Chapter 133. Whitebeard

Good news seldom travels far whereas bad news spreads like wildfire. Akainu and Kizaru nearly dying and still in treatment spread throughout the Seas. Sengoku tried his best keep everything under control but alas with Kizaru out of the picture for weeks their capability to react quickly was damaged.

While Sengoku was wrecking his brain on how to solve various issues, on an island far away a man with deep red hair and perfect features was reading the paper.

" Haha, looks like you are having fun Madara."

Ryu shook his head and laughed. It's only now did he hear about Madara thrashing those two arrogant bastards. Ryu could see details about him and Madara listed out including them being in the same group.

' Looks like Smoker did report my words.'

Ryu didn't care. His gaze was fixed towards east of the Island, he could sense several strong presence in that direction especially one of them, his aura stood out like a bright glare in darkness.

Slowly Ryu walked in that direction. As he got close he could hear loud cheers and laughter. From a distance Ryu saw many pirates having drinks while laughing their heads off. A huge man sat on a chair behind them. His figure gradually approached them.

These people Ryu saw from a distance was the crew of Whitebeard, the strongest Man in the world. Marco and the others were drinking merrily when they sensed someone approach. Usually they wouldn't mind but there instincts kicked in when he approached.

Marco, leader of Whitebeard crew first division looked towards Ryu's direction. His pupils shrunk when he saw this figure, his merry attitude changed as he got serious. Soon Ryu reached them, he was standing directly Infront of Marco and the others.

Marco and the rest were daunted, Ryu's figure looked like an insurmountable mountain. The pressure his body gave off came crashing on them, Marco have only ever felt this kind of strength from his father Whitebeard but as Whitebeard's son he wouldn't fear anyone.

" Why are you here Ryu Uzumaki? "

Ryu " Not a nice welcome but I will take it. I am here to meet Whitebeard."

Ryu's eyes shifted to that huge figure sitting on a chair. His body possessed many scars, a Bisento was resting to his side but the most eye-catching thing about him was his Mustache. They were white with its ends curled up from its side.

This was Whitebeard, also known as Tremor man.

Marco's body got lit up in flames " And what do you want with father? "

Ryu smiled " I am only here to have a drink with your father. He is someone I respect."

Ryu's words stunned Marco, he couldn't believe his ears but his gut told him that this man infront of him wasn't lying.

Whitebeard who was silent all this time laughed " Gugugugu, brat big tone there. Are you worthy to have a drink with me? "

Along with those words a huge will imposed on Ryu. This was Whitebeard's Overlord Haki, his was many times higher than Big mom's.

Ryu didn't even bat an eye, an equally strong will erupted from him and clashed with Whitebeard's Haki. As their will collided world trembled, even the entire island was affected.

Whitebeard withdrew his will, his eyes showed surprise but smiled " Gugugugu, you had better prepared some good drink!! "

Ryu smiled, he turned his hand. A giant gourd appeared before him. Ryu unplugged it's stopper, a faint aroma spread out. Whitebeard's eyes brightened, he enjoyed drinking but good sake was hard to come by. Whatever was inside Ryu's bottle kindled his hunger for drinks.

Ryu produced a small gourd while he threw the large one to Whitebeard. Whitebeard caught it, he took a whiff. The faint aroma from inside really drew him in.

Both of them stared at each other and downed their drinks. Whitebeard could feel his gut burn when he drank that sake, it was the best he had drunk in all these years.

Whitebeard wiped his mouth with his elbow " Gugugugu, brat this is great!! So why are you here."

Ryu didn't speak and smiled. His figure vanished as he appeared infront of Whitebeard's chest. Ryu figure looked tiny when compared to Whitebeard. He placed his palm above Whitebeard's chest, for an instant his palm glowed green then vanished.

Ryu was watching Whitebeard's reaction when he suddenly moved but what he saw made him respect the man even more. Whitebeard's eyes didn't show an ounce of fear, he didn't attack Ryu either.

In the next instant Whitebeard coughed out buckets of black blood.

" FATHER!! "

" BASTARD!! Get away from father!! "

" Kill him!! "

" Die!! "

Marco, Jozu and the others were a bit slow but seeing their father cough out blood their eyes turned red with rage. Marco's body lit up in flames, his body turned into a blue phoenix. He clawed towards Ryu.

Flower vista, one of Whitebeard crew division leader attacked Ryu with his sword.

Jozu's body turned into diamond as he charged at Ryu.

In an instant Ryu faced the entire strength of Whitebeard crew with none of them holding back and going for the kill. But Ryu's face was calm, like a leaf dancing to the wind his figure dodged every one of their attacks.

" Whoa!! You guys didn't hold back but before you attack me shouldn't you look back? "

Marco was a doctor, he quickly got to his father but when he checked Whitebeard's body he was shocked.

Whitebeard yelled " Stand down you brats!!! Don't you dare shame me!! "

Jozu and the others stopped attacking, their eyes showed worry as they looked at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard looked at Ryu and growled " Did you pity me!!?? "

Ryu shook his head " No, absolutely not."

Whitebeard's tone got dangerous " Then why did you heal me? "

Juzo and the others were stunned. Seeing their expression Marco explained

" Fathers's old injuries are healed! His health has even improved! "

Ryu didn't bother with their reactions, his face was calm as he said " To answer your question first tell me this, why didn't you take the throne and become king of pirates? "

Whitebeard's face showed surprise then it turned into satisfaction " I have everything I need right here."

Ryu smiled " That's why. Enjoy your time with them and atleast make them strong enough when it's your time to go."

Whitebeard was startled then laughed out loud " Gugugugugu, if that's the case then thanks!!! Gugugugu."

Ryu nodded, his vision shifted onto Marco " He won't live forever, as a father he would like nothing more than one of you to inherit his mantle, through you his name will live on but for that you need to be strong."

Marco and the others were silent. They knew what Ryu's words meant but they purposefully ignored it. The thought of Whitebeard dying brought grief to them but Ryu's words also awakened them.

Ryu's figure floated as he said to Whitebeard " I will be traveling through the seas and I may go into some of your territories I hope you don't mind."

Whitebeard laughed " Gugugugu, do what you want just don't kill any innocents."

Ryu nodded and left. Marco and the others were left in thought, Whitebeard was content when he saw his idiotic sons finally growing up. He grinned

" What are you all down for!?? Let's drink!! "

Marco and the rest snapped back, they resumed their merry attitude but a firm will took root in their hearts.

Ryu's figure was moving with incredible speed, his next destination was one he was most interested in going.

Fishman Island.

Mermaids were myths in his precious life, now that he is able to see them ofcourse he will go there. Soon he reached the island from where one departed towards Fishman Island.

Sabaody Archipelago.

Ryu could see bubbles float around even from a distance.

' Interesting.'

His figure flashed and now he stood near a groove. His sudden appearance startled people, they were even more shocked when they recognised him. Even after Sengoku raised his bounty noone dared to even dream of hunting him down, rather his popularity increased.

Ryu was a natural stunner, his perfect face and beautiful skin with that deep red hair and perfect body made him a dream of every girl.

Ryu was walking around and asking for directions to Fishman Island. It was at this moment he spotted a figure in the distance.

' Look like I found my guide.'