Chapter 36. Land Of Water

Water as far as the eye can see, a few islands silhouette can be seen a good distance away.

Ryu and Kakashi left the village some days ago. They journeyed for days and reached a port. From there they hired a small boat for travel. Their destination was an island west of the Kirigakure. This was the last known siting of their target Fumio Genjiro also known as 'Bloody Butcher'.

This man has pillaged a lot of small villages and killed their entire population. He is a rogue Jounin from the Land of sound. He is proficient in wind and Earth Jutsus. He also possess a sound kekkei genkai, which allows him to fire high frequency sound waves. If not dealt carefully, one may get disoriented and be killed.

' A sound kekkei genkai...interesting ' Ryu thought. During his travel, he fought many weird ninjas but even then, kekkei ninjas were rare. Ryu was looking forward to meet this ' Butcher '. This Fumio was not introduced in the Anime, guess they skipped many side stories and focused on the events centered around Naruto.

Ryu looked towards the ship's corner, Kakashi was standing there leaning against the ship's cabin reading his book. ' I don't understand. What's so great about that book? He must have read it...I don't know how many times. Doesn't he get bored reading it again and again?'. As he was thinking this he heard the captain say

' We are about to reach the port '.

Kakashi closed his book and put it in his bag. He walked towards Ryu and asked

' Ryu, I heard from the Hokage that you can sense people's nature '.

Ryu: Well...Its more like I can sense what their chakra feels like. I can feel if it's evil or good.

Kakashi nodded and said : What's your max range in sensing?

Ryu thought for a bit : A bit more than five miles.

Kakashi placed his left hand on his jaw and looked like he was thinking.

While we were talking, the boat reached the port. We got off and walked towards an inn. Along the way everyone looked at us. I won't blame them, one had silver hair and the other had deep red hair and both of us were shinobi.

Ryu and Kakashi checked into a close by inn. Kakashi asked Ryu to come to his room for discussing their next move. As Ryu settled into his room, he sensed every person around the inn. He could sense a variety of emotions, anxiety, fear, helplessness. The land of water is currently in the midst of civil war. The mist village is purging every kekkei genkai clan that doesn't surrender to them. A lot of clans has already been completely annihilated.

During his years of travel, he found Haku with Zabuza. Ryu already awakened Haku's physique. The only issue he didn't consider is, by the time Naruto and his team meet Zabuza, Haku will be a lot stronger.

Ryu settled his stuff and met with kakashi.

Kakashi took out a map, he pointed to our location and said : Right now, we are here. We need to head towards a small village east of the island. Thats where he was last spotted. We need to avoid any contact with mist shinobi. Even if they are in a civil war that doesn't mean we get a free pass inside their borders.

Ryu nodded hearing kakashi's words. Mist village is known for its cruel methods, even to their own comrades they are merciless. That's why their village is known as Blood Mist village. Both of them rested for the day and resumed their journey the next day.

They took the route shown on the map and reached a village. But when they reached the village, Ryu's murder intent was released abruptly. All he saw was bloody bodies lying around, even children and women were not spared. He could still see the fear on a women's face while holding her child in her embrace.

Kakashi standing near Ryu froze from the amount of murder intent that was released from Ryu's body. He truly was scared. When he looked to Ryu, he could vaguely see a man standing on a mountain of corpses behind Ryu.

Even in his previous life, Ryu always had a line he would never cross. He would absolutely never kill a child or an innocent women. There were several occasions in his past life where he went after organisations that abducted kids for their own profit. He decimated each of these organisations from the lowest crooks to their highest leaders.


Kakashi was horrified by his words. He has seen many bloody battles, he has gone through many slaughters but he has never known true horror like this before. He saw a battlefield where a single man slaughtered men like pigs. He stood amidst these corpses, his figure drenched by the blood of his enemies, his eyes looked at you like a wild beast on hunt.

Kakashi nodded like a puppet. His figure was drenched in cold sweat. He looked at Ryu's figure and thought ' Who was that I saw, he is not someone any of us could fight. Even Minato sensei will die for sure if he fought him. why would Ryu's murder intent represent someone like that?'.

Kakashi kept his thoughts aside and searched the village for tracks. Ryu's mood didn't improve after that, instead it kept worsening. Kakashi felt like he was standing on pins and needles. After an hour of searching they found a track heading to the forest. They both followed the tracks, all along the way Ryu's face was calm and cold.

If any of his friends from his past life were to see him like this, they would definitely think ' Someone's about to die very miserably '. His friends all knew one thing about Ryu and that was, ' the more calmer and colder he is, the more horrifying and cruel he becomes'.