Chapter 37. Kokushibyo

Ryu and Kakashi followed the tracks for hours when they finally reached a large opening. There was a lake Infront of them with mist lingering around its surface.

Seeing the eery surrounding Kakashi removes the headband from his left eye revealing his Sharingan. He looked at Ryu from the corner of his eyes. Ryu was still calm as he looked towards the mist.

Suddenly the mist around the lake expanded covering both of them. Kakashi yelled at Ryu

' Ryu, be careful. This is hiding in the mist Jutsu!! Kiri ninja are attacking us '.

Ryu acted like he didn't hear kakashi, he coldly looked at the mist around him and spoke

' I have no qualms with any of you Kiri. I am only here for that waste of flesh Fumio. Leave now and live otherwise...DIE!! '.

Silence permeated until a eery laugh was heard

' zizizi, a brat who hasn't even grown hair is threatening us. I wonder how your painful cries would sound like. Bet they would be really pleasing to hear. Aaaah..'.

A disgusting voice spoke all around the mist.

Ryu: I will count to five, leave or die!!

Silence followed. Kakashi was worried Ryu would act unreasonably He knew Ryu was strong but he never believed Ryu would be able to kill what he guessed to be atleast three Jounin's. Ryu started counting.


Before Ryu could count to five. A blade already pierced his heart. A man wearing Kiri headband spoke behind him

' All tall no bark, zizizi..

Before he could finish laughing, Ryu's figure he stabbed blurred and disappeared

' After image!! '.

The Kiri ninja was startled and was about to hide when a hand caught his neck. Lighting spread from the hand and entered his body paralysing him. He looked to the owner of the hand, it was the same kid that threatened to kill them if they don't leave.

The Kiri ninja was horrified when he saw the kids face. The kid's face was still calm and cold but he could see a terrifying existence in those eyes. His eyes were those of someone who has slaughtered god knows how many people. Ryu slowly tightened his grip. The Kiri ninja was even powerless to struggle, he experienced hell each passing second as his life left him.

Ryu released his grip and the Kiri ninja's body fell to the ground with a thud. Ryu didn't say anything, his body disappeared and when he returned there was four other with him. He stringed them together with ' Chidori's fourth form Chains '.

Ryu walked upto one of them, he broke his bones one by one then he gouged his eyes out. The Kiri ninja just trembled without even having the ability to scream. The others also saw this and was horrified beyond anything.

Kakashi saw all this happening. He was awed when Ryu killed one and captured the other four, he only sensed three of them. But when he looked at Ryu torturing the captured ninja he fell silent. He knew these ninja were part of the slaughter in the small village, so he let Ryu vent his anger.

After five whole hours of silence and slight whimper from time to time Ryu came back. He looked to Kakashi

' Let's go. We still have one more trash to clean up '.

Kakashi nodded and went along with him. Without Kakashi noticing their way of addressing each other has changed. They travelled for a few hours when Kakashi's expression suddenly changed, he jumped back from his position. Where he stood a moment ago exploded.

Ryu was also attacked but it was ineffective, he casually used gale palm to deflect the dozens of kunai and shuriken flying his way. Ryu and Kakashi were separated, not that it would matter. Ryu looked forward, a man wearing black shirt and grey pants with brown eyes having a tint of red in them with brown hair stood before him. He had a blade like the one a butcher uses behind his back. Ryu said seeing him

' Fumio Genjiro '.

Fumio: Haha, not bad kid. So your village send you and that other guy to hunt me. Are they looking down on me?

Ryu: To clean trash... my village don't need many people.

Fumio was angered when he heard the kid call him trash. He took out his blade from his back and said : You know what this is? Do you know the number of lives this blade has taken?

Ryu's face became colder as he saw that blade. It was using this same blade this trash killed all those innocent people.

Seeing Ryu silent. Fumio assumed the kid was afraid, he walked towards Ryu slowly : Kid, are you afraid to face my blade?

Ryu looked at him coldly and laughted: Fear?Hahaha.... Your Weapon only takes the lives of innocents. Why do I have to fear such a cowardly Weapon. Let me show you what a true Weapon is.

Ryu held his hands to his side and slowly drew out a sword from air. It looked like there was a slit in air when the blade was pulled out.

Fumio looked at the sword in the kids hand. It seemed familiar, he thought hard when a name passed his mind. He denied it immediately. That sword belonged to that demon and that was two years ago, this kid seemed ten years old so he can't be HIM. Moreover that man was active for six years, that would make this kid about three to eight. That is impossible... definitely impossible. He consoled himself.

Fumio taunted: you fashioned your sword like that demon's.

Ryu knew the ' demon ' he was talking about : What makes you think I copied it?

Fumio: hahaha...that man was a bane to all rogue ninjas. that was many years ago, you would have been only 4 years and above when he was active.

Ryu spoke coldly :We will know once we try.

Ryu raised his sword and slashed towards Fumio slowly. In this moment when his anger was off the charts plus the man condemning a Weapon to take innocent lives, Ryu's sword intent changed. All he thought was to cut him.

Fumio saw the attack but his face paled when he found that he couldn't dodge. Anywhere he moved, he would be attacked. He was horrified then he finally realised something. The kid standing before him was that ' Demon '. That ' Demon ' who took the lives of many rogue ninjas with nothing but his sword. The sword pitch black in colour with gold engravings on its handle, the sword feared by every rogue ninja

' Kokushibyo '.