be a waste to speak to a lunatic. He made hand signs

'Lava style : quick lime '

He spat a large amount of light green liquid all around the field. Ryu jumped up and kicked the air to stay there. Before Ryu could understand what was happening he heard Onoki saying

' Earth style: mobile core:

The entire ground was launched upwards. Ryu now understood what the old man was doing. ' He is launching all those quicklime towards me. Too bad it won't work '. Ryu's body was entirely covered by wind chakra as he started spinning creating a mini tornado.

All the quicklime as well as rock pieces that got close to him was spinning along with him. After all of the attack was spinning around Ryu, he stopped. The rocks covered with quicklime was throw all over the field due to centrifugal force.

Onoki's face paled seeing this. A huge amount of rock was falling towards him. He had no place to dodge. Not only him the surrounding ninjas were horrified seeing this. They knew if that hit them, they will die.

Onoki gritted his teeth before raising his hands

'Dust style: Detachment of the primitive world'.

A humongous white cylindrical light was created before his arms. This was atleast two times the size of his first attack. Onoki was sweating bullets maintaining the Jutsu. As the huge rock were about to fall he completely turned them to dust.

The village ninjas cheered seeing this but soon was worried seeing their tsuchikage almost drained of chakra.

Ryu: wow, I didn't think you could pull that off. Anyway that was a great battle. Let's battle again sometime in the future.

Ryu vanished after saying that. Every ninja including Onoki only had one thought

' F**k you lunatic '