Chapter 126. Aokiji

" Treasured Rainbow?? "

Nami was confused when she saw how shocked Cobra was.

Hearing Nami's question, Cobra calmed himself as he spoke " Treasured Rainbow is a type of fish that can never be found unless one is lucky enough to get one."

Nami " But why the shock? It's just a fish."

Cobra shook his head " Nami san, you don't understand the true value of this fish. As far as I know the last one caught was fifteen years ago and before that one was atleast a hundred years ago.

That's not why this fish is so important, it has many advantages. First, no matter how serious your Injury is as long as you don't die or your body parts are not destroyed or severed, you can have a complete recovery if you eat this fish."

" What!!?? "

Everyone on the scene was stunned when they heard Cobra. Their eyes trailed towards the golden fish laying before them. Chopper was ready to remove a portion of it for research but he didn't have the courage since it belonged to Ryu.

Cobra nodded his head " Second, this fish is treasure for Warriors. If they were to consume this fish their body will have tremendous improvement."

Nami " Ah! Then doesn't that mean even an ordinary person can gain exceptional strength!? "

This time Cobra shook his head " No. Only a Warrior can benefit from this fish. For an ordinary human there body can make do with the amount of food they have daily but it's a different scenario for a Warrior, they body needs tremendous amount of energy.

For exceptional fighters their body has to produce tremendous amount of Strength or Power. Over the years they would build their foundation, that is their body and improve but if they have this fish it's very easy. "

Ryu also agreed when he heard Cobra. Items that are beneficial to a fighter can be dangerous for ordinary folks, their body may explode from all that energy.

Zoro who drooled upto this point asked " How much of an improvement? "

Cobra thought for a second " Depends, varies according to the limit your body can achieve at the moment of consuming it."

Zoro was silent after hearing that. Luffy was still staring at the golden fish, he tried to grab it but couldn't move.

Ryu smiled " Stay still."

Luffy was about to yell but his mouth was sealed by ice.

Cobra had already gotten used to their squabble, his expression took on a serious tone as he said " It's scales are best material for Craftsmanship, that rainbow gloss will be present in any Craft you make with it.

And most importantly, last time this fish was caught a Celestial Dragon bought it for seven hundred million beli, he even made a decree that this was be sold only to a Celestial Dragon."

Nami's eyes turned green the moment she heard cash but her expression returned when Cobra mentioned a Celestial Dragon.

Nami " So this fish needs the be handed over to them? "

Cobra " Only if they know about it. Sir Ryu, does the know about it? "

Ryu calmly replied " Yup."

Cobra had a bitter smile " Then it's impossible. If they had no knowledge of it then it's fine, since they know about it someone will come for it."

Ryu grinned when he heard Cobra. He didn't care for these so called Celestial Dragons, he could wipe them out if he go all out but Ryu wasn't bored enough to do that. His objective was delayed so he decided to train in Haki and enjoy fine cuisines and wine.

Sanji was serious when he spoke " Do you really want me to cook this. If you sell it, you will get a sky high price."

Ryu waved " Just hurry up. Don't care for anything else."

Sanji was a cook, his desire was to find the all blue where all seas joined together. As a chef he loved to find and cook with new ingredients and now an ingredient nearly impossible to obtain was Infront of him, his desire to perfect a dish surfaced.

He carried that huge golden fish inside, Luffy was mumbling as he furiously tried to break free but failed. Vivi and the rest actually found this funny, it's almost an impossible task to shut Luffy, even for some time.

As they waited, a heavenly smell assaulted their nose. Just by breathing that in their body felt relaxed and comfortable. Ryu took a steady deep breath, he could feel strong vitality as well as several elements mixed in, his body was Chaos, not fully but still it was Chaos. The amount of improvement he has is negligible but that's not the case for the rest.

Zoro could feel his body strengthen by a very small margin, the rest were the same as well. Ryu carefully sensed Luffy, Usopp and Zoro. Luffy and Zoro's body got strengthened by a tiny portion while Usopp's was negligible.

Awhile later, Sanji came outside with two huge closh on each hand. He placed them on the table and removed the cover. Instantly heavenly aroma spread around, Luffy gulped hard, he literally drooled buckets. He jumped in and was about to munch on everything but got frozen in midair.

Ryu " It's a very small portion for all of us here, don't be selfish and start eating without care."

These two large portion were divided among. Ryu looked at the dish before him, the flesh was perfect shaped with golden gloss, faint rainbow ran through the meat like veins. A creamy sauce lay at its bottom, few flash leaves were to the side.

Ryu cut apart the meat, it was so smooth that he didn't feel any resistance. it's like it never existed, Ryu used a chopstick to place it inside his mouth as he started eating. The moment he bit on it, he felt as if he was in heaven.

' Damn!! This even surpassess Ichiraku by a very large margin!! '

His face showed a content expression. This was absolutely the best food he ever ate. Noone spoke, all of them silently enjoyed their meal, even the very noisy Luffy calmed down as he ate. He didn't have time to speak, his mind was occupied by rivers of golden fishes.

Sometime later....

Zoro was standing inside a pavilion as he held his sword, after eating Treasured Rainbow he could vaguely feel something but he kept on missing it. Luffy on the other hand was same but it seems his energy shot through the roof.

Suddenly a guard barged in " Sir! Please hide yourself, a navy admiral is here!! "

Luffy pumped his fist " Since I got strong, let me try it!! "

Nami nearly fainted when she heard Luffy, she was like a devil as she knocked him down " You Idiot!! That's an admiral!! Guys let's run! "

She ran after saying that but when she looked back she cried. Zoro grabbed his sword as he took a stance while Luffy was cracking his knuckles, Sanji also stood there smoking. Usopp and chopper was hugging each other and started crying.

Silence ensued, few minutes later Cobra walked inside, his expression didn't seem good. After all he was about to handover his country's saviours. A tall man wearing white shirt and pants with blue inner shirt was walking behind Cobra.

As they walked inside Cobra saw Luffy and others ready to fight, he got scared seeing this. He had already told a guard to tell them to escape.

Ryu watched the man behind Cobra with a playful smile.

' Didn't expect the Navy to send him.'

The man behind Cobra is one of the three Admirals, Kuzan or Code named Aokiji.

Aokiji's vision was calm as he scanned the group Infront of him. He already received report from Smoker about the situation here so it's didn't surprise him, what did surprise him is about Treasured Rainbow. That thing is well sought out by Celestial Dragons, among the main goal of his travel here, it's also on his list of objectives.

Befor Cobra could speak Aokiji interrupted " Arara, pirates? It seems Alabasta sure has a lot of them."

Cobra wasn't angered, his thoughts revolved around how to save these people, eventhough he knew they were Strong he didn't believe them to beat an Admiral.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji lunged towards Aokiji.

" Gum gum no.... pistol!! "

" Three sword style.... Onigiri!! "

Luffy's hand bolted towards Aokiji with incredible speed, Zoro charged forward with a ferocious glint in his eyes, Sanji jumped up as he came crashing towards Aokiji. If any pirate below two hundred million beli or without any knowledge stood before them they would be beaten instantly however... the one who stood before them is an Admiral, one of the strongest forces in this world, they never stood a chance.

Aokiji stood still, all of their attacks landed on his body but they simply went through him, his body shattered like ice before turning back to normal. Without giving them any chance Aokiji punched them all away.

Zoro, Luffy and Sanji had shock written on their face

' Why is their such a difference in strength!!?? '

Aokiji was about to attack again when a voice interrupted him

" Why is an Admiral like you here? "

Aokiji turned around to see the person who he came here to find stand behind him with a calm expression. Aokiji couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw Ryu suddenly appear behind him, he didn't even sense him.

' Ryu..... who the hell is he?? '