Chapter 135. Promise

Ryu covered Shirahoshi with his energy, Shirahoshi felt very comfortable and at ease. But her eyes showed excitement, she has dreamed to see the surface for years, she yearned to see the Sun rise.

Ryu smiled lightly when he saw how fidgety she was. Water paved way for them, Ryu and Shirahoshi slowly rose from the depths of Sea.

Soon they broke out of Sea, Shirahoshi closed her eyes due to the sudden increase in intensity of light. It took her few seconds to adjust, she slowly opened her eyes.

Water as far as the eye can see, they waved about reflecting the light from the Sun. A beautiful smile bloomed on her face as she saw this. She took a deep breath and enjoyed the gentle light that touched her.

Ryu chuckled ' She really is a kid.'

Shirahoshi turned around and saw an island. Bubbles floated above and when it reached certain height they popped. Her eyes stared when she saw that.

" Ryu san! Ryu san! What's that?? "

Ryu chuckled " Calm down. That's an island called Sabaody Archipelago. It's actually not an island rather a mangrove. Due to its special nature bubbles rise from the ground like those you saw."

Shirahoshi listened intently, Ryu asked " Wanna go to that island? "

Shirahoshi nodded like a woodpecker. Ryu used his energy to pick her up and strolled towards the Island.

While Ryu and Shirahoshi were walking towards Sabaody, the entire island was thrown into a mess. People had seen Shirahoshi appear and this caused an uproar. Mermaids were rarely seen and they were captured and sold for high price.

More beautiful a mermaid is, more price they fetch. And according to standards Shirahoshi tops the list. Her beauty spread around the island, people with ill intentions had already made their move.

Ryu strolled around the island with Shirahoshi. Like a curious kid she went around everywhere. People stared at Shirahoshi's beauty, some even had ill intentions but seeing the figure near her send shivers down their spine.

Shirahoshi was over the moon " Ryu san! Ryu san! I want that one! "

Ryu laughed " Haha, alright."

Like a big brother, he indulged her every need.


Sengoku had received report regarding Ryu appearing with a mermaid. His heart sank when he saw where they appeared. Aokiji who had already recovered was sitting Infront of him. Garp was also there.

Aokiji's had a grave expression " Sabaody is like a backyard to the Celestial Dragons. If they see that mermaid..... this could get ugly."

Sengoku looked at Garp " Garp! We will move!"

Garp shook his head " Useless!! That Madara guy didn't even sweat when he beat the hell out of Kizaru, Akainu and those three CP0 monkeys. If my guess is correct this Ryu kid might be even stronger! "

Sengoku " There is no other choice! If a Celestial Dragon were to try and capture that mermaid then he will kill them."

Aokiji spoke bitterly " He isn't a lunatic but if he is provoked then he will become one."

Sengoku had a headache when thought of all these. If he could keep those Celestial Dragons in check then everything will be fine. Akainu and Kizaru had just gotten out danger and recuperating. It will take weeks before they are back to their peak strength.

Aokiji sighed. There was no other way if such a situation arises.

Garp " Sengoku, I won't come."

Sengoku was enraged " Garp!! At this time are you still being stubborn!!?? "

Garp snorted " I serve justice not those damn Dragons. If they decide to court danger then they must be ready to face the consequences."

Sengoku gritted his teeth in anger. He knew this might happen, Garp never served them. It is also because of this reason he never became an Admiral as they have to help them under these circumstances.

Garp spoke " Don't go even if they are killed. It's just a waste of strength, we can't beat him and if we insist on catching him then he will kill us."

It was at this moment a marine barged in.

" Sir!!! it's not good!! "


Ryu and Shirahoshi laughed merrily as they strolled around Sabaody.

Suddenly Ryu's eyes darted towards a certain direction. People around them kneeled as a group consisting of dozens of men in black suits and soldiers with a man sitting on top a human slave approached Ryu and Shirahoshi.

The man atop the human slave had his eyes glued onto Shirahoshi, his expression showed lust, obsession and very other disgusting emotions.

This man was a Celestial Dragon. Sengoku's fear did come true. A Celestial Dragon did make a move on Shirahoshi.

" Men bring me that mermaid!! "

Those around his walked upto Shirahoshi with cuffs and a slave collar. But before they could get close all of them fainted. That Celestial Dragon was enraged

" How dare a low life like you attack my men."

Saying that he shot at Ryu.

Ryu's eyes were cold. He didn't like the way the trash Infront of him looked at Shirahoshi, he looked at her like she was his property.

Ryu didn't move, the bullet hit his body.


A loud metal colliding sound was heard. Everyone was shell shocked at what they saw, Ryu's voice echoed

" So you think you can take whatever you want? "

He walked towards that Dragon. Each step he took was like hammer in everyone's heart especially that Dragon. His body shivered all over.

" Don't come close, if you harm me an Admiral will come and you will be beheaded! "

Ryu's step halted, seeing him stop the Celestial Dragon was relieved. His arrogant nature surfaced

" Hmph! Afraid now? Too late, Low life now surrender that mermaid and wait for your punishment!! "

Ryu's face showed a cruel smile, he waved his hand. Shirahoshi who was scared all this time fell asleep. His voice brought out terror in everyone.

" Hooooh, I was going to kill you instantly but your words gave me an idea....tearing flesh apart piece by piece is very painful... isn't it? "

A cold wind brushed past everyone as he said that. People surrounding them felt hearts beat faster, sweat rolled down their face.

' That lunatic!! He isn't going to torture the Celestial Dragon, Is he!!?? '

That Celestial Dragon guy stumbled back, his pale. His legs already gave in, he was lying on a pool of his own waste.

" can' a .... Celestial..... ancestors... brought peace to this you can' can't.... "

Ryu smiled coldly " Peace?.... this so called peace is only limited when it concerns you interests. If situations like this arise you won't care such a thing."

His figure flashed as he grabbed that dragon's neck. Earth rose beside him, Ryu nailed that dragon to it. He poked several of his pressure points to restrain him and also to increase his sensitivity towards pain.

Ryu forced open his mouth and fed him a pill. The moment the pill entered his mouth it melted and its effects spread over his entire body.

" Aaaaaahhhhhhh.... st...op....Aaaaaahhhhhhh."

Worms seemed to crawl all over his body. The pain he was experiencing made him want to die, he could feel his flesh being torn away.

People surrounding them watching in horror as a Celestial Dragon screamed in agony, he pleaded to end his life but Ryu stood there like a mountain with a cruel smile on his face.

" Shirahoshi is like a sister to me and you dare try to make her a slave. I have promised her that noone would ever try to harm her while she is on land and I will keep my word. If any trash ever try to harm her then this will be your fate."

Ryu's words were like a decree. All spectators dare not look up. They hung their head down and silently listened to the screams of a Celestial Dragon begging to kill him.

Pirates were also daunted when they saw this, many had the mind to try and capture Shirahoshi but they thanked all their lucky stars to not have made the first move. All of them vowed to never ever try to capture a mermaid ever again.

Ryu turned around, he lifted Shirahoshi with his energy and left. Even after he was gone noone dared to go up and help that Celestial Dragon. Like this he suffered for hours before finally dying.

The next day world was shocked once again.

A Celestial Dragon Died!!