Chapter 19. Training ' The Way Of The Sword '

Onoki was taken by his subordinates to the medic. His chakra was severely exhausted and there was a few cracks in his facial bones.

Onoki cursed ' F**k that brat, couldn't the bastard be more respectful towards his elders '. After the fight he analysed his fight with the man. First of all he knew Rasengan. This technique belonged to the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze. He was the only one to know this technique. Minato died a few days back so it couldn't be him but if he is not Minato then who is he? The more he thought the more questions he had.

Second point is how he dodged the final attack by my clone. He didn't even get a scratch from the attack. No matter how fast he is it should have atleast graced him. The only technique he know that allows instant movement is Hiraishin and that too used by Minato. After analysing these two points most people would definitely think it's Minato but Onoki was sure it was not him. It was due to the third point.

When they were fighting he didn't use Hiraishin. For fast movement he used lightning coat similar to the Raikage's but evidently different. Minato's battle pattern largely centered on the Hiraishin. So the question is ' Who the hell is he ?'.

The leaf wouldn't just leak a S class Jutsu. Onoki got a headache from all the this. Now he has to take care of the aftermath of this fight.

When everyone thought Ryu left, he sneaked inside the stone village and found kurotsuchi inside a heavily guarded building. He put the guards in a genjutsu and walked inside. As he looked inside he found a little girl in red clothes studying. She was a couple of years older than Naruto. He tapped a few of her Chakra points and she fell asleep. He asked Navii how to activate her bloodline.

Navii: Just pump your chakra onto her body. Master the virtue has already given her what you wished for. It just needs its source that is 'you' to activate.

While Onoki was getting a headache over Ryu's identity the culprit for his headache was actually holding his granddaughter. If Onoki were to see this, he would have a splendid expression.

Ryu left after sensing her bloodline change. He went to a nearby stream, had a bath and was enjoying the light breeze across his face while having food and drinks.

' Food and Alcohol after a good fight is a must '.

Ryu was an extreme lover of alcohol in his previous life. This was partially due to growing up in the army. Army men could hold their alcohol and bonded with their comrads over drinks. This also rubbed on Ryu.

After satisfying his hunger he thought about his next move. He thought he should take some time to complete his training on the sword basics. If he completes the basics he could fight using that to gain more battle experience.

Even though Ryu is an expert on fire arms. He never seriously studied any form of swordsmanship. After all it was easy to carry a Gun than a sword in the modern society.

Ryu got up and took out the black blade. He decided to name it Kokushibyo (Black Death). He slowly started performing the stances. He already mastered it to 45 percent so his movements were somewhat fluid.

Ryu was slowly getting accustomed to these stances as he transitioned from one form to another. His movements got increasingly faster. Ryu felt like he was one with sword. He kept on performing the movements. Finally Ryu got out of that miraculous state. He found his surroundings dark. Ryu was surprised that he trained from morning till night.

Ryu asked Navii: How come I didn't notice the time passing.

Navii: Master chanced upon the famed miraculous enlightenment. Check the sword stance progress.

Navii showed him the BSS progress bar

Techniques: BSS (98%)

Ryu was astounded seeing this. He performed the stances again and found them very easy. He now understood why they call enlightenment miraculous. In a single day he went from 45 percent to 98 percent. That's a 53 percent more improvement in one day than 45 percent in six days.

Ryu slept inside an opening in a huge tree. The next day he continued his training making the basic sword stance progress to a hundred process. When it reached hundred percent he felt what he needed to do next. He needs to learn how to perfectly connect all these stances in any way he wishes at any given moment.

There is no manual for this one. He has to have battle experience with swords to make that happen. Ryu was in a dilemma, he needs to find someone who can use swords to further improve his swordsmanship. That's when Navii gave a tremendous idea.

Navii: Can't master just create shadow clones and train with them.

Ryu almost wanted to bang his head to the ground. This is the method Naruto trained to master Nature Change. Ryu used the multi Shadow clone Jutsu and created hundreds of clones. Ryu has already mastered the Jutsu's available in this world from the shop. This does not include Jutsu's that require bloodlines.

All Ryu's started training in sword combinations. Time passed and it was almost lunch time. He dispelled all the clones, a crazy amount of information came to him almost fainting him. Ryu sat down and calmed himself as he sorted through what he learned. Some places he didn't understand was now very clear.

An hour went by as Ryu sat in meditative position with Black Death on his legs. He finally opened his eyes

' Navii, show the status for merging of stances '

Techniques: All as one ( 8%)

Ryu: Navii, what's this All as One technique. Is it another name for merging the stances.

Navii: Master the merging of stances true name is All as One. When you reach 100% for this you can perform any combination with the ease of performing a single stance. That's where the name comes from.

Ryu understood what navii said. After having a good meal Ryu went back to his training.

A month later.

A boy the age of 4 could be seen holding a sword fighting against a copy of himself. Ryu has already put up a barrier so that no one can enter. Any people nearing this place will fall into a genjutsu and go around the barrier. The fight was progressing with extreme speed. The way they moved was captivating. Finally both these figures stopped and Ryu dispelled the clone

Ryu: Navii, All as One status

Techniques: All as one (100%)

Ryu has completely merged the basic stances after a month of training. During this time he would go back home for a short amount of time. Nothing worthwhile happened in the village.

Ryu is now able to perform any combination with ease. Don't look down on these combinations as they can be very deadly. After a month of training Ryu thought it was enough and went towards his next target

' Hidden clouds village '




.Authors note: I made it so that our MC has to personally activate all of their physiques rather than a few. Enjoy