Chapter 95. War

Onoki stood stupified. He would remember this man anywhere, he brought him humiliation and fear once, it's also the reason he hated leaf village but right now when he stood Infront of him again Onoki feared.

Tsunade and the rest had ugly expressions, they didn't even sense him, if Madara didn't speak they wondered if they ever would. The only person among them who felt happy seeing Madara was Ryu.

' So they finally used it.'

Madara sat there like a king, he looked down at everyone and said " So you all plan to go against me? Are you sure you can win against me, MADARA UCHIHA!!? "

A huge imposing manner pressed towards everyone, they were trying their best to not kneel. No kidding, this is Madara reincarnated at his prime. None of them is a match for him.

But a figure slowly walked out from the group, his each step produced a strange rhythm. Madara was surprised when he saw someone brave enough to step up to him. He increased the pressure but this did nothing.

Ryu walked calmly, he came to a pause infront of Madara and looked up straight to his eyes.

Ryu " Madara Uchiha.... I have waited a long time for you."

Madara frowned when he heard those words, he felt something wrong with that sentence. ' It's like he expected..... No, he knew I would return and was waiting. But how? '

Madara " You got courage.'

Ryu revealed a bright smile, but Madara could recognize this kind of smile. It was the same as his when he fought someone strong.

Ryu's body started released pressure, each passing second it increased countering Madara's and shielding everyone behind him. His imposing manner was actually crushing Madara's.

' This kind is not simple! '

Madara removed his pressure, he looked towards Ryu and said " Ryu Uzumaki..... you are strong like he said. Maybe even a bit Stronger than Hashirama."

Ryu chuckled " Thanks for the praise but I believe you didn't come here to chat."

Madara " True. Well since all of you know what I need, either give it to me or I take it forcefully. If you choose the second one you know the consequences."

Ryu " Hoh..... I didn't think the great Madara Uchiha would try to use such petty tricks when he actually send his goon to capture the Nine Tails as we speak."

Madara showed some surprise when he heard him.

Tsunade was agitated " Ryu! what did you say!!? "

Ryu casually replied " Relax, that man can't do anything. If I am right he should appear right about now."

A few seconds after Ryu spoke, ripple formed out of thin air and a figure emerged.

Obito was actually hurt when he appeared. Seeing him Madara commented " So you failed."

Obito didn't care as he replied " Didn't think Itachi would be that Strong."

Ryu " You can take that mask off now Obito Uchiha."

Obito was shocked, he couldn't understand how Ryu came to know about his identity. But he quickly regained his composure.

Madara " Oh! You also know about him. Looks like I underestimated you. I really want to fight you but I guess this is not the time, right? "

Ryu " Right."

Madara stood up, he declared using a loud voice " I MADARA UCHIHA DECLARE WAR AGAINST SHINOBI ALLAINCE!! "

Everyone was tensed, but none backed down. They knew if they did they would lose the first round.

Madara turned to Ryu and grinned " Till next time."

Ryu " Next time."

Obito and Madara's figure disappeared. As they did, kurotsuchi slumped to the floor. It was very hard to even stand up to such a legend not just her most of the guards accompanying their respective Kage had cold sweats behind their back.

Mei was no different, she felt tremendous pressure facing Madara. Ryu walked towards her and asked gently " You ok? "

She was taken back, Mei dumbly nodded seeing Ryu's caring face, she blushed a bit later ' Mei, Stop thinking about weird stuff! '

Tsunade seeing this cursed under her breath ' Brat!! you didn't even ask whether your Hokage is alright!! '

Mifune interrupted their thoughts " Seems like we need to hurry. Now that Madara has shown himself, we need to be alert at all times. His objective is the Nine Tails, if he gathers it then we may not be able to stop him."

Ai was solemn " True, he is Strong. Everyone I will be heading back, I will gather my entire force. And I suggest you do the same. We can't have anyone holding back."

Mifune " Finally, what should we name this alliance? "

Mei suddenly spoke " Since Madara called is Shinobi Alliance, why not take that? "

Everyone pondered for a bit and nodded. Truly a befitting name.

Mei " Also our Alliance will not have any ninja wearing their village headbands instead they will wear one with the name of our alliance! "

Onoki " Good, I agree."

Gaara " Me too."

Ai/Tsunade " I agree."

Ryu interrupted " Wow, good work Mei! "

Mei looked down to her toe as he heard Ryu. She was shy.

Ai/Tsunade/Onoki ' F**k brat! Stop buttering her!! "

Gaara "..."

Before all of them left, Ryu went towards Mei. He took her hand and wore a bangle on her arm.

" This is an inscripted item, it will increase your healing ability. Also it has my mark, if you are ever in trouble channel your thoughts to this seal and I will be there in a jiffy."

Mei's face was red as a tomato when Ryu took her hand. There was never anyone who was this passionate towards her. He even gave her a gift, from how he stood upto Madara and spoke she knew he was very strong.

To know that someone strong will always be there to protect her when in danger caused her to be happy. She nodded like a good wife, Ryu wore it on her hands. He lifted her soft, supple hand and gently kissed.

" Always think of me."

Showing a bright smile, Ryu turned around and left. Mei stood their dumbly, she traced that bangle on her hand and smiled.

' It's nice to have someone protect you.'


Tsunade and co. rushed back to their village. She gathered all person of importance and explained the details of the summit. Everyone was scared hearing about Madara but calmed down when Tsunade said about Ryu being his equal.

She soon announced to the village about the upcoming war and it's small details.

The village was in a rush, every Shinobi had their own tasks especially the prominent clans. They headed various fronts, so arrangements has to be made.

While Tsunade did all this in a day, she notified Sarutobi to discuss something else. She prayed the old man would not die of heart attack.

Sarutobi sat inside the Hokage office taking short puffs from his pipe. He watched as the village got ready for war, he couldn't help but sigh when he thought of another one. But this time it's to protect this world, so he was relieved.

Suddenly Tsunade came through the door, she slumped on her chair exhausted. There were many steps and needs in a war, and she had to assign all of them. This took a lot out of her.

She looked at Sarutobi smiling at her and couldn't help but curse ' Damn old man! He is enjoying his retirement while I toil away like a mule! See how I am gonna take care of you '

Tsunade looked a bit evil when she spoke " Sensei there is a good news I would like to tell you. It's been so hectic that I didn't get a chance."

Sarutobi asked calmly " Oh, what? ".

Eventhough may look calm, he was nervous inside ' I am feeling that same restlessness I felt a few days ago! What's going on? What is she going to say!? '

Tsunade smirked " Oh it's nothing actually. Ryu proposed to the Mizukage and surprisingly she agreed. So don't worry."

Sarutobi's body froze, his body seemed like it had no life, his smoke pipe fell off his mouth on his clothes. Few seconds later his clothes started to burn. This woke him up.


Tsunade smiled " Sensei, sensei,... SENSEI!! "

Sarutobi didn't even hear Tsunade until she yelled, he turned towards her and asked annoyed " WHAT? "

She pointed to his robe " Fire."

Only until this moment did he realise he was on fire, he quickly puy it out. Looking at his now burned robes Sarutobi howled.