Chapter 94. Madara Uchiha


A blast went off inside everyone's mind. Tsunade and Shisui nearly had their eyeballs jump out of it's sockets.

Ao and Chojiro who were ready to attack had a nice reaction.

Ao was shocked " "

Chojiro got embarrassed and speechless "..."

The main character actually didn't care about everyone's reaction. He held Mei's hand gently, his deep black eyes looked towards her's.

Ryu was in the late twenties in his past life, in this life he is already an adult. Combining both these lifes he is actually close to fifty years of age. To him all those beauties around him were kids.

But the moment he saw Mei, something struck his heart. He knew she was beautiful from the story but didn't imagine her to be this beautiful. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her, moreover she may be the second strongest here after Tsunade, as a kage that is.

Ryu ' She is beautiful!! Strong !! Enchanting !! She is the one!! '

Meanwhile Mei who had someone propose her " Eh? Wh...wha...what.....what?? "

She looked at Ryu Infront of her. She has never seen such a perfect man. Ryu practiced Chaos Manual, so his body is perfect in every way. He isn't buff but got the right amount of muscles at correct places. Supple skin that will put any lady to shame, a perfect face and that deep shade of red hair showed a particular wildness to him giving him even more devilish charm.

Above all else those eyes, they were so pure. His eyes were deep black, he didn't look at her with lust or obsession, it's more like appreciation. His eyes showed gentleness, warmth, care and... love.

Mei could feel all these from Ryu. She was flustered, eventhough she was beautiful she never knew love. As long as she could remember they were at war. Kekkei Genkai clans were hunted, she wouldn't be spared either if it wasn't for her talent and strength.

She always dreamt about marriage but as years passed that became distant. As she became kage, everyone respected her. Moreover she would never accept a man weaker than her.

But now....

She looked at Ryu and blushed. Tsunade and the rest's jaw dropped to the floor when they saw this scene.

Tsunade quickly got to Ryu's side. She smacked his head hard. Shisui covered his mouth. Both of them dragged him back toward their seat.

Tsunade apologized " I apologise for my subordinate's behaviour."

Ryu was being dragged back, he was speaking even though his mouth was covered by Shisui " Bhy!! ltt ee hoo!! tbis bi ai jife'c naffer!!! ( Hey!! Let me go!! This is my life's matter!!) "

Both of them ignored his protests as they dragged him back. Tsunade glared at him to stop, Ryu calmed down after realising how he behaved.

Mei still had a red face as she said " It's fine Hokage."

Tsunade nodded but she almost fell down when she heard Mei mumble.

" I don't mind."

She decided to stop thinking about this otherwise all she would get is a headache ' *sigh* I wouldn't have taken this job had I known it would shock me like this from time to time. I am amazed how sensei could live until now. I hope he doesn't get a heart attack when he hears about this. '


Meanwhile in Leaf village, Sarutobi suddenly sneezed ' Who is talking behind my back. Also why do I have a bad feeling? '


The little scenario was over. Mifune, head of samurais officially started this Kage Summit.

Onoki was the first one to speak " So, Princess Tsunade explain the details for you summons. "

Tsunade nodded " As you all know, a group known as Akatsuki has been going around collecting tailed beasts. Their purpose for such a thing is to awaken an ancient entity ten tails..."

She explained most things Ryu said excluding the true identity of Obito. All the listeners were stunned as they heard what Tsunade said.

Ai said in a disbelieving tone " And you expect us to believe such a thing. Moreover Madara Uchiha planned this, how naive do you think we are."

Onoki scoffed " Princess Tsunade, Madara has been dead for years now, do you really expect us to believe such words."

Out of five Kage, two already treated Tsunade's words as rubbish. But surprisingly Gaara was believing towards Tsunade.

Gaara " I believe you. I trust Naruto and Ryu. And if they stand behind such an explanation then that's all I need."

Mei " I don't know what to believe, but one thing is for sure, Akatsuki is dangerous. They have already collected almost all of the Bijuu and eventhough One tails is still with Gaara, it's chakra was almost completely extracted that day meaning they only need the nine and eight tails. From this alone it shows that Lady Hokage may be right."

Ai and Onoki was silent when they heard Mei's words. True, Akatsuki had already collected almost all Bijuu and Tsunade's explanation is the only valid one.

Onoki relented " Fine, suppose that's the case then what do you suggest."

Ai also nodded. He wouldn't dare lash out his words towards Tsunade when that devil was standing behind her. Otherwise with his brash personality he would have already broken a table or two.

Tsunade cupped her hand together and placed them on the table " Alliance. All of us should join together to resist this threat otherwise we will fall sooner or later."

Ai " So you suggest all of us join together to resist one small group. Hmph!! "

Tsunade calmly replied " They are not a small group. Madara has an army called white Zetsu whose numbers are known. As we speak they are still multiplying, so if all of you don't want our world to end the I suggest we form an alliance."

Onoki " An army? What about their strength and numbers? "

Tsunade " As of now they have about 100,000 soldiers, that is white Zetsu. As for their strength, don't know. They may be Genin, Chunin or Jounin."

All of them gasped ' 100,000!! '

Ai and Onoki were silent as they pondered, finally they spoke.

Onoki "Fine. For the sake of this world, stone village will join this alliance."

Ai also nodded " Cloud as well."

" Sand agrees. "

" Mist will participate."

Mifune smiled " Since this will be first alliance, then let my samurais also participate. "

Tsunade " Then it's decided. The world's first shinobi alliance is now formed."

Onoki " Don't you think we should elect a supreme commander for this alliance? "

Gaara " I agree. An alliance can't do without one."

Mei, Onoki, Ai, Mifune and Tsunade also nodded.

Suddenly Ryu raised his hand, he had a serious expression " There is something I wish to discuss."

Tsunade frowned when she saw how serious Ryu was " Go ahead Ryu. What is it? "

Everyone listened intently. Ryu cleared his throat, he spoke with loud and clear voice " It's about my proposal to that beautiful young lady."

He looked at Mei as he repeated his words " Will you be mine? "

Everyone standing almost fell down, Ai and the others banged their heads when they heard him speak. When they saw his serious face they thought it was about the war.

Mei blushed again ' Beautiful lady!? Me!? '

She was dreaming as she heard Ryu speak.

Ryu " Hey why are you guys not speaking. It's alright if you don't want to right away. Let's become acquainted first, I believe we will become lovers in the future."

Tsunade hollered " Shut up Ryu!! If you don't speak nobody will take you as a mute. Can't you see that we are speaking something serious"

Ryu said with an innocent face " But this is serious. We are speaking about my future wife here, to me this is very serious."

Tsunade almost pulled out her hair when she heard Ryu. Mei was blushing hard, Ao and Chojiro found this scene to be funny. They have been with Mei for a long time, it would be a lie if they said they didn't know her thoughts.

Shisui simply ignore all of this, he chanted to himself ' I am deaf. I am deaf. I am deaf.....'

Onoki laughed his heart out. It's been years since he laughed this hard. But his body numbed the next instant when he heard Mei speak.

Mei " I... I...I don...don't....m...mi...mind..."

The room was eerily silent. Everyone looked at Mei like a ghost. Mei was suddenly awakened by this turn of events, she then realised what she said and blushed even harder.

Ryu was over the moon when he heard her, he jumped to her side and spoke " Alright!! My name is Ryu Uzumaki. Let's know each other first, Please take care of me."

He extended his hand for a shake. Mei responded and said " Mei, same here. "

All those watching had one thought ' What the fudge!!?? Did a Kage just get bagged!!?? '

This awkward atmosphere lasted for some time until Mifune broke it. He asked for opinion about who will become Supreme commander and everyone unanimously voted Tsunade.

The summit was nearing its end.

Mifune " That's all everyone. We should mobilize as soon as possible. There are some more details to be work...

Before he could finish a voice interrupted him " An alliance That's a first."

Everyone was startled, they looked towards the source of this voice.

A man with long spiky hair sat above a raised platform. He wore red body armour similar like those samurais. He had a large fan behind him, the most obvious thing were his eyes.

They were red with three magatamas inside them connected through a circle.

Onoki got scared seeing this man, he uttered " MADARA UCHIHA!! "