Chapter 111. Peace

Ryu looked towards the owner of this voice.

An old man having Rinnegan with a long goatee floated behind him. He had a black staff which had circle shape at one end with several loops inside in it on his hands.

This was none other than The Sage Of Six Paths himself.

Ryu's face was ice cold, his voice didn't contain an ounce of emotion " Give me one good reason."

Sage was surprised " It seems you already knew of my existence."

Ryu " I can tell when someone spies on me."

Sage laughed dryly. He is a chakra entity that existed through time, even after his death he watched over Shinobi world. He found it odd to see someone as Strong as Ryu, so he checked on him from time to time, just that he didn't expect to be found out.

Sage " I am sorry if I offended you but please spare her."

Ryu " Why?"

Sage " Because she is my mother."

Ryu " And why should I care? It is exactly because of your emotion that brought about such disaster. You may say that you didn't have any other way other than to seal her but is that true?

If you really tried you would have been able to come up with a method to remove her control over this world but she was your mother. You already hardened your heart to seal her but couldn't force yourself to hurt her anymore.

Isn't that right, Sage? "

Sage didn't show any surprise, he somehow expected this youth Infront of him to know this.

Sage sighed " What you said is true. It is also because of guilt that my brother decided to accompany my mother by staying on the moon. "

Ryu " I can't have such a danger be present on my world, my home. I am sorry but I can't accept your request."

Sage " Then I have no other choice."

His staff was pointed towards Ryu, a strange fluctuation came from it. Ryu's expression didn't change.

Ryu " You will die."

Sage smiled " Still I must do this."

Kaguya who was on the ground trembled when she heard Sage speak. She loved her sons but they turned against her and sealed her. This cast a shadow in her heart but now...

She didn't have any strength to stand up, she could only speak as is " Why? You and your brother betrayed me and now you are willing to die for me. Why? "

Sage's eyes showed complex emotions " Mother, we never hated you. It's your path we hated, you choose to sacrifice thousands of innocents to create an army. We couldn't accept that."

Kaguya didn't speak. She wasn't always like Sage described. She loved a man once, longed to live her life with him but she was betrayed this broke her heart. She embarked on the path of a tyrant from that point on.

Ryu could see Kaguya's emotions waver, this surprised him. He didn't want to fight Sage if possible, after all the man pretty much looked after this world for centuries. His eyes suddenly brightened.

Ryu " Fine, I won't kill her but I will extract the tailed beasts and put a seal on her."

Before Sage could reply

" That's my final offer, if you still disagree then I don't mind if we go for few rounds."

Sage thought deeply and agreed. Ryu got in front of Kaguya, his hands were covered with several seals. Chains shot out from his fingers and lodged inside Kaguya.

He pulled his hand, along with his movement Ten tails and another body was pulled out. Ryu used Chaos to remove every tailed beast from the Ten Tails and freed them.

Sage went to Kaguya and helped her. She used Madara's body as a medium to awaken and after that she merged his powers with her's.

Ryu looked towards Gedo statue that remained after he pulled out Ten Tails. This thing contained tremendous amount of vitality, several strange runes lit up inside Ryu's palm. He pushed these runes toward Gedo Statue.

As the runes hit it, the statue began to shrink and finally it was the size of a marble. Ryu grabbed it and placed it inside inventory.

His gaze focused to the body, this was Madara. His body lay there without any signs of life. Ryu placed his body inside inventory as well.

Sage held Kaguya as he showed his gratitude " Thank you."

Ryu waved " Just leave. This world isn't your burden to bear. It's everyone's responsibility. We will protect it."

Sage nodded, he held Kaguya and disappeared. Ryu didn't know where they left but he didn't care. After Ten tails was extracted Kaguya became an ordinary woman she posed no threat to shinobi world. He only placed that seal on her as insurance.

Ryu turned around and joined the others. Everyone witnessed what happened, they were still in shock. First their enemy was Madara, then Zetsu emerged attacking Madara and summoned Kaguya.

But this only lasted for few seconds before loud cheers erupted. Naruto was jumping around while Sasuke relaxed. Everyone showed different expressions but one thing remained same, they were glad to have survived.


After two weeks ...


Ryu was walking through the streets, Kirigakure was different from Leaf. Here the atmosphere is kind of misty almost all the time.

After the war, everyone celebrated for couple of days before leaving for their respective village. Ryu found an excuse and left with Mei. Before he left he informed his parents about Mei.

Akane was thrilled, she always worried for Ryu. Most boys his age already were married or had someone they liked yet he was still single. Ryu already confessed everything except the existence of Navii and his rebirth to his parents.

He told them he was cultivating rather than training in chakra. His parents got a good idea about the perks of being a cultivator, one of them being long lifespan. They too started practicing before they left to train four years ago.

Akane and Hiro didn't care about Mei's age, after all when she becomes his wife she will also start cultivating.

Ryu was enjoying his time here. All day he would flirt with Mei, make her laugh and spend quality time with her. Little by little they got close. Mei really enjoyed her time with Ryu, he was caring, gentle and that perfect face..... her heart slowly accepted him.

Soon a building appeared before his sight. This was Mei's office. Ryu walked inside, nobody blocked him. During these days everyone got familiar with Ryu, they all could see their Mizukage's relation with this man was intimate.

Ryu reached a room and entered. A beautiful woman sat behind a desk. Her eyebrows frowned as she looked through paperwork.

Ryu smiled and asked " Still not done? "

Mei already knew of his arrival, her frown vanished instantly replacing it with a bright smile.

" No. it's just some regular work. "

Ryu walked upto her, he held her hand and gently pulled her to him. Mei was embraced by strong hands, she could feel the warmth of his body, his powerful heartbeat. Her heart fluttered, her face became red as if blood would drip any moment.

Ryu looked at her " It's enough for today, let's go to a restaurant and enjoy a meal. Also I want you to meet my family."

" Hmm."

Mei nodded softly. Because of extreme happiness she didn't register Ryu's exact words. These days she truly felt this man's love for her. Bit by bit he stole her heart.

Both of them disappeared. Seconds later Anbu found their Mizukage missing but strangely none of them panicked. One of them spoke through his mask

" Hope sir Ryu brings lady Mizukage back soon this time."