Chapter 143. Death

Madara's words were like a decree, each word piercing Teach's crews heart like needles.

Teach didn't wait for death, darkness enveloped his body. Waves and waves of darkness covered the entire region. Every devil fruit user could feel their powers being restrained when this darkness touched them.

Teach and his crew pounced on Madara, darkness engulfed Madara as Teach shot his gun while the others attacked with their specialty as well.




Loud explosions rang out, where Madara stood was now engulfed in destruction. But none of them relaxed, a monster that could make them feel scared wouldn't be defeated that easily.

Whitebeard pirates and Marines stopped their fight when they saw this, Luffy on the other hand didn't give a damn about anything, his focus was entirely on saving Ace.

Zoro had already taken care of Blueno, now he was trying to cut Ace's cuffs, but the damn thing was too sturdy. With no other choice Zoro took a stance.

" One Sword style : Lions song! "


A white Sword light flashed past the podium, cutting it apart. Ace's cuffs were loosened from the podium, Zoro picked him up and ran like crazy.

Lucci tried to get past Luffy and attack Zoro but Luffy wasn't gonna give a chance. Luffy was like a glue, he stuck close to Lucci.

Marco was the first to react, he yelled " Jozu!! "

Jozu " I know!! "

Like a monster Jozu razed through the marines as he shielded Zoro from any attacks. Kizaru attacked Jozu but his Diamond fruit ability allowed him very high defense.

Aokiji and Akainu moved, Whitebeard wasn't gonna let them harm his son again. His Haki flared as he sliced his Bisento. White Halo engulfed the tip of his weapon, so much energy was concentrated that air was being cracked constantly.

He sliced towards Akainu and Aokiji. Air trembled for an instant then a huge force was transmitted towards Akainu and Kizaru.

' SHIT!! '

Both Admirals got out of it's path. Zoro was safe with Jozu as a meat shield. As seconds passed Whitebeard pirates swarmed around Zoro as they protected their family.

" Haha, Ace!! Good to have you back!! "

" Don't ya ever do that again Bastard!! "

All of laughed merrily even in this cruel battlefield, Ace's eyes misted

" Guys... I am so....

" Say that to the old man! "

" Yeah! You are gonna get one hell of a beating!! "

" Hahaha!

" Haha....

Marines face flushed when they saw Ace being rescued, they were about to attack when everyone felt impending doom.

Every pair of eyes, Pirates and Marines alike shifted towards a certain direction.

Teach and his Crew were staring at Madara, his body didn't even have scratch. All of their hearts clenched

' What kind of body does he have!!?? '

Madara's eyes showed his desire to kill. His hands burned with flames, pale yellow gloss covered his already blazing fists. Seeing this flame Garp and Sengoku swallowed hard. They could feel death from those fists.

' If that hit me then.... '

Garp and Sengoku dared not think further, they thanked their lucky stars that Madara didn't use those flames. But it seemed as if Teach wasn't that lucky.

To make a dramatic entrance he actually interrupted Madara's fight.

Madara's figure crashed towards Teach's crew. Seeing the demon come at him, Teach was scared. Darkness rolled around his body, he tried to negate Madara's ability using his Yami Yami Fruit. But little did he know that Madara's ability didn't come from any fruit.

Like a hammer pounding on steel, Madara's fist hit Teach squarely on his gut. Like a cannon being fired, Teach was sent flying. His body crashed into the walls of Marineford and embedded into it.

Pale yellow flames started to burn his body.

"Aaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhh..... "

Teach screamed from the top of his lungs. Because of Yami Yami Fruit his body will experience three times the pain. He used every ounce of his strength and engulfed Madara's flame with Darkness.

To his horror Teach found out that his powers were being burned by this weird flame. He used all the Darkness he could gather and covered that pale yellow flames and used Darkness to throw it away.

Even then a good portion of his body was burned. If he was a second slower he would have died. Just that thought alone made him shiver in fright.

He eyed Madara in hatred as well as fear " Kill him!! "

All of his crew attacked together.

Shiliew already had his sword drawn out. He was always cruel and Teach's crew fit him perfectly. He rushed to Madara and sliced at his throat.


A meat colliding sound rang out. Madara used his fingers to catch Shiliew's Sword. Shiliew could feel his hands scorch, he saw his sword deform from Madara's grasp.

Burgess and Avalo got behind Madara and punched him hard. Like a tall mountain Madara stood still, Burgess and Avalo's fist smashed into Madara.



Like a drop of water falling into the ocean, their fists didn't scratch him. If it was someone Strong as Garp then yes, Madara would be injured but against these people.... in their dreams.

Madara's fingers lit up with pale yellow flames, Shiliew could feel his sword getting hotter by the second. His face paled when he saw his sword distort and finally it broke.

Madara flung his hand, a huge blazing energy wave swept away Shiliew, like Teach he was sent flying, his body crashed through the marines before planting himself on the Marineford walls.

Madara turned his head around, his blood red pupils locked onto Avalzo and Burgess. Seeing Madara defeat Shiliew so easily broke their confidence, even if they battled Shiliew to the death they didn't have confidence to beat him.

Catarina Devon and Vascot Shot also joined them, they didn't have another way. Either they defeat Madara and escape or die, that's their only options and they opted to defeat Madara.

Like Shiliew, Devon also used a sword, All four of them attacked Madara head on while Doc Q spread some kind of stuff in the air. Augur took his long range rifle and aimed at Madara but his body trembled when he saw Madara's eyes.

Burgess and Avalzo punched again and this time Madara didn't stand by, his hands blazing red with pale yellow gloss over them welcomed these attacks. Burgess and Avalzo was blasted away, their hands were crippled.

Madara was about to finish them off when Devon and Vascot attacked him. Flames surged throughout his body as it took the shape of a spear. The spear had blazing red body and pale yellow blade.

Madara swept his spear towards Devon and Vascot, both of them felt death approach when they saw the spear.

Just before Madara's spear cut them, a humongous rock fell before them and blocked it for a second for Devon and Vascot to dodge. Madara's spear cut the huge rock cleanly in two, the two halves burned with yellow flames and turned into ashes in just a second.

Madara's eyes scanned past that huge body, Sanjuan Wolf.

Sanjuan Wolf clad his fist in Haki and attacked Madara. Using his huge size he threw attacks and pestered Madara while Augur and Lafitte attacked from distance. Doc Q was astonished as he found his poison being useless.

The entire Blackbeard crew fought Madara with their life on the line and yet.... reality was sad. Noone could touch Madara.

Seeing that huge giant again and again pester him Madara spoke " That's enough out of you..


Madara's eyes changed to Mangekyo, huge red energy covered him. Everyone felt blazing heat from this energy, as everyone watched the energy surrounding Madara took the shape of a huge God. It was blazing red in colour with a sword hung at it waist.

Compared to Madara's Susanoo Sanjuan Wolf looked like an ant. After Madara started practicing Heavenly Flame Mantra, his Susanoo took the characteristics of his energy. Now his Susanoo was blazing red in colour with a pale yellow sword at his waist.

Madara unsheathed his Sword, a terrifying pressure fell upon everyone. Sanjuan wolf was shaking, he never felt terror like this before. He didn't think twice before turning around and running away.

Before he took the second step Madara sliced his Sword horizontally. A mind crushing energy wave was fired from his Sword cutting Sanjuan Wolf into two. Like the rock before his split body was burned and turned to ashes.

Marineford along with the sea was split in half, water boiled as steam rose up. Giant Sea kings lay dead above the Sea.

Colossal Battleship, Sanjuan Wolf Died!!

Madara undid his Susanoo, his Mangekyo locked onto Augur and Laffitte. It seemed as if time stopped, a second later Madara was still standing there but Lafitte and Augur had their heads twisted in unnatural ways.

Demon Sheriff Laffitte, Dead!!

Van Augur, Dead!!

In just a second three of the most infamous pirates to ever run amock on these Seas were Dead!

Teach's face grew pale, the crew he painstakingly obtained were now being killed off like chickens. Burgess and Avalzo were also scared, usually they were arrogant but when they faced Madara their arrogance crumbled.

Madara turned his attention towards the rest of Blackbeard's crew. Vasco Shot ran for their lives but his fate was the same as the ones before him.

Vasco Shot, Dead!!

The only remaining people were Teach, Devon, Shiliew, Burgess, Doc Q and Avalzo.

Their fate was now sealed, either Madara kill them or back to Impel Down or maybe even Execution.

Marco's throat was dry when he saw Madara's strength especially that red giant he saw for few seconds. Whitebeard was shocked but he didn't cower like the rest. Even if he were to face death itself he would smile and welcome it,

because he is Whitebeard !!!!

Burgess and Avalzo had their arms crippled, if Teach didn't remove those flames then they would have died.

Madara made a spear using flames, he flashed and appeared near Shiliew. He skewered Shiliew and turned him to ashes.

Shiliew of the rain, Dead!!

He turned around and attacked Burgess, Teach used every ounce of his strength to try and impede Madara but as someone who heavily relied on his fruit abilities, if his abilities didn't work then he is useless when facing someone like Madara.

Burgess panicked and tried to run away, Madara got Infront of him. He clenched his fist and punched him.

Madara's fist looked extremely slow to Burgess but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't dodge. He saw as his chest was pierced by Madara fist. A gaping hole was now on his chest.

Avalzo's fate was the same. A spear nailed him to the ground and burned him to ashes.

Jesus Burgess, Dead!!

Avalzo Pizzaro, Dead!!

In just mere minutes Blackbeard crew was reduced to just three people. Madara turned his focus onto Teach, he slowly walked towards him. Devon took this chance to escape but Madara snapped his fingers. Pale yellow flame covered her. A second later only ashes remained.

Catarina Devon, Dead!!

Teach's knees buckled when Madara walked towards him. His face paled with fright, with stuttering breath he asked

" You ...kill.....ed...all....of....the...m for.... interrupting.....your....fight? "

Madara had an apathetic face " Yes."

Teach spurt out blood, if he knew this was going to happen he would never have done it. He went crazy, waves of Darkness enveloped his entire body and everything else, even Doc Q was engulfed. He struggled to get free but was ultimately swallowed.

" Then let's die together! "