Chapter 141. Second Level


Garp was blasted back by the huge blazing energy erupting from Madara. Garp kicked the air and stabilised his body, his face sunk when he saw what was happening.

' That's why he didn't use any Haki and took all those hits!! He was using both of us to break his body and rebuild it!!! Damn!! '

Sengoku was the same, in his Observation Haki Madara's body seemed to be like a blazing inferno, he could feel his presence but at the same time he could feel a terrifying power within, this strength wasn't any weaker than Garp's or his infact it may be higher.

The energy outburst died down, Madara's figure slowly came into view. His body didn't show any change but within him churned a huge power.

He brokethrough to the second layer!!

Madara clenched his fist, he felt his body surge with power.

' If I had used my energy from the start I would eventually defeat these two but now... with my physical strength alone I can contend with them.'

Now that his physical body has been strengthened Madara could fight on equal terms with Garp and Sengoku, if he used energy then it's a gone conclusion that Garp and Sengoku would lose.

Madara's Sharingan spun as he looked at Garp and Sengoku " Both of you are strong. Now that I have achieved my goal, let's kick this up a notch."

This time Madara didn't hold back, his body blasted towards Sengoku. Huge amount of energy gathered above his fist turning his hand blazing red with a metallic glint to it. Sengoku couldn't dodge in time, his hands turned pitch black with a reddish gleem to it. He crossed his arms and defended.


Sengoku was blasted back, his body slid through the floor and crashed into Marineford walls. Luckily his defensive capabilities were high, his Buddha form gave him high defence, along with his high level Haki he only sustained slight Injuries. But that last attack creaked his bones almost cracking then.

Garp took this chance and punched Madara, seeing Garp Madara didn't back down, his hand was blazing red as he punched back.


When their fists collided shockwave rippled everywhere with them as the center. Marines and Pirates alike were blasted away, noone dared to stay close to this fight.

Garp was still going at Madara, he increased his power, Madara did the same. But the end result was Garp being pushed back, with Madara's second level Celestial Body as well as his energy Garp was on the losing end.

Sengoku couldn't believe his eyes, he knew how scary Garp's fist was, he jumped out and rushed towards Madara.

Madara sensed Sengoku, he blasted even more power into his punch and pushed away Garp, he bent down as he dodged Sengoku. Now Madara was right under Sengoku's gut, he punched hard.


With a huge bell sound, Sengoku's huge Buddha body was punched to the sky. A faint red mark appeared where Madara punched. Sengoku spat out blood as he was sent flying.

Garp didn't slow down, his body moved as fast as he can. He rained down punches at Madara unceasingly.

But Madara was calm throughout, unlike before his body had gone from fist Layer to Second Layer Body Forging, his body was now slightly stronger than Garp's and with his huge vitality it will only improve, atleast until the peak of Second Layer.




That zone of Battlefield was completely devoid of any Marines or Pirates, two figure kept moving around trading punches at each other. At some point Sengoku joined Garp but even with his help the situation was getting bad.

As time passed both of them were injured while Madara was healing like crazy, any injury he sustained was healed not instantly but by the time they noticed he would be fine.

On the other side,

Whitebeard was the same, his body couldn't keep up with old age. Three Admirals were able to slowly whittle him, Marco and the others couldn't help him. It was at this point Marco remembered Ryu's words.

" You need to be strong enough to inherit him."

He clenched his fist " Father...

Marco threw caution to the wind, his body blazed with blue fire with a hint of yellow. He transformed into a phoenix.

Marco had eaten the Mythical Zoan fruit, Model Phoenix.

He attacked Kizaru recklessly, he wanted to give father a breather so that he could take care of the other two Admirals, but Kizaru was sly. He obviously calculated how Marco would react, with the help of Vice Admiral he cuffed his hand with Sea stone.

Marco reverted back, Sea stone restrained any Devil fruit abilities. His heart sunk when he understood what happened.

Kizaru was about to finish of Marco when a voice interrupted him, it was so close to him that it made every hair on his body stand straight due to fright.

His body turned into light and escaped. Marco was astonished to see Ryu float at the spot where Kizaru was, he didn't mind Kizaru retreating he smiled at Marco and said

" Now do you understand my words, Marco."

Marco hung his head down, he clenched his fist and nodded.

Ryu was satisfied, his attention changed to Kong and the other two Cp0 members.

" Shall we start? "

Kong " It seems you chose the path of destruction."

Ryu disdained " Says the lap dog of Celestial Dragons."

Kong wasn't angered, it would take more than that to anger someone like him. His muscles tightened as he rushed towards Ryu. Blueno and Lucci didn't move, they guarded Ace. Eventhough Luffy coughed out blood he didn't stop, he got up again and rushed to Ace.

Kong had already reached Ryu, his entire fist was clad in Haki. Ryu could feel the terrifying power his fist held, he smiled and pulled back his arm. His arm didn't show any change but Kong could feel energy coat his arm.


The very earth beneath them cracked, the shockwave alone destroyed a very good portion of the battlefield.

Kong was pushed back, his arm was numbed and few cracks appeared on his skin. This shocked him, he knew Ryu was stronger than him but he didn't expect the other party to be this Strong.

Ryu practiced Chaos Manual, the highest form of any Cultivation Manual, It's also a body Forging technique at the same time. Ryu's body is stronger than Madara's, moreover he had released upto Seventh ring.

Ryu's eyes darted towards a certain direction and said " I know the World Government were cowards but seeing an ally bleed and yet you remain hidden, that's a new record in cowardice."

Kong's expression slightly changed. After Ryu spoke space around him distorted and two figures attacked him simultaneously. One held a black Katana while the other held a short Knife.

These were two elders from Gorosei.

Sword Domain engulfed Ryu's body, the man with the Katana went for the kill. His domain didn't affect the other guy who held a short Knife, his body blurred and disappeared.

Ryu thought ' Space fruit. Not bad, but pales in comparison to Hiraishin.'

Kong didn't idle either, his body released earth shattered aura and joined the man with Katana to attack Ryu.

Ryu got serious, Kokushibyo appeared in his hand. A terrifying Sword Domain swept past the trio attacking him. For a moment one of them faltered and in an expert's fight that's fatal especially when that expert is someone like Ryu.

His body flashed as he sliced the air some distance away from him, his Sword Intent immediately swept a part of air cutting apart even space.


A sharp metal colliding sound was heard. Seconds later the man with the short knife emerged, his hand holding the Knife was bleeding profusely. His blood dyed the knife red.

Kong was already in front of Ryu, like a mountain falling down he kicked Ryu's chest. His weight coupled with the momentum and Haki produced a earth shattering attack.

The other old man with the sword also attacked ruthlessly. His sword was pitch black, the edges of his blade seemed like it could cut anything.

Ryu didn't back down, this excited him. His sword Domain changed, it was expanding like crazy. Pale Yellow Flames lit up inside his Domain, he slashed two times.

The first one contained supple power, it seemed as if it could take in everything. Kong's attack was completed negated, at the same time an equally terrifying inferno intent covered Kong. Seeing such a scene, he paled. Kong used Haki to cover his entire body and retreated.

The Old Swordsman had it worse, his body wasn't as Strong as Kong's. His Sword's sharpness was countered, moreover the edge of his sword was nicked. What awaited after that was the full frontal attack of an inferno.

Ryu muttered under his breath " Pure Yang Inferno Sword Domain! "