Chapter 110. Final Battle Part 8

B.Z was actually scared seeing Ryu. He has seen this man's fight, It is also because of him he didn't reveal himself.

Ryu waved his hand, strange ripples spread through air. Kaguya frowned when she sensed this strength, this kind of power is far stronger than Natural energy. Also she sensed space around them being sealed. Not just their immediate surroundings, everything within this entire land was sealed.

Ryu " Kaguya... you are not of this world. I know your past, it's sad but to imprison this entire world to create an army just for the sake of confronting them, I can't have that. I don't give a damn about you or your clan. I will give you two choices,

First, Remove your imprint from this worlds energy.

Second, Refuse to do so and I kill you and erase it.

Your Choice."

Ryu's words stunned Black Zetsu. He never imagined someone to know about his mother's origin. His opinion about Ryu changed.

Kaguya looked coldly at Ryu " You are nothing but a mortal. You are beneath me."

Ryu " Yeah yeah, I am beneath you. Just give me your answer already."

His words provoked Kaguya, a mere mortal was being impudent before her. Space tore behind her and engulfed her body.

Ryu didn't move from his position, his senses spread around. Suddenly a fluctuation came from above, Ryu looked up to see Kaguya shooting some kind of ash coloured rod to his head.

' A kekkei Mora, All Killing Ash Bone. Similar to Dead bone pulse but totally on a different scale."

This was Ryu's assessment of Kaguya's attack. He raised his hand and smacked away Kaguya's attack.

Seeing how easily Ryu took care of her attack, she widened her eyes in shock. She tried to sense Ryu's strength, his strength was weaker than those below. This confused her, either he is weak or she can't sense his true power, she believed it to be the latter.

Veins bulged around her eyes as he activated Byakugan. She tried to look through Ryu but..... failed. Her eyes could only see fog covering him, no matter how hard she tried she still failed.

Understanding that the man infront of her was not to be trifled with, she released her full power. Her forehead split open, Rinnegan red in colour with three tomoe in each circle presented before Ryu.

Ryu ' Rinne-Sharingan.'

Kaguya's body whooshed as she flew towards the moon. Her Rinne Sharingan opened wider as she muttered

" Infinite Tsukuy....

" Hey! now you are pissing me off."

Ryu appeared right beside her, his face showed an annoyed expression. Kaguya felt danger from him so she used Ash bone to attack him directly. Ryu deflected her advance and palmed her. His attack power was brutal, if it hit her she will be torn apart so he used wind pressure to blast her back.

Kaguya regained her balance in midair, her eyes showed bit of panic when Ryu pushed her back. As she looked at him her heart trembled, his eyes were now entirely different now.

Before his eyes were pure black but now.... it was golden yellow with the same colour energy swirling within it. Her Rinne Sharingan was being suppressed as she looked at those eyes.


Ryu's voice was ice cold " Hey, the reason you are still alive is because you are a woman. Don't test my patience, remove your control over this worlds energy or I will kill you."

Kaguya's pupils shrunk when he heard that. It was impossible for her to do what he asked, her body again disappeared as space enveloped her.

' So be it. '

Ryu gripped Kokushibyo, his eyes darted around and finally focused onto a point. He raised his hand and sliced his sword towards that direction. As his Sword sliced through air for a second it seemed like it hit something.

Few seconds later Kaguya emerged out of her dimension. This time her right hand was cut apart, her hand showed signs of growing back but got suppressed by another energy. Due to shock Kaguya didn't seem to notice it.

Ryu's voice echoed through her ear " You are nothing more than a joke infront of a true warrior. If the amount of chakra you possess is in the hands of someone like Madara then he will be a force to reckon but you... you are like a monkey with a bouquet.

You have zero battle experience, your control over chakra is shit simply put you are a waste."

Ryu's words shamed and angered her " I will kill you very slowly! "

Ryu shook his head, his figure flashed and appeared before her, his sword ready to cut her. Kaguya escaped to her dimension but it was useless. Ryu's sword seemed to pierce space itself as it cut off her other hand.

Kaguya was forced to leave her dimension, her forehead was covered in sweat. Ryu walked towards her

Kaguya " You can't kill me. As long as chakra exist, I will exist "

Ryu smirked " How much of an Idiot are you? Can't you see your arms not growing back. "

Kaguya was startled, she sensed her wounds. Her body was trying to grow those cut off limbs but some kind of energy stopped it. Her face got ugly.

" True. As long as chakra exist you will exist. Your consciousness or spiritual imprint is spread through this worlds chakra. Normally its not possible to remove such large amount of imprint as it would take decades, moreover you may hide once you feel danger.

So I had to wait. Wait till you are released from your seal. It took some time for me to seal space around several hundred miles surrounding us, why else would I be late for battle. The Akatsuki and Black Zetsu did a fine job. Now that you, the source of those imprints are here, I can erase those imprints through you. "

Kaguya's face paled when she heard him. Not just her, Black Zetsu was scared witless when he heard Ryu, he couldn't believe what he heard.

Ryu reached Kaguya, his eyes glowed for a second suppressing all of Kaguya's special abilities. His hand was covered with chaos energy as he placed it on her head. The chaos energy on his hand forcefully took control of her consciousness.

Ryu could feel himself expanding, his senses covered the entire shinobi world, he could feel every life form on this world. But there was something common with all these living beings, faint trace of Kaguya's consciousness lingered within them.

Ryu controlled her mind to destroy these imprints all at once. As each imprint got destroyed Kaguya's face paled even more, blood leaked from her mouth.

Black Zetsu took this opportunity to attack Ryu but his body stiffened the moment he saw Ryu's Eyes. Every fibre in his body screamed danger, even when facing the Sage he didn't feel this type of pressure.

Few minutes later, Ryu removed his hand. Kaguya fell down, her mind was nearly torn off. Ryu looked at Black Zetsu.

" Do you know why I didn't participate in this war? "

B.Z was startled, Ryu continued " It's because of you. You are a hidden danger to this world. Because of your physique you are able to quickly escape. If I revealed my strength then you would definitely escape, so I waited it out."

B.Z was horrified, he didn't think twice. His body quickly merged with ground but was spat out the next moment.

" Don't try. I sealed this entire region. You can move around in here but not outside."

Ryu's figure flashed, he appeared infront of Zetsu and grabbed his neck.

" Your part is over, be on your way.

Chaos style : Nine purgatory "

Black reddish flames covered Ryu's hand. Zetsu struggled to get away, his body felt like it was being torn away again and again.

Few seconds later Zetsu was burned to ashes. Ryu's focus turned to Kaguya, she was still conscious. He walked to her and placed his sword above her heart.

Before he could finish the job a serene sound passed to his ears

" Young one, could you please spare her? "