Chapter 123. Treasured Rainbow

Ryu was unaware about what Madara did, even if he was he wouldn't care. Ryu walked along the streets as he enjoyed some snacks, he could feel few eyes on him but didn't bother. At his level only someone like Whitebeard was qualified to challenge him.

Sengoku was wrecking his brains over Madara and Ryu. He didn't have a clue about how someone their level went unnoticed all these years and why did they surface all of a sudden. He ordered his men to search for their locations, he specified to not take any kind of actions against them. If possible Sengoku wanted to recruit them, with their strength they will be a force to reckon.

Ryu walked leisurely as he ate, his thoughts were much simpler, master Haki and gather the one he came here for.

' Since I have time, I should go to other islands, this world has many awesome places to enjoy.'

Ryu got to the port and bought a small boat. Although he could fly but where is the fun in that, he brought a fishing pole, some basic necessities and set sail. Marines who watched him from afar had their mouths wide open.

' Who sails like that? '

They were shocked but promptly reported to their superiors. Few miles behind Ryu, a ship followed him but didn't get close. The Captain aboard wasn't dumb enough to believe Ryu didn't spot them, infact from the moment they found him he was sure Ryu knew but it seemed like Ryu didn't care.

Ryu laid inside, whistling while the fishing rod was stuck to his side. He constantly used Observation Haki, Ryu could feel his boat slice through sea, he could clearly see drops of water splash onto his boat, he could feel the rhythm of wind as the sails travelled along them, he could also feel huge creatures lurk beneath him.

He enjoyed this feeling, as a Warrior his battle senses enables him to sense what's happening around him but Observation was completely different. Due to practicing Chaos Manual and possessing a Chaos body, albiet Incomplete, Ryu was already attuned with nature and now Observation Haki was like a booster.

It's like, a swordsmen who was well versed in sword arts but his weapon was mediocre but now he was given a weapon suitable for him.

Ryu was like that, he was in tune with nature and it did help him in battle but Observation Haki was vastly different, with it his battle capabilities went up a notch. He could see things clearer.

Ryu was enjoying this sensation when he felt a tug on his fishing pole. He pulled on it, energy covered the fishing pole as he pulled. Quickly a golden fish appeared before him, Ryu was surprised when he saw this, not just because of its colour because of its appearance.

It was atleast forty feet long, with golden scales covering all over its body. At the edges of its scales one could see rainbow colours flashing, it's eyes was as blue as the ocean. Its tails also possessed rainbow colour flashing. Moreover a faint fragrance that made his whole body relax came off it.

' What kind of fish is it? '

Ryu was curious when he saw this fish, the fish tried to break free but Ryu waved his hand. Energy shot inside the fish's head and destroyed it's spirit. Once he took care of it, Ryu placed it inside inventory.

The navy Captain who saw this was stunned ' Don't tell me he has space fruit? But more importantly that fish... he sure is lucky.'

Ryu didn't know the value of what he possessed but it didn't mean others didn't either. The Captain continued to watch, he was confused and bored when he saw Ryu simply lay down and did nothing but fish.

Few days passed, Ryu didn't make any major movements. Any pirate that appeared scattered when they saw the Navy ship.

' What's with that fish? It's been four days, I should reach next port soon then I will know what this is.'

Few hours later he spotted an island in the distance, he kept the sails and manipulated water to move forward. The port wasn't crowded but Ryu could ships from a distance. His boat seemed insignificant when it passed by them, he docked and took out the fish. They were shocked to see him take something out of thin air but soon they focused on the fish. Merchants had stars in their eyes as they saw the golden fish.

Ryu didn't care, he got off and picked up the fish. This curbed some malicious thoughts some had when they saw that fish. Ryu walked upto a fisherman as he asked

" Sir, do you know what this is? "

His question stunned those that heard him. One of them asked

" Son, where did you get it? "

Ryu replied without care " I caught it."

" Oh, how did you take it out of thin air? "

Ryu " Secret."

Some sneered when they heard Ryu, but he didn't elaborate. The old fisherman said

" Son this fish is called ' Treasured Rainbow ', it's very rare to catch one. It has a fragrance that calms down your nerves, it's flesh has a heavenly taste and has high nutritional value. It's said that any grave injury can be cured within days if you consume it's flesh."

Another one spoke " Moreover see these scales, it will always have that rainbow radiance on it which makes it a high quality material for crafting. The last one was seen fifteen years ago, a Celestial dragon bought it for seven hundred million beli."

One more person spoke up but this one caught Ryu's attention " Also after that Celestial Dragon had this fish a Decree was announced, that if such a fish was ever captured, it should only be sold to a Celestial Dragon."

Ryu raised an eyebrow as he finally understood ' So that's why everyone was so focused on it, guess I am lucky.'

Suddenly the crowd parted as few people came towards him.

" Move aside! Can't you see me walking!? "

An extremely irritating voice spread towards Ryu's ears. He turned his head to see a man wearing a suit with few bodyguards around him approach. As the man approached his eyes never left the golden fish.

' It really is ' Treasured Rainbow ' !!! Haha I am rich!!! '

He stopped right infront of Ryu and said with a polite smile " Brother, my name is Rossy, I would like to buy that fish from you. Don't worry I won't treat you badly, I will pay One hundred Million beli, how is it? Not a bad deal, right."

Those who heard him sneered but none spoke up. This man was the local tycoon here, he had some dealing with the Navy so he got away with many crimes. The things he want he will get it one way or another.

Ryu spoke without care " Not selling, since it's a delicacy then I want to enjoy it myself."

Saying that, to everyones shock that huge fish suddenly disappeared. Since Ryu already got the info he wanted he didn't care for what happens next. Seeing the fish disappear, Rossy's face twisted. He yelled

" Bastard!! where is the fish?!! "

Ryu scanned Rossy with his eyes, seeing that cold look Rossy shuddered, not just him his bodyguards also felt stifled. Ryu's apathetic look scared them, it was the look of someone at the top of food chain looking down towards his prey

Ryu's voice echoed " It's mine, so I can do whatever I want with it."

Rossy snapped out of his shock, he bowed down hastily and expressed his apology. He wasn't an Idiot, he has seen people like Ryu before, he may be a tyrant here but he knew he amount to nothing in the real world. Ryu didn't let this guy ruin his mood, he was pondering something else.

' Only a top chef can truly bring out this fish's flavour. Guess I gotta find him.'

Ryu's body disappeared, Rossy felt his body go limp after Ryu left. The navy Captain was watching this whole time, he was prepared to act if Ryu attacked. He knew he couldn't stop him but still from what he saw from Ryu's behaviour upto now, he isn't a madman so he will listen to reason.

He had already reported everything to headquarters, it seems they had already sent someone to speak to him, so his only duty right now was to follow him to until they arrive.

Ryu was enjoying his time when a huge ship approached him, it didn't seem to stop. Ryu raised his eyebrow, pirate flag hung on its sails.

One of the pirates saw Ryu's ship and reported " Captain, they is a small boat Infront of us."

The Captain raised his eyes " Another Pirate? "

" No. Just a small fishing boat."

Captain " Shoot it down and move forward."

" Yes!! "

As Ryu watched cannons bombed his boat, he wasn't in a mood to fight these ants. Ryu raised his hand, his fingers stretched out like a sword. He made a slicing motion. Grey arc shot out of following his actions.

With tens of Marines as witness, that huge ship was cut in two. It sliced through the pirate ship like hot knife through butter.