Chapter 139. War Of The Best

Whitebeard's figure stood straight as a mountain, every onlookers felt their hearts clench seeing his figure.

Ace's eyes showed pain when he saw Whitebeard " Father... I will face the consequences of my decision! "

Whitebeard spoke calmly " No. I ordered you to capture Teach, isn't that right Marco? "

A figure landed near Whitebeard " Yep, I distinctly remember father ordering you to capture Teach."

Ace's eyes misted " You guys....."

Whitebeard's voice had the majesty of a king " Stay still Ace, we will be right there! "


Whitebeard struck his Bisento onto the deck creating a loud sound.

" Guys let's bring Ace home!! "

" Bastard Marines! Get out of our way!! "

" Ace!! We are coming!! "

With that what people would later call War of The Best began. Whitebeard Pirates charged forward. Sengoku ordered marines to intercept them, it was of paramount importance that Ace dies today, only then would they be able to get back their prestige as symbol of justice.

Ryu and Madara watched on with interest.

Madara " Not bad, overall few of those captains can rival a top kage."

Ryu nodded " With their physical quality as well as special abilities they are on a league on their own."

Madara's eyes darted towards Garp " That guy.... his body contains huge amount of energy. It's only inferior to Whitebeard."

Ryu also knew this, Garp had reached a terrifying level in Armament Haki. Only someone like him can go head to head with Whitebeard.

Navy sure was something, they planned out many formations and tried to trap Whitebeard pirates. The fight was getting heated, all fighters from Navy side including The seven Warlords had already joined the battle. Hawkeye was among them, his reason for being here was to understand the gap between his strength and Whitebeard's.

Kizaru was arrogant as ever, he went straight for Whitebeard's head but Marco stopped him. It seems he still has confidence in his speed eventhough Madara nearly killed him.

As the fight was progressing Ryu and Madara looked towards the horizon. They could see a ship sail towards Marineford and it seemed like they weren't Marines or Whitebeard Pirates.

' And he makes his entry.'

Once the ship was close enough water rippled as it lifted the ship and threw it towards the battlefield. Whitebeard from the corner of his eyes saw the ship fall. Everyone paused for a second, few figures crawled out of the ship's wreckage.

" Luffy!!! That almost killed me!! "

Nami spoke in a dangerous tone. The rest of the crew also got out. Since Ryu interfered, there were some changes, none of them were separated and they never met Crocodile inside Impel Down.

Luffy's eyes caught onto Ace's figure as he yelled at the top of his lungs


This caught everyone's attention.

Ace's eyes wavered " Luffy....."


Luffy dashed towards Ace's direction. Zoro and Sanji followed him, among Strawhat Crew they were the only ones currently capable of giving aid in this battlefield. Chopper and the others stayed on a relatively safe location and confronted the marines.

Sengoku growled at Garp " Again with your Family!! "

Garp showed a pained expression but kept silent. Sengoku took the speaker and said " Monkey D Luffy..... he is also a loose cannon.

He grew up with ace as his step brother and he is the biological son of the Revolutionary....

Dragon!! "

The whole world was agin thrown into chaos.

" Dragon!? That Dragon!? "

" He is the son of the worst criminal!!? "

Garp sat without saying a word. Ryu really admired the man, he was a good grandfather but ultimately he made a mistake and that led to him grieve for the remainder of his life.

Marco landed beside Whitebeard " That's Ace's little brother. The kid got guts."

Whitebeard " Marco, make sure to protect that brat. This is too huge of a stage for him."

Marco nodded " Ya hear that!! Protect Ace's little brother!! "

" Oooohhhhh!!!! "

It was at this moment that something happened, Whitebeard crew guarding the rear was attacked by Pacifistas, Biological weapons of Navy. Sengoku had already cooked up a plan to reduce Whitebeard's strength and possibly even remove him.

Akainu like the arrogant prick he was deceived Squalo, a Captain under Whitebeard crew by saying Whitebeard sold them off for Ace's life. Squalo believed his words given the circumstances, his heart was clouded by rage because of Whitebeard's betrayal. He got near Whitebeard

" Squalo, how are things back there? "

Squalo " Holding on."

Whitebeard " That's good."

Next instant Squalo turned his sword and attacked Whitebeard. Marco and the other Captain's paled.

" SQUALO!!! "

" Bastard!! Stop!! "

But they were too far away, just as his sword was about to pierce Whitebeard it stopped. No matter how hard he tried his body didn't move.

Squalo ' Why can't I move!!?? '

Marco flashed towards Squalo and restrained him " Squalo!!! Why did you attack father!!?! "

Squalo shouted towards Whitebeard " I trusted you!! You were like a father to me and yet you betrayed us for the life of Ace!! "

Whitebeard's face still had that same calm look but noone dared to make a single squeak. Beneath that calmness laid a volcano that would erupt any moment. He walked towards Squalo, Marco moved aside.

Whitebeard towered over Squalo, he raised his hand. Squalo closed his eyes and waited for death.

' Atleast he is the one who kills me.'

The expected pain didn't come instead he felt a strong arm embrace him " Stupid son!

I ! Am ! Whitebeard !


Squalo was stunned, Whitebeard released Squalo, his gaze lingered on Sengoku " Well done Sengoku! Well done!! "

His voice caused the very air to tremble, every marine retreated. Noone wants to be at the front when that monster is raging.

Sengoku's face also contorted " It seems our plan backfired! "

Kizaru " It seems so."

Aokiji " Now what? "

Akainu " Now we comfront the monster."

All three of them got ready. Whitebeard jumped off of Moby Dick, his figure towered over the marines, his very presence brought terror to them. A gaint waved his huge club towards Whitebeard.

Whitebeard's hands glowed as he punched out, the club and his fist made contact.

Crack.... Crack...Crack

Like glass shattering the air shattered. The giant along with his club was blasted far away. Poor guy, he choose to attack Whitebeard when he was at the peak of his anger.

Aokiji and the other Admirals joined together and attacked Whitebeard. Ryu had healed his old wounds thus recovering his strength to certain extent, but these three had no idea about that.

Up in the air,

Madara asked Ryu " Why did you do that? "

Ryu shrugged, Madara didn't ask further. There is a reason for Ryu to help Whitebeard eventhough he would have done it regardless.

When he saw Whitebeard Navii's voice interrupted his thoughts

" Master there is one mission active."

Ryu was surprised " Oh! show me."

" Mission no... Prevent Whitebeard's Death.

Reward : 40000 WP "

Ryu was stunned " What the fudge!! Why is the reward that high? "

Navii " Whitebeard is a true king, loved by his sons, loved by the people from his territories. He claimed most territories to bring peace there, his name alone keeps those places safe. Moreover his death would lead to many disasters."

Ryu nodded in understanding, just his sons alone proved his worth. They would unhesitatingly give up their life for Whitebeard and that's a quality you find in a few not thousands.

Aokiji and the rest didn't expect Whitebeard to be this Strong. They didn't even manage to scratch him even after joining together.

Aokiji " He still has this much power!!? If he was in his prime then.... .."

Sengoku saw the situation get worse, he never expected the plan to go south.


Sengoku looked at Luffy " Dragon's son... you have been a thorn for the Navy long enough. "

His figure flashed towards Luffy, his fist was jet black with faint reddish aura as he striked at Luffy. By before he could reach him Sengoku felt extreme danger, every fibre in his body yelled at him to move away.

He retrieved his attack and moved away. Nothing happened but Sengoku still felt danger, he spread his senses to the max. He caught a presence above him, as he looked up he saw a man clad in red armour with spiky hair float in mid air. A huge fan rested behind him.

Sengoku's heart clenched when he saw this figure

" Ashura! Madara Uchiha!!

Damn!! Why is he here!!?! "

Madara body was like a meteor as he crashed towards Sengoku.


He landed with a Boom creating dust storm around the battlefield. As the dust cleared Madara slowly walked out, his figure was seen by every Marine, dread welled up inside them. This was the man who nearly killed two Admirals.

The whole world watched without blinking, they knew of Madara and his strength but what they didn't expect was for him to appear at Marineford at such a critical time.

Sengoku growled " So you decided to interfere in this battle."

Madara spoke in a cold tone " No, I just didn't like the way you trashes spoke. A man is judged by his actions not his origin, you pathetic fools try to cover your faults with lies and preach about justice. Gotta admire Navy sure is the peak of Shamelessness."

Sengoku popped few veins when he heard Madara, if he was the only one hearing then he wouldn't mind but the whole world was watching. Moreover the speaker is Madara.

After Madara appeared he never killed an innocent, he always hunted down pirates and criminals for whatever purpose. People knew of his character and he is someone who dares to speak his mind.

Suddenly Madara's body dodged to the side.


A man in white clothes punched a hole where he stood. Garp attacked Madara as soon as he saw him, if Madara fought Sengoku then the outcome is obvious.

Seeing Sengoku and Garp join together Madara's body emitted a terrifying aura. This aura stifled those Marines near them, Sengoku ordered them to retreat.

Madara spoke coldly " I heard you two are the strongest in the Navy, especially together. Let's test that."