Chapter 125. So Easy

The room was deadly silent. Everyone was staring at Ryu like a monster except Luffy. His eyes turned to stars when he saw Ryu break Sea stone like nothing. Smoker on the other hand was shocked to his core.

' Didn't he have devil fruit abilities then how?...'

Crocodile who saw this scene was scared as well ' To break something as strong as Sea stone bars..... just how strong is he? '

Ryu turn d towards Vivi " Hey Princess, if I were to capture him would you be able to stop this rebellion? "

Vivi who still had her mouth open was startled awake, she nodded like a woodpecker " Yes! Yes! As long as he is captured, my father can deal with the rest."

Ryu then turned to Nami " If her matters are done, can we go find your chef? "

Nami dumbly nodded, her heart couldn't take what just happened. A cage that trapped a Navy captain and her crew was broken apart just like that.

Ryu's face lit up " Excellent! "

His gaze turned to Crocodile who now looked wary, he took on as defensive stance. As he saw how strong Ryu was he didn't underestimate him.

Ryu didn't rush towards Crocodile, he simply walked to him. Crocodile has veins pop on his forehead as he saw Ryu's careless attitude. As one of the Seven Warlords and someone with ambition, he strived to rule but now someone was looking down on him and this didn't sit well with him.

His hand detached from his shoulder as it flew towards Ryu, without anyone noticing a small blade was concealed within it. Ryu didn't seem to care, he waved his hand. The sand started to freeze, like a wildfire it extended through the sand as it reached Crocodile.

Seeing his arm freeze Crocodile was shocked " What!!? If you have devil fruit powers, how did you break the Sea stone!!?? "

Ryu didn't answer, he had already reached Crocodile. Ryu clenched his fist, Smoker could feel some kind of energy wrap his arms

' Armament Haki!!? '

Not just him, as the one bearing the frontal assault of this fist Crocodile also felt it. He tried to get away but his body was sealed by ice. Ryu punched hard to his gut, for a second Crocodiles body bend from middle and was blasted away. His body went through the wall, through the Crocodile pool, through the casino into the sky.

Water started seeping in from where Crocodile flew out but Ryu froze the hole, sealing it. He dusted his hands and said to others there.

" Now let's find that chef."

Everyone was gobsmacked when they saw Crocodile flew out, especially Vivi. Her eyes couldn't believe what just happened, she left her kingdom to find ways to save it from Crocodile and yet this strange man who suddenly appeared beat him so easily.

Smoker was shocked again, his eyes for the first time showed fright. He knew his strength, even if he went all out he couldn't beat Crocodile, atmost they would tie but this guy who Navy wanted to recruit just beated him with a single punch.

According to what he analysed Ryu has different capabilities, he is a Swordsmen, has the ability to fly, has ice related powers and he isn't sure whether he has other powers.

As they watched Ryu's figure flashed for an instant but right now he had a body on his shoulder. Like dumping waste he threw that body on the ground, this was Crocodile. He was out cold, blood leaked out from his mouth as his figure cut a sorry state.

Ryu " Where should we go? "

Vivi quickly answered " Sir we should head to the Royal Palace, my father will take care of the rest."

Ryu nodded, he pointed his finger down. Ground started to crack, seconds later everyone was lifted along with the ground. Ryu had already sensed where the Palace is, he led everyone to fly towards it.

Again everyone was shocked seeing what Ryu did, Smoker was getting numb. His expression changed several times before sighing.

Very soon a magnificent palace appeared before them. Vivi was emotional as she saw this structure, it was her worries that led her to leave this place and now the cause of her problems have been solved. She could breathe again.

Soldiers on that walls already saw something fly towards them, they have already alerted the Royal guards captain Chaka and Pell. Both were trusted subordinates of King Cobra.

Pell got upto the wall, his gaze focused onto that object flying towards them, seconds later his eyes widened. He turned back and shouted

" Chaka! Gather the guards! Princess Vivi has returned! "

Chaka is the leader of Royal guards, he was a tall man with saucer hair cut and a long bridged nose. His face also showed excitement

" Men gather around! "

" Yes! "

Royal guards gathered around in a formation as they welcomed their princess. Ryu gently placed everyone below. As soon as they got down guards kneeled on the ground as did Chaka and Pell.

" Welcome Back, Princess!! "

Vivi didn't care for these formalities, she was like a child as she rushed towards Pell and hugged him. Pell was surprised but he comforted her, he watched Vivi grow up, to him she was like a daughter.

He too was shocked to find Crocodile on the ground bloodied but still refrained from asking until Vivi spoke up.

Vivi " Uncle Pell, he is the reason for everything! I will explain as soon as we meet my father."

Pell nodded, Vivi introduced all of them one by one. As she got to Ryu she didn't know how to introduce him after all she didn't even know his name. Seeing this Ryu introduced himself.

Vivi lead everyone to a large hall, a man with a goatee already waiting inside that large hall. Vivi called to this figure

" Father! "

This was King Cobra, King of Alabasta and Vivi's father. Vivi was emotional as she saw Cobra, she tightly hugged him and cried. Cobra didn't rush her as he returned her hug. Both stood like that for few minutes. Vivi let go of her father and explained everything.

After listening to his daughter Cobra said " I understand but the problem is how do we publicise this? First Navy won't let us, Second would the rebels believe us? "

Vivi and the rest went silent, surprisingly Luffy was silent all this time. His gaze never left Ryu, his eyes were literally glowing as he looked at Ryu who was amused by this, he really found Luffy funny.

Hearing Cobra speak Ryu answered " Easy, he will tell this whole country what happened."

Ryu's finger was pointed towards a bloodied body in a corner. Crocodile still hasn't regained consciousness, his body was badly battered but most powerhouses in this world had one thing in common, a sturdy body so he won't die.

Cobra was stunned " How? "

Ryu carelessly replied " Don't mind the details. He will and that's all you guys need to know. And one thing, get that chef here ASAP otherwise I won't do this."

The last of his sentence was directed to Nami. He knew any words he spoke to Luffy will go through one ear and out the other so he turned to someone with a steady mind among them.

Smoker was also interested in how he was going to make Crocodile speak ' Torture? No, I don't think so. People like Crocodile won't submit to pain, then what is it? '

Vivi ordered her guards to spread news about the real culprit who caused various calamity to their country, including the drought and about rain sand. She also asked everyone that there will be a public confession by the culprit himself in three days.

Without Crocodile, sandstorms around Alabasta was gone, this further cemented people's trust in their king. All of them decided to watch this confession themselves.

Crocodiles organisation Baroque Works had already vanished without a trace. Ryu didn't care about them, his focus was on the young man infront of him. This guy had curly eyebrows, yellow hair and wore black suit.

Sanji looked at Ryu and asked " So what is this awesome ingredient you said? "

Ryu " This."

He waved his hand, a huge golden fish came out of nothing. Sanji's eyes were glued onto it the moment he saw it. Everyone had different reactions, Nami and others were shocked. Zoro and Luffy had drool drip down their mouth, Vivi and Cobra were shocked as well but for a different reason.

Cobra yelled " Treasured Rainbow!! "