Chapter 124. Alabasta

Navy Captain was scared witless when he saw Ryu slicing such a large ship like nothing. He was even more scared when he saw the sea suddenly rage and swallow everyone on that ship. It was like a beast chomping down on its prey.

Seconds later sea returned to its calmness, it's like that horrifying scene never happened. Ryu turned his head towards the Navy ship, his boat slowly approached them, the Captain was nervous when Ryu suddenly came towards them.

As they watched, Ryu floated up and landed on their ship's deck. He didn't beat around and asked the Captain

" Do you have a Log pose that leads to Alabasta? "

Captain " No, we don't. But if you can wait, one of our ships will come in a few hours they should have one."

Ryu pondered, he really want to eat that fish, from what those people said this ' Treasured Rainbow ' is awesome and according to him only few chefs could bring out true flavour from this ingredient. After giving it some thought he agreed.

He sat down near the rails as he waited, couple of hours later he saw a ship's shadow in the distance. He saw a familiar figure as well, a man stood at the deck. He had white hair and wore a Captain's overcoat and was smoking couple of cigars. A women wearing glasses stood near him.

This was Captain Smoker and Lieutenant Tashigi. Ryu didn't expect to meet them here.

The ship neared them, Smoker and Tashigi boarded the one Ryu was and went directly to him. His face had that never changing grumpy look as he approached Ryu.

Smoker extended his hand " I am Captain Smoker."

Ryu returned the gesture " Ryu."

Smoker " I am here to speak on behalf of Navy."

Ryu " Alright."

Smoker continued " The Navy would like to recruit you if possible."

Ryu shook his head " No thanks."

Smoker somewhat expected this " Navy is what keeps these Seas safe. You should reconsider."

Ryu scoffed " Safe? Maybe. But I don't like to be a running dog for Celestial Dragons."

Smoker had a vein bulge on his forehead, Tashigi also got angry.

" Watch your words!!. These Seas are safe because of us, civilians could live peacefully because of us, if navy wasn't here then pirates would wreck havoc!! "

Ryu calmly spoke " True. Navy does keep these Seas safe but to what extend. If the interests of a Celestial Dragon is involved then even if thousands of civilian lives are in danger you would just look away, isn't that right Captain Smoker? "

Smoker had veins pop on his forehead but he didn't speak, he knew Ryu's words were right but still he will never waver from his path. Tashigi was red due to anger, she drew her sword and took a stance against Ryu. Smoker was startled.

Smoker " Tashigi! Stop! "

Ryu lazily looked at her " How long have you been training in the Way of Sword? "

Tashigi held her sword in front of her as she said " Years."

Ryu shook his head " And yet this is your level, ridiculous!."

Tashigi " You!!...

Anger got the better of her as she attacked Ryu, Smoker didn't stop her. He didn't feel any ill intent from Ryu so he let her be. Tashigi swung her sword, in Ryu's eyes her attacks were full of flaw. His body moved sideways, she kept on attacking but none reached him.

' Why? why can't I hit him!?? '

Smoker saw how Ryu moved ' He is using Observation Haki.'

Tashigi got flustered as time went by, her attacks couldn't even scratch him. Her heart wavered

' First it was that man and now him..... why can't I become Strong!!? '

Ryu stopped dodging, he smacked her sword away. Tashigi stood like a statue, her eyes showed defeat.

" Navy is justice in most cases but..... they are still lapdogs to Celestial Dragons. As for why you are weak, simple you don't have a reason to get strong."

His words were like needles as they struck her heart ' Reason to become Strong? '

Ryu focused onto Smoker " I don't want to join the Navy, I like to be free. I am told you have a Log pose leading to Alabasta."

Smoker looked at Tashigi and sighed " Yes, but only one. We are going there as well, you can travel with us if you like."

Ryu nodded, he didn't hate Smoker to some extent. They set sail, Tashigi was silent for the rest of their journey, Smoker also didn't interfere, she needs to overcome this by herself. Ryu continued to use Observation Haki, his progress can only be described as monstrous. Each day he made considerable improvement.

Finally on their third day, Ryu reached their destination. Alabasta was different from other islands as it was mostly covered in sand. Ryu jumped off the ship, Smoker watched as Ryu left. He muttered

" Titan."

While they were travelling Ryu folded his shirt when eating, Smoker then saw a symbol that looked interesting. He asked about it and Ryu said

" It's the mark of our group."

Smoker " Group? "

Ryu " Yeah, there is another guy who have this same insignia."

Smoker marked his words and decided to report this. As he saw Ryu leaving, he shifted his gaze towards Tashigi, her eyes regained clarity unlike her depressed state before they reached here. Smoker nodded.

Ryu ' Now all I gotta do is find Crocodile and I will get to eat that fish. But are they even here? '

While he was thinking this, miles away a ship that had a sheep's head at its front sailed towards Alabasta. A man wearing a Straw Hat sat above it, there were others as well.

A reindeer wearing a hat, a girl with blue hair, a girl with orange hair, a man carrying three swords, a long nosed man and finally a curled eyebrow guy.

This was the Straw Hat crew. They decided to help the blue haired girl, Vivi who was the princess of Alabasta. Her country was being controlled by a man named Crocodile who was one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Luffy " Hey Vivi, when will we reach there? "

Vivi " Less than two..... hey! listen after asking a question.

Luffy " Sanji, I am hungry! "

The orange haired girl, Nami patted Vivi's shoulder " Forget it! "

Vivi bitterly laughed. After all this time travelling with him, Vivi knew how Luffy was but sometimes she really wants to punch him.

Nami got serious as she said " Guys we need a plan after reaching there, we can't just blindly run up there. Crocodile has a wide network, we need a plan so it's like this.....

They planned their attack and all but who knows what will happen.

Two days passed like that. Ryu was waiting for them at Crocodiles casino. He made quite some money playing here.

' Where the heck are they? '

He was bored when he sensed few presence enter the Casino. He turned around and saw Smoker chasing Luffy inside. His figure flashed as he got infront of them, Smoker was surprised when he saw Ryu.

" What are you doing here? "

Ryu pointed " I need them for something."

Smoker got serious " They are pirates. I am going capture them, don't block my way."

Ryu didn't care for his attitude " That's your problem. I need them for something after that do what you want."

Smoker stared at Ryu, before he could reply he heard a loud yell.


Ryu laughed when he heard Luffy, he really liked him. Moreover he could feel destiny revolve around him, it's like protecting him. Luffy also noticed Ryu at this point, the rest did as well.

Ryu " Yo! My name is Ryu, mind telling me where that cook of yours is."

Luffy introduced " Oh! I am Luffy, I am gonna be the King of Pirates."

Ryu laughed, he noticed Nami and the others look at him warily seeing that he spoke with Smoker.

Ryu " Oh, good for you. Anyway where is that chef of yours? "

Usopp asked nervously " Why do you need him? "

Ryu " I have a delicious ingredient but I need a capable chef to cook it and yours fit the bill."

Luffy momentarily forgot about his objective, his eyes shined " Food!! what is it!!?? "

Before Ryu could answer Nami knocked his head " Idiot! we are here for Crocodile!! "

Luffy remembered " Ah! That's right! CROCODILE!! "

He yelled out loud, Ryu laughed his heart out when he saw Luffy like this. As they were speaking few waiters showed them the way towards the interior of the Casino. Smoker followed behind them, he wanted to know what Ryu was upto.

Luffy and the rest followed that waiter until they were led to a room. They moment they got inside, Ryu felt the floor move downwards. After few seconds it stopped, the walls surrounding them split away.

Right now they were inside a prison made entirely of Sea stone. Ryu didn't mind, he wanted to see this Crocodile himself. Smoker on the other hand detested these warlords, if he could he would abolish this system but sadly he couldn't.

The surroundings got lit up. A man with a scar across his face stood Infront of them, Vivi was there as well. She was captured earlier by Crocodile. Luffy jumped the moment he saw this man.

" Bastard! Fight me! "

However he fell down after saying that.

Smoker " Fool, that bar is made of Sea stone. You will lose your power if you touch it."

Soto tried to cut it but didn't work. Smoker uses his jutte but same didn't budge.

Crocodile spoke in an eerie tone " You beat few of my men, not bad. However I have no time to play with you."

Vivi used this chance to attack him, her strike went through his head but sadly all of them watched as his head grow back.

Smoker " He is a Logia fruit user. Physical attacks are useless."

Crocodile traced Vivi's face as he said " I will give you a choice. This is the key to that cage."

He threw that key to a pool nearby and said " You can choose to save them or your country, hahaha."

Vivi was about to jump in when Nami yelled " Vivi wait!! Look outside."

As she looked outside, Vivi's face paled. Huge Crocodiles swimmed around, it seems they were underwater.

Luffy " Bastard!! Fight me!! "

He fell again, Ryu watched this and thought ' Is his mind not capable of long term memory? Still it's damn funny, haha '

Vivi shot a look at Crocodile " Why!? why are doing this to my country? "

Crocodile " Haha, you will know soon enough."

Ryu interjected at this point " Hey, where is that chef? "

Everyone went silent. Nami looked at Ryu stunned " What's wrong with you!? we might die and you are thinking about food!! "

Ryu " Die? Why? This cage? "

He walked towards the bars and like snapping a wood twig he snapped few of them.

" Not so hard. Anyway, can you now tell me where that chef is? "

Everyone dropped their jaws to the ground, Luffy had stars in his eyes as he looked at Ryu. Only one thought lingered.