Chapter 134. Fishmen Island

Ryu's eyes focused on a man some distance away from, he had white spiky hair with a cross bandaid on his forehead, his mouth was shaped like a trumpet.

Ryu walked towards this man, people around his stepped back for him to move. Seeing such a commotion that spiky haired man looked back. His face paled when he saw Ryu walking to him.

" Hachi..... will you guide me to fishmen Island? "

" Huh??? "

Hearing Ryu's words Hachi was surprised, he thought the man was here to capture him. After Arlong's defeat he left their crew and lived peacefully on this island. He would visit Fishmen Island from time to time.

Hachi was cautious " Why do you want to go to Fishmen Island? "

Ryu stated " It's an interesting island."

Hachi " ??? "

Ryu " So you gonna do it or not? "

Hachi was still considering, he knew who was talking to him. It's exactly because of that he is afraid to bring him there, after all the man did kill an Emperor.

Hachi asked cautiously " You won't harm anyone.... right? "

Ryu chuckled " Don't worry."

Hachi nodded, he had no choice in the matter. Even if he refused Ryu could drag him along, it's already surprising for him that someone like Ryu asked him rather than order him.

Both of them stood at the edge of Saboady Archipelago, Hachi asked Ryu " Where is your ship? Did you coat it? "

Ryu " Don't have one."

Hachi was shocked " What!? Then how do you want to get there. Humans can't breathe that deep in the ocean."

Ryu " Don't sweat the small stuff. Lead the way."

Hachi hesitated before jumping into the sea. His shirt was torn as he showed his other pair of arms. Hachi is basically an octopus so it's obvious he would have more than one pair of limbs.

Ryu also jumped in, his body was covered with a thin layer of energy. Hachi watched in shock as Ryu's body floated without dropping down, it seemed as if he was breathing through that thin layer of energy.

Hachi shook his head and said " Fishmen Island is ten thousand meter down, don't lose sight of me, it gets pitch dark down there."

Ryu nodded. Hachi lead the way and Ryu was right behind him. With Ryu's eyes it's not a problem for him to see even in darkness so he didn't worry. Hachi's body moved with the current, as expected of a Fishmen his speed was amazing when in water.

Without a ship it's pretty easy to travel to Fishmen Island. Both of them transversed through some crooked paths before reaching their destination.

Ryu was amazed, a huge bubble appeared before him. It was so beautiful to watch, like a bright pearl it just floated there. Hachi also showed a smile. Shortly after their arrival few soldiers showed up up, they held spears and rode sea creatures.

Seeing a human stand without a care deep down here stunned them. They saw Hachi beside the human and asked

" Hachi, who is this human?? "

Hachi " This is sir Ryu Uzumaki. He is here to visit our island."

" How is he able to breathe under water? "

Hachi shook his head " I don't know."

The soldiers pondered for some time before speaking " Fine, take him inside. I will report this to his majesty."

Hachi nodded, he lead Ryu through the gate and entered the island. Ryu was like a curious kid as he looked around. He could see various types of people with different colours and shapes stroll around. And among them were mermaids, his eyes shone when he saw them.

As an earthmen he was excited to see a myth stand before him. Not only was Ryu watching everyone, they were also curiously looking at him as well. His figure was especially a delight for women. Some of them were bold enough to talk to him, Ryu was a perfect man moreover it's rare to see humans like Ryu so this made them even more curious.

Hachi excused himself but Ryu knew where he was going. If he was not wrong Hachi was going to report to Neptune about his arrival. Ryu didn't mind it as he was looking forward to meeting Shirahoshi, her power piqued Ryu's interest.

The area got a bit crowded as Ryu was surrounded by women. He didn't shoo them away instead he answered their questions and talked with them. With tons of people as guides Ryu walked around enjoying food as well the beauties around him.

Suddenly he looked up, he could see a figure descending. The guy was huge, he had a trident in his arms with long curly hair and a crown on his head. Instead of legs he had a fish tail with shiny blue scales.

This person was Neptune, king of Fishmen Island. As soon as he got Hachi's report he rushed towards Ryu to receive him. Hell the man was able to get inside Big mom's territory and kill her with all her crew watching, his strength was not something he or Fishmen Island could withstand.

Neptune gave a respectful greeting " Sir Ryu it's an honour to meet you."

Ryu also his respect " Nice to meet you too. I am surprised you could recognize me."

Neptune spoke in a respectful tone " Please don't joke sir, your strength and fame precede you."

Ryu laughed " Haha, don't mind it. I am just here to sightsee."

Neptune was relieved when he heard that. People with Ryu's strength would find it beneath them to lie towards weak people like them.

Neptune " If so may I invite sir to the royal palace."

Ryu nodded " Ok."

Neptune lead Ryu towards the royal palace. While they were chatting everyone around them was stunned to see king Neptune himself come down to greet a human.

Ryu was lead to a huge palace, it was magnificent. Every island has their own way of doing things Fishmen Island was no different. Their ability to construct was mostly centered around resources around them.

Ryu entered the palace, Neptune's three sons Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi and Manboshi was standing with few soldiers behind them. When they saw Ryu all of them saluted, this was the courtesy given to the strong.

Neptune introduced his children to Ryu, from the time they met to this point Neptune kind of understood Ryu's character so he wished for his sons to befriend him.

Fukaboshi and the other two were not like humans, they didn't have evil within them so when their father told them to be respectful and befriend Ryu they didn't hold back. As they were also incharge of military they asked Ryu many things, seeing three huge Fishmen act like kids made Ryu smile.

As they were speaking a figure was peeking from a corner. Ryu had already sensed this person, he didn't point it out. Neptune who was watching his sons behaviour let out a hearty laugh, he was about to leave when he saw someone peeking from a corner.

" Shirahoshi, come and meet sir Ryu. "

From the corner a huge figure came out, this person was even slightly bigger than Neptune. This was Neptune's youngest child, Shirahoshi. A beautiful mermaid.

Ryu was actually a bit shocked when he saw Shirahoshi ' Mermaid princess is pretty apt for her.'

Shirahoshi was shy and a bit scared. But she was curious so she came out to see the human her father invited personally.

" Hel...hello."

She hid behind her father after saying that. Neptune encouraged her and told her to be not afraid. Ryu turned around and faced Shirahoshi, his senses picked up the same feeling he gets when he sees Naruto.

' Her heart is very pure.'

Ryu raised his hands, water froze and it took the shape of Shirahoshi herself. It was so beautiful to watch, Shirahoshi was amazed. Without noticing she was already near Ryu watching that small sculpture took shape.

After Ryu was done, he waved his hand. That small sculpture floated towards Shirahoshi. Her eyes brightened as he carefully held it. She smiled beautifully

" Thank you."

Ryu smiled, it's rare to see someone like Naruto but to think he would meet someone like him.... he smiled as he looked at Shirahoshi. Her heart was so pure, it was like a gentle ray of light soothing his heart.

Ryu spoke " Do you like it? "

Shirahoshi nodded happily " I do."

Everyone laughed merrily, that bit broke the ice between Ryu and Shirahoshi. Like a chirping bird Shirahoshi asked Ryu about how it was like to live on the surface. To satisfy her Ryu answered everything with detail.

Neptune prepared a grant feast for Ryu, all of them ate together. Ryu asked Shirahoshi " Do you wanna go the surface? "

Neptune and the others were stunned. Shirahoshi had stars in her eyes " Can I? "

Ryu laughed " Haha, why not? If you want we can go up anytime you want."

Neptune was hesitant, he wanted to stop them but seeing that happy smile on his daughter's face he stopped. Just then Ryu's words echoed in his mind.

' I know what you worry about. It Poseidon, isn't it? '

Neptune was shocked ' Sir Ryu, you... '

Ryu ' Don't worry. I don't care for her powers. You worry for her safety and you should as a father but don't worry if anyone dare to harm her... death is the only redemption for them.'

Neptune could feel a fierce aura erupting from Ryu, this didn't affect his children but he could feel it. His heart trembled, Ryu took back his intent. Neptune nodded stiffly, he was relieved but at the same time was confused.

' Sir Ryu why go this far for someone you just met? '

Ryu ' She is similar to my brother, her heart is pure and innocent.'

Neptune was stunned but he was relieved ' So his brother is like Shirahoshi? Hard to believe, just based on his aura alone he has killed hundreds if not thousands.'

Shirahoshi was excited " When can we go? Should I prepare? I should pack some snacks! "

She was very jumpy, Ryu shook his head and smiled. Neptune had some snacks prepared for them especially that candy famous in their island. Shirahoshi was done preparing.

Ryu floated in mid air, he saw Shirahoshi come, she had a small pack with her. Small for her big for Ryu, he told her he would keep it and placed it in inventory. He then turned to her and said.

" Let's go."