Chapter 93. Become Mine.

Danzo took his stance. He wasn't ready to give up, all these years staying in darkness nurturing his own force, he truly wasn't ready to give up.

Shisui spoke to Ryu " I want to be the one to finish him off."

Ryu nodded. He retreated, Shisui had an enmity with Danzo, he waited all these years for this day.

Shisui's body flicked as he closed the distance between him and Danzo. Danzo was no pushover either

" Wind style : Vaccum Bullets "

He made a hand sign and released a Jutsu towards Shisui. Seeing the incoming attack Shisui didn't falter, his body split apart into a few after images.

The bullets went through him like he didn't exist. There was a reason he was known as ' Shisui of Body Flicker ', there is no one in the village who was able to perform body flicker technique with such proficiency like Shisui. Moreover he perfected his movement technique over the years.

Danzo couldn't keep up with Shisui's speed, soon a short blade impaled through his body. Shisui looked as Danzo's body fell down but he didn't let his guard down, he would never repeat the same mistake he did that cost him his eye.

He sensed the air around him change, he stepped to the side. A kunai stuck where he stood as Danzo came out of the shadows.

Shisui looked coldly towards Danzo's arm, one of those Sharingan was now closed " Izanagi... "

Danzo didn't, speak he kept on attacking. But each time he got close Shisui killed him. Slowly the number of eyes in his right hand closed. Danzo was starting to panic, he didn't realize Shisui was this Strong. Even with his perfect coordination with Izanagi he wasn't even able to injure him.

His eyes trailed towards Ryu ' That monster hasn't made any move yet. If he joins the fray, I am done for. No choice then.'

Danzo's right eye glowed as it changed shape, his Sharingan changed to take the form of a four corner pinwheel. Danzo could feel the drain on his chakra but he didn't care.

" Kotoamatsukami!! "

His gaze was directed towards Shisui, for a second Shisui paused.

' Success! '

Danzo was elated but his hope turned to despair when he heard Shisui speak.

" Kotoamatsukami? Truly pitiful. You treasured that eye of mine for all these years and yet when it was time of great need it failed you.

How does it feel..... Danzo? "

Danzo's lips quivered " "

Shisui " Sharingan can only be used by someone other than an Uchiha if and only if.... it's original weilder grants it.

Otherwise it just gives you a bit Stronger eyesight and that's all."

Danzo's spirit crumbled when he heard that " NO..NO....NO....NO.!!!! I CAN'T DIE HERE. I AM THE ONE WHO CAN LEAD LEAF TO GLORY!!."

Shisui flashed before him " No, you are nothing more than a coward. Leaf will be lead to its glory by the coming generation, not you."

His short sword cut off Danzo's head.

Ryu watched all this silently ' At last..... the tumor has been removed. Now leaf can be at peace.'

Ryu took Danzo's body, he may have been evil but still he was a leaf Shinobi, once. He will be given a proper burial.

Both of them had gathered every root ninja today. Over the days, they manipulated root orders to call back all root member. One by one they woke them all up. The moment they woke up, all of them could feel the curse mark disappear.

Shisui used his Mangekyo to direct all of them towards the wide hallway, after he gathered them, he closed his right eye. A huge amount of chakra gathered towards his left eye.

" Kotoamatsukami!! "

Shisui used his Mangekyo ability to rewrite the will of every root ninja. They were now dead loyal to the Hokage's. His Mangekyo ability can be said to be heaven defying, after all it can rewrite someone's will without them noticing.

Ryu was ok with this arrangement. Even if they somehow managed to break Kotoamatsukami after dozens of years, their allegiance would have already changed. So all's good.


The next day leaf village mourned for the passing of one of their elders. The reason was simple, Old age.

This only lasted for couple of days before it was washed away by the excitement towards the Kage Summit.

Tsunade embarked with Shisui and Ryu towards the land of iron.

Three of them were very relaxed on their journey. Eventhough it's said that Shisui and Ryu were her guards, three of together is a force to reckon. So noone was actually foolish enough to block them.

After two days of leisure travel they reached the Land of Iron on the tenth day. Ryu was actually looking forward to this meet, apart from the Mizukage he had met every other kage or rather thrashed them.

Tsunade and her guards were escorted by few samurais towards the conference room. A huge building came to their view. They entered it, after a few twists and turns all of them reached the room.

Tsunade entered and a voice greeted her with irritation

" You summoned all of us and yet you come late. Are you looking down on us princess Tsunade!! "

Tsunade didn't even need to look at the opposite party to identify who it was " Sorry for the wait. I got delayed by some matters inside our village Tsuchikage."

The one who spoke was Onoki. He wrinkled his brows, he obviously heard about the death of Danzo but he isn't naive enough to believe it was due to Old age.

Two other forms were also present. Raikage and Kazekage.

Gaara greeted Tsunade formally " It's alright Lady Hokage."

Raikage just stayed silent, he was looking at Ryu. He felt kind of familiar with him but couldn't place where. He is sure he has never seen him before.

Ryu noticed this, he grinned as he spoke " Been well since I left, Raikage? "

Ai " Huh? "

Ryu smiled " Don't tell me you forgot? How about now? "

Smoke covered him as he used transformation Jutsu, after the smoke cleared a handsome man appeared before all of them.

Onoki and AI nearly had a heart attack seeing this figure ' F**k!! It's that devil! '

Kurotsuchi who was behind Onoki looked at Ryu's transformation, a memory from years ago surfaced inside her mind.

All of them yelled at the same time

" IT'S YOU!!! "

Ryu smiled " Thanks for all of you care years ago."

Onoki ' Damn you boy!! Who cared for you!!?? You nearly killed me!! '

Ai ' F****R!! Care my ass!! '

Kurotsuchi ' Huh? What are they talking about? '

Ryu undid his transformation. Tsunade asked in puzzled " What's with their reaction? "

Ryu " Well, they trained me when I was a kid. Just that I used this appearance, that's all."

Tsunade looked dubiously at Ryu ' from these two's reaction that's not all he did.'

She was about to ask further when someone walked in. The new comer was a beautiful woman. She had plentiful chest, gorgeous face and a charming, seductive body.

This was the Mizukage, Terumi Mei!!

Mei " Sorry for being late, we had to travel a lot to get here. "

Gaara " It's alright."

Tsunade " It's fine, we also just got here now."

Tsunade was about to take her seat when she saw Ryu walk towards Mei, her guards Ao and Chojiro tensed as they saw him approach.

Ryu got Infront of her, he bent down as he gently took her hand. He placed kiss on the back of her hand and asked looking at her beautiful green eyes.

" Will you Become Mine? "