Chapter 127. Aokiji Vs Ryu

Aokiji regained his calm demeanor, he was taller than Ryu but to Aokiji it felt as if he was looking at a great mountain.

His voice was calm as he said " Of course for you. You just crushed a Warlord and according to the report the crimes Crocodile committed will be publicised. That's not good, it will waver people's faith in Navy."

Ryu didn't show any kind of reaction " And what about Treasured Rainbow? "

Aokiji " That's also a reason why I came here."

Ryu smiled " We ate it though."

Aokiji " Ara, that's a problem but as long as you give me a clear reply on my next issue then I will take care of it."

Ryu showed some interest to his words " Ooh and what is that? "

Aokiji got serious " Where is your stand on Navy and Pirates? "

Ryu laughed when he heard Aokiji " Haha, so that's what you came for.

My stand on Navy and Pirates... simple, if I see a Marine pleasing to the eye then I will talk with him/her, if I see a pirate pleasing as well I will treat them the same.

Same way, if some pirates attack me I will kill them, the Navy's fate won't be different as they will face the same consequences.

I like to be free and I will do things the way I like, Noone! can! change! that! "

Ryu may have said it while laughing buy this scene seemed completely different to Aokiji and Cobra. They could feel tremendous will from his words, Aokiji' expression worsened after he heard those words

' He is dangerous than a Pirate! Atleast they have a clear definition, he is a ticking bomb! '

A thought to capture Ryu emerged in his heart, he felt he should deal with this problem before he could cause any significant damage. Ryu could feel Aokiji's intent, his face showed a bright smile.

Ryu " Let's take this outside."

His body floated and started moving towards the Sea. Aokiji followed him, at first he thought Ryu would choose the desert since his powers would be limited there but he was surprised when he saw Ryu fly towards the Sea.

Aokiji ' Is he that confident? '

He was proud but not arrogant. He could sense huge power emanate off of Ryu not any weaker than him.

Ryu landed near a shore, his eyes scanned Aokiji who landed opposite to him. Luffy and others were watching from a distance. Nami couldn't help but ask

" Can he beat him? "

A female voice answered her " Hard to tell. His powers are quite the mystery."

Nami subconsciously replied " Yeah. He seemed..... wait! it's you! "

A women with hair, tanned skin with the curves of a model sat near a rock, Nami was shocked to find Nico Robin here. She thought she had fled after Crocodile was captured, she didn't expect her to suddenly show up.

Sanji's eyes turned to heart shape " Lovely lady~~ we meet again!."

Luffy didn't care " Ah! Hey here to see him fight? "

Robin smiled " Yes."

Zoro was wary of Robin, he just didn't like that fake smile of hers but if Luffy was ok with her then he was fine with it. Usopp and Chopper were different.

Usopp placed his hands like a karate master " You here for revenge? come on, who is afraid of you? I have beaten thousand men with these bare hands before."

Chopper who was innocent easily believed his words, he looked at Usopp as if he was a god but Nami broke his illusions, she punched him hard

" What kind of nonsense are you spouting!!?? And you! What are you doing here?? "

Robin smiled like usual, Sanji was spouting nonsense as he waited on her. Her eyes focused on Aokiji, for a split second she showed some complex emotions then returned to normal. When her eyes landed on Ryu her eyes showed a bit of hope.

' Can he beat him? '

Meanwhile Aokiji already rushed to Ryu, each breath he took released cold mist. Land around him started to freeze, they were close to the Sea, his powers would show an exponential spike here.

" Ice Lance!! "

Aokiji's body blurred as he got near Ryu, his hand was now formed into a Lance, land around Ryu froze as he saw Aokiji's fist get close to him.

Aokiji ate a Logia devil fruit and that too of Ice. His mastery over Armament and Observation Haki was high as well, he was also well versed in Marines Rokushiki. Aokiji used Soru to get near Ryu.

He was different from Akainu, he wouldn't go over a certain line, that's also why he let Robin escape when Akainu ordered strike on her home Nohara. He could have captured her later but didn't, he felt guilty.

Aokiji's hand struck Ryu's chest but before he could push through, Ryu stepped aside, he firmly held Aokiji's hand. Aokiji felt like his hand was clamped by iron.

' Haki! To this extent! '

He could feel huge amount of energy from Ryu's hand, this energy was very refined as well, not a bit seemed chaotic. His face turned grave.

Ryu was confident in his strength but not arrogant, when Aokiji showed up he instantly released his seal upto the Seventh ring.

Ryu chopped Aokiji's hand, this move seemed simple but Aokiji's expression sank. If this hit him, he may lose his hand. He turned his body into ice barely saving his hand. Aokiji retreated, he jumped high up. His body pierced through the air, he placed both his hands to his side

" Ice Age!!! "

Icy mist shot out of his hand as it froze the sea, Ryu turned a blind eye to his attack, his body blasted towards Aokiji. About few miles of Sea was frozen, Aokiji landed on this ice foothold. This was his forte, it may be possible to beat him in this location but it's impossible if someone wants to capture him when he stands on ice.

Like a hammer striking metal, Ryu's foot kicked Aokiji. He crossed his hand above his chest, defending the incoming attack but he underestimated Ryu's strength. Huge force coursed through his hand as they cracked, the ice shield he used to cover his arms broke away due to impact, his body was blasted away.

Aokiji's body crashed through the entire length of ice and skid on the water surface for some distance before he regained his footing. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, ice spread around from his feet as he stood back up.

He waved his hands, huge amount of water froze from all sides as it gathered above him. A huge land mass was formed, waves and waves of water froze as it supported this humongous piece of ice.

Aokiji gestured his hand, this huge mass of Ice was thrown towards Ryu, all of this happened in less than ten seconds. Ryu didn't attack him, when he saw Aokiji throw that land of ice to him, he grinned.

Ryu jumped towards the incoming ice, his right touched it as he spoke

" Nine Purgatory."

Blackish red flames erupted from his hand, at first compared to the ice his flames seemed insignificant but a second later Aokiji face showed a shocking expression. He saw the huge Ice mass getting devoured by that weird Blackish red flames and turn to nothing.

' He has both Ice and Fire ability!!?? is it the temperature fruit? But that fruit didn't have such battle capabilities!! And that fire.... just what is it!!?? '

Ryu was floating in mid air, he looked at Aokiji who's expression turned worse after he saw Ryu's attack. Ryu didn't explain, his figure disappeared in an instant as he got above Aokiji, his fist vibrated slightly as he threw a punch at him.

Aokiji was astonished when he saw Ryu appear near him, his Haki didn't pick up anything. He coated his fist with Haki, his right hand turned pitch black with a reddish glow. He threw caution to the wind, he couldn't dodge anyway so he choose to go for it. Both their fists collided, Aokiji felt his bones creak as his arm striked Ryu's.

Ryu was calm as before, the only reason he came to this world was to gather someone, since he was late he decided to train as well as enjoy good food and wine. That's also the reason he didn't care where Madara went, as long as he found him before they left that was fine.

If there is anyone he is interested to fight then it would be Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido, Hawkeye, Garp and few other interesting people, this didn't include the three Admirals. Only they have that kind of power and abilities to go toe to toe with Ryu and Madara. Other than these, he is very interested in various things of this world and that's it. With Madara and Ryu's strength these three Admirals are like kids before them.

Aokiji got his arm crushed by Ryu's attack, he was smashed deep inside the ice layer. Few seconds later ice cracked as Aokiji surfaced. His body had many small wounds, blood painted his white dress and most importantly his arm was now hung to his side like a dead wood.

Cobra who saw this from a distance was terrified, he has never seen an Admiral this distressed. The stark contrast between Aokiji and Ryu appearance was evident in their strength.

Aokiji's clothes were torn all over, his body was riddled with innumerable small wounds, blood dyed his clothes, his right was useless. Ryu on the other hand didn't have a single scratch on him, moreover he seemed to be smiling.

Cobra was shocked when a thought surfaced his mind

' No way!! is he holding back!!?? '