Chapter 140. * Spoiler *


Madara's words brought utter silence throughout the battlefield. As someone who nearly killed two Admirals even when they collaborated with Cypher Pol agents Madara's words brought fear among the Marines.

Sengoku's expression hardened " So you decided to help them."

Madara " That's up to you, so... shall we get started? "

Garp didn't wait for Sengoku, like a rocket he launched towards Madara. His fist was coated in jet black colour with reddish aura all over it. Garp's fist didn't contain any form of style and seemed ordinary but it contained power to destroy mountains.

Madara didn't dodge either, he stood his ground. Garp was so fast that in an instant he was right Infront of Madara as he striked out. Air whistled around his fist, Madara raised his elbow and deflected his attack but still that terrifying amount of energy cracked his bones.

' What power! '

Madara exclaimed, his battle capabilities is evident but still his bones cracked when he deflected that attack. Before he could retreat a golden figure was above him. Sengoku directly changed into his Buddha form and punched out.

It seemed as if a small mountain was crashing towards Madara. Seeing the incoming attack Madara raised his fan and defended, Uchiha fan may seem as an offense item but in reality it's a defensive item. Just that Madara had never needed to use it to defend his body.

Sengoku's fist crashed into the Uchiha Fan.


The force from that punch send Madara skidding through the ground. His feet dragged through the ground producing deep trenches, his body stopped after tens of meter away.

Madara's eyes changed to Sharingan, seeing his eyes Sengoku and Garp frowned. They had already received reports about Madara's eyes, it seemed his eyes gave him terrifying perception, in that case their speed was greatly restricted.

Garp solemnly spoke " We can't beat him like this."

Sengoku nodded, Madara was able to deflect Garp's fist as well as block his attack. This showed his strength, moreover he still hasn't used his fire abilities. That's what worried Sengoku the most, according to Kizaru and Akainu Madara's flame could even burn Lava and Light.

Sengoku " It's been years since we fought together."

Garp laughed " Like old times."

Eventhough they were speaking leisurely their expressions were anything but that. Their eyes never left Madara, both of charged at him. Sengoku went upfront as he punched out, eventhough Sengoku was large his speed wasn't any less than Garp's.

He got beside Madara, his fist made contact but it seemed as if he hit air. Sengoku was startled for a second but then instinctly he used Observation Haki and sensed Madara behind him.

With his palm clenched into a fist Madara attacked Sengoku.

Sengoku bent down, he used his hand as a spring and moved to the side. Madara missed, but before he could retreat Garp attacked. Madara had no choice but to use Uchiha Fan to defend himself.

Unlike Sengoku Garp's fist carried quite a lot of punch. Even with the Uchiha fan's protection Madara felt his body ache. He was blasted backwards, using his impressive body movements Madara negated the force coursing through him, he flipped through air and landed safely.

Garp and Sengoku didn't relax, they went for close combat. Madara was dodging their attacks and countering them at the same time.




Their punches were like cannons being fired, just the aftershocks were enough to injure marines below and equal to Captain rank. But what terrifying everyone was Madara himself, even with Garp and Sengoku, two of the strongest Marines ever wasn't able to get any advantage.

These two were legends, they fought against Whitebeard together and came out alive, they even fought against The King of Pirates himself and still never lost, they didn't win individually but they never lost when they were fighting together.

Whitebeard saw this scene, he was surprised but as the world's strongest man this wasn't enough to make him lose his calmness. He focused onto the three Admirals before him, if it was only two then he would be able to defeat them after sometime but the problem is that all three of them kept pestering him.

Aokiji used his ice to restrain Whitebeard, not that it did but that instant is all a powerhouse such as them needed. Akainu used his fruit powers along with Haki to attack Whitebeard, Kizaru gave support. He used his fruit to launch sneak attacks in Whitebeard from time to time. He was also keeping an eye on Marco.

For the moment Whitebeard was occupied, Marco and the rest were busy with other opponents, Marco seemed to be the only one who was slightly at ease but with Kizaru on the watch he couldn't get close to the podium.

Luffy was still crashing through the Marines, many tried to stop him but Captain rank was not enough. Only someone at Vice Admiral or above rank could stop him. Zoro and Sanji closely followed him, with the three of them as a team marines stood no chance at stopping them.

Luffy was near the podium " Sanji! "

Sanji spinned in mid air, his legs caught on fire.

" Diable Janbe."

Luffy lightly jumped up, his body bend in a jumping motion in mid air. Sanji kicked out, Luffy borrowed the force from Sanji's kick and jumped up. His body rocketed towards Ace.

All Marines were shocked when the saw this.

" This is bad! Garp San and Fleet Admiral are fighting that monster!! "

Sengoku also saw this but strangely he didn't panic. He focused on Madara, Garp for an instant faltered when he saw Luffy but the man infront him made him quickly regain his thoughts.

" Aaaaaacccccceeeeee! "

Luffy yelled, he was right about to snatch Ace when he was blasted away by a figure who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He crashed down coughing out blood, Zoro and Sanji quickly held him up.

Marco and the others shocked.

" Dammit!!!! "

"So close!! "

" Who was it!!?? "

Every Marin stared towards the podium. An extremely muscular, broad-chested, tan-skinned, elderly man who had his white hair and beard arranged in an array of spikes stood above. He also had a stitched scar under his left eye. He wore a sleeveless dark shirt adorned with medals, revealing his muscular arms, dark green armbands and a white and dark grey Marine coat draped over his shoulders.

" It's the former Fleet Admiral Sir. Steel Bone Kong!! "

" Haha, now let's see how they will save Fire Fist!!! "

Marines cheered when they saw Kong appear, seconds later a door opened in mid air, two figures stepped out.

Luffy didn't recognize the old man but he did recognize the other two who stepped out.

" CP0!! "

They were the CP0 agents Luffy and others defeated before. Blueno was also here so it wasn't a surprise that they could come out of thin air, he probably used his ' Door Door ' fruit to open an Air door and hid inside.

Lucci looked at Luffy with hatred but he didn't rashly rush out.

Now the three of them stood guard, for the execution of Ace Navy pulled out all stops, they took into account the appearance of Madara and Ryu and arranged countermeasures.

Marines cheered loudly, their morale was now boosted with Kong's appearance.

" Kill off these Marines!! "

" Ashura is now restrained by Fleet Admiral and Garp san!!! Beat them back!! "

" Oooooohhhhh "

All of them fought with vigour, but they failed to notice the anxiety on Garp's and Sengoku's face. Even Kong had a solemn expression, his eyes focused onto Madara.

' He isn't using Haki! Just by using his physical strength he is battling them but... why? He is clearly able to use Haki then why is he not using it? '

Sengoku and Garp had the same thought, Kong was quite some distance away so he couldn't get a clear understanding of what Madara was happening.

At first Madara felt his bones creak when deflecting Garp's attack, the same for Sengoku as well but as time passed it seemed like his physique was improving rather than weakening. This scared them.

As the both of them were worrying over what Madara was doing, the person in question was experiencing something very different.

Madara was using actual fight to Forge his body!!

Ryu used Chaos eyes see inside Madara's body and he smiled.

' Celestial Body Forging ' was perfect for him. With his talent in fire coupled with true fire Madara's body experienced earth shaking changes during his fight.

Inside his body Pure Yang Flames surged as it coursed through every bone, muscle, organ and cells. His broken bones were mended and refined, his muscles tempered, his organs purified and strengthened. He experienced immense pain but Madara could feel his body strengthen at tremendous pace.

The huge amount of energy inside him fueled him as his body was regenerated and refined again and again. His body was being burned inside out, impurities inside his body was burned to nothing.

' Celestial Body Forging ' had nine levels, each level will increase the strength of physical body by many folds. This technique used flames to forge one's body like forging a metal. Upto the second level flames can be used to burn away impurities and strength their body but after the second level Heavenly materials were needed to supplement the body otherwise the user will be burned to nothing.

Madara was currently using nothing but pure physical strength to battle Garp and Sengoku, his body was badly injured, his bones were broken, organs shaken, muscles crushed but with each passing second his body strengthened inside out.

Inch by inch Madara's body closed in towards the second level of Body Forging.

Garp was about to land a solid punch on Madara's chest when he suddenly felt a blast of blazing energy burst out of Madara's body.