Chapter 109. Final Battle Part 7

Mountains were levelled, land was broken, lakes and rivers shifted course, entire region was reshaped. But this didn't affect the two figures clashing in midair.

From time to time, spark and shockwaves spread around. Suddenly a huge figure took shape, it had purple colour with armour all over its body, a sword by its waist. A figure stood on top of this giants head or rather inside it's head.

Ryu watched as Madara summoned his Susanoo. Seeing the huge incarnation of God of destruction before him didn't faze him but instead it brought excitement. His eyes glowed as the mist inside spun faster.

Pale golden light surrounded Ryu's body, slowly golden ribs formed around him, muscle fibres covered these bones. As Madara watched, Ryu's body was completely enveloped by this golden light.

Few seconds later, a huge golden form stood before Madara. This shocked him but as Madara Uchiha, his shock went away as fast as it came.

Madara was curious " Susanoo..... you are not an Uchiha but can use Susanoo. Have an Ocular Bloodline Stronger than Rinnegan, battle instincts probably greater than mine, battle experience equal to mine. Just who are you? "

Ryu laughed " Me? My name is Ryu Uzumaki."

Madara disdained when he heard Ryu's reply " Do you take me for a fool. Hmph, it's alright if you don't wanna say."

Madara made a hand sign, his Susanoo drew out its sword. Flames coated Madara's sword as he swung it towards Ryu.

Unlike Itachi and the others, Ryu's Susanoo didn't possess any other special capabilities, on the surface that is. His Susanoo stood there bare handed. Ryu's eyes glowed,a second later golden mist materialised in his Susanoo's hands and took the shape of a sword. This sword looked like a golden version of Madara's.

Madara raised his eyebrows seeing Ryu's Susanoo materialise a sword but he didn't care. Air was ripped apart as Madara's Susanoo crashed towards Ryu's.

Ryu's Susanoo drew it's sword and cut towards Madara. Both attacks collided, Madara's Susanoo backed up a step. In this exchange Madara unexpectedly lost. But he didn't seemed to care, flames raged above his Susanoo sword as he attacked Ryu.

Ryu didn't back down either, his sword was covered in chaos energy, taking the form of water as he countered Madara. Even if the purity is low, Chaos energy is far stronger than Nature energy. Madara's sword was blasted away by this attack.

' S**t.'

Madara responded. He saw Ryu's sword piercing towards his Susanoo after it smacked away his sword. His chakra churned, his Susanoo moved aside, barely dodging Ryu's attack. He grabbed Ryu's Susanoo trying to pin it to the ground.

Ryu understood what Madara intended, he bend down, his movement causes Madara's Susanoo to lose its grip on Ryu. Unbelievably Ryu's Susanoo rotated in mid air as it sliced Madara's. Like a hot knife through butter, Ryu's chaos energy coated sword cut Madara's Susanoo in half, dispersing it.

Ryu made a hand sign, his sword shattered into millions of light spots. He waved his hand, these light spots gathered above his hand taking the shape of a bow, it didn't have any strings for him to pull. But Madara felt tremendous danger when he saw that bow.

' Kami Sureiyā '

Ryu muttered under his breath. This was Ryu's Susanoo's ability. As he possessed Chaos eyes, he can literally produce any Susanoo ability as long as he see it and even more. But more impressive each ability is, more pure Chaos energy is required.

Kami Sureiyā was one of the abilities he developed, it has the ability to even slay the gods. But as of right now his chaos energy has limited this Bow's powers but it's sufficient enough for Madara.

Ryu traced the bow, his hands pulled the empty space between ends of the bow. A golden string came to existence as did a golden arrow. The golden arrow had many runes carved over its body, its end brought a terrifying sharpness to anyone who saw it. Ryu pulled the string to its limit, his eyes scanned across Madara's body.

The moment Ryu looked at Madara, he could sense something lock onto him. This was part of Kami Sureiyā's ability, the weilder is able to mark anyone. Which means it's impossible to miss.

Gudodama gathered around his body and covered him completely, they attached on his body like a skin armour. Madara knew he may not be able to dodge this arrow. As he watched, Ryu let go of the string.


Air was pierced through, the golden arrow whistled through the air. In an instant it was Infront of Madara. Before he could move away, the arrow pierced his body. It pierced through Gudodama armour and pierced his body.

The energy from the arrow was wrecking havoc inside his body. For the first time Madara spat out blood, his wounds were bleeding buckets of blood. The energy from the arrow was destroying his body from inside. But still his body was regenerating at a fast rate.

' Ten tails sure does have a lot of vitality.'

Ryu dispelled Susanoo, his eyes reverted to normal. He grabbed Kokushibyo as he rushed towards Madara.

Madara was still kneeling on the ground, his body had a hole from his chest to his waist. But Ryu could see flesh squirming about trying to cover it up. Madara saw Ryu rush towards him, Gudodama gathered and covered him, they lifted him up and retreated.

Ryu was not about to let go, his body flashed as he appeared above Madara's head. He swung Kokushibyo, his domain expanded to its limits. A huge grey arc shot out from his sword, launching towards Madara. Vomiting another load of blood, Madara grabbed his black staff and blocked the incoming attack.

But his staff couldn't withstand Ryu's attack and was cut in two. The attack continued and sliced Madara's body in half. Adding this injury onto the previous one Madara lost battle capability.

Ryu didn't finish him off instead he spread his senses, he caught someone move towards madara ' There you are.'

Madara laid down as he looked towards the moon. His body floated up, blood dripped from his body. He tore away the hardened shell like thing above his forehead.

' Gotta release the Jutsu.'

He wanted to release Infinite Tsukuyomi. He was furiously gathering every ounce of chakra when a black shadow got behind him and attacked.

Madara saw the one who attacked him " Black Zetsu!!! You are my will, why are you attacking me!!? "

B.Z " My will is Kaguya."

A second later,

Madara's body bloated like a balloon, Ryu's eyes shone when he saw this. He made a grabbing motion, without anyone noticing a white orb appeared in his hands.

Madara's body now took on the shape of a woman. She had long pale white hair reaching the ground. Her eyes were like the Hyuuga's, a vertical slit was on her forehead.

Kaguya looked indifferently towards Ryu. Her eyes even scanned those who were miles away but when they scanned past Naruto and Sasuke her eyes teared up. Her thoughts were distributed by the man infront of her.

Ryu " Kaguya Otsutsuki, Black Zetsu. Took you long enough."