Chapter 144. Conclusion

Madara was engulfed in Darkness, when he saw Teach rush at him like a madman Madara turned his palm. A globe of pale yellow flames burned in his palm.

He tossed the orb towards Teach, Teach dodged it but it didn't matter. The orb made contact with Teach's flames and like ink falling into a white paper it spread like crazy.

Yellow flames burned away Teach's Darkness, it burned every ounce of it. Teach pushed past his limits and produced even more but it was useless.

After few minutes he was kneeling on the ground panting. He had totally exhausted his stamina and yet.... he couldn't beat this man infront of him.

"Why? Why!!?? I waited all these years..... patiently I waited.....and yet ... NO!!! I can't die here!!!!!

I am meant to rule the Seas!!! "

Madara was Infront of Teach, he grabbed his head twisted it like a bottle cap.


Teach's face had an unwilling expression. Madara burned his body after killing him.

Marshall D Teach, Dead!!!

Blackbeard pirates newly formed hours ago, Dead!!!

Marines and the whole world watched in shock as Madara singlehandedly killed off Eleven infamous pirates.

This war had many unexpected twists, first it was Ace's identity, then about Luffy's father, then Madara's appearance, then Ryu confronting Kong, Death of Kong and Elders.....

Shocking events occured back to back. And finally Ace was rescued.

Marines face flushed with shame, they were supposed to win for Justice but now the whole world watched as Kong fleet Admiral and Elders were killed. They hung their heads in shame, Akainu still didn't give up he was staring at Luffy who was still fighting Lucci.

Akainu changed into Magma and flew towards Luffy. Marco was startled

" Stop Him!!! "

Whitebeard Crew Captains rushed forward to stop Akainu but Kizaru blocked them. Akainu had his hand turned into a giant Magma fist.

" Die!! "

Lucci quickly retreated, Luffy was right infront of Akainu's attack. Seeing that he couldn't dodge in time Luffy crossed his arms but before he was struck down a figure flashed before him.

Akainu's fist was frozen in midair. The entire Lava fist was caught in Ryu's hand.

" It seems you really want to Die, then I shall grant it! "

Akainu was horrified, he completely turned into Magmas and tried to run away but Ryu used Kokushibyo and cut his head off.


Akainu's head flew high up in the air and fell with a thud. His headless body fell down on a pool of blood.


Marines and World watched as another one of world powerhouse died. Akainu had noone but himself to blame for his death, if he had just swallowed his pride and endured then he would have lives but he just had to try and kill Luffy. That itself was an act of Death.

Ryu turned towards everyone and said " This war is over!

Gather your fallen and bury them with the respect they deserve! "

Ryu looked at Madara and nodded. Both of them disappeared from the battlefield. Whitebeard pirates didn't try to attack the Marines, they took away Ace and left. Luffy also left with Ace, he was jumping all over since Ace was fine.

Thus War of the Best Concluded.

Navy Lost.

They suffered a crushing defeat, world boiled over navy's defeat. Pirates didn't dare become lawless because of Navy's defeat instead all of them laid low. After all if they were to come across those two unlucky stars..... then their life will be forfeited.

Navy quickly took care of the deaths of their Admirals. World Government didn't dare make an enemy out of Ryu and Madara by increasing their bounty, they had learnt their lesson.

Whitebeard's Territory.

Ace was standing before Whitebeard with his head hanging down, Marco and the others stood beside him and Infront of him seated Whitebeard.

" Ace! Do you know your mistake? "

Ace nodded like a kid " I know father."

Whitebeard laughed loudly " Gugugugugu.... then it's fine. What the heck are you moping around for!!?? You are my son! Whitebeard's son!! Brighten up brat!! Gugugugu.

Brats bring out the booze, let's drinks our hearts out!! "

" Oooooohhhhh!! "

Everyone cheered. Ace quickly got over his depression, soon he was the old Ace again. Luffy and the others were also here, Zoro quickly got into a drinking competition with them, Luffy ate everything he saw while Nami was cheating all of them out of their money.

The mood was jolly, Whitebeard sat on his chair as he watched his sons. This was what he always wished for, a family. He can now die a content man.

He spoke out suddenly " Thanks."

A voice replied him " Heh, the great Whitebeard is actually thanking me. Did the sun rise from west? "

A figure came out of the shadows, this was ofcourse Ryu. He seemed invisible to the others except Whitebeard.

Whitebeard laughed " Gugugu, take it while I am in a good mood."

Ryu smiled " Ok, then I gratefully accept your gratitude."

Ryu looked at Whitebeard's crew laughing merrily. Pick anyone from this crew and all of them would give up their lives for their father, their love for him is that extreme.

" Whitebeard, train Ace well. Among all of your sons he has the best aptitude to surpass you. After all he is Roger's son."

Whitebeard growled " He was born to Roger but..... he is my son!!! "

Ryu raised his hands in surrender " Fine. Fine, train him. A strong power sleeps within him, his Haki still hasn't awakened to its extreme."

Whitebeard raises an eyebrow " What do you know kid? "

Ryu smiled mysteriously " Secret. Anyway, train him to the bones. I believe the day before he awakens his power won't be that far."

Whitebeard nodded, he handed that giant gourd he was drinking from to Ryu. Ryu raised his chin and downed it. He handed it back to Whitebeard and said

" Goodbye for now Whitebeard."

Whitebeard nodded. Ryu figure vanished, Whitebeard looked towards the sky and smiled.


Elder Council.

Now the council was short of two members, the remaining three had grave expressions.

" We took a wrong decision."

" Yes, we shouldn't have moved against those two. We actually invited calamity onto ourselves! "

" *sigh* Now people's faith in Navy has taken a nose dive. But the fortunate thing is no pirate dared to cause a ruckus."

" Yes, an unexpected benefit but at the same time dangerous. This means that people will realise those two have far greater influence on the pirates than us!! "

" We can't have any form of clash with them. Atleast not for now."

" Agreed."

" Seconded."

"Also we need to keep those Dragons in check. Recently they have been making many inquiries about that mermaid princess. Seriously! Why do they court death!!?? "

" The best way is to make Sabaody an island part of Fishmen, that way they have full control over it."

" Not a bad idea but the problem is still the Celestial Dragons, would they give up their backyard so easily? "

" We need to make it happen. It's the only way to avoid conflict in a short period."

" Fine."

" Then it's decided."

Few weeks after war news quickly got out about World Government renouncing Sabaody and made a statement that from now onwards Sabaody will belong to Fishmen Island if they desire it and any forms of trade and other systems present on that island will be governed by Fishmen Island.

Neptune was shocked to hear this news, he quickly arranged a meeting with representatives from the world government and got through the details regarding Sabaody. Neptune was very happy, now Sabaody can develop towards becoming a trade point between Fishmen island and Humans.

Since Fishmen island was part of Whitebeard crew and knowing Ryu had connection towards Shirahoshi Whitebeard set his base there. He was old, moreover he wanted to repay his debt so he choose to watch over this island during his final years.

Shirahoshi was over the moon, she got to meet new people, made friends with a bunch of scary looking people ( From Whitebeard Crew) and most importantly all of them were mellowed out seeing Shirahoshi's innocent smile.

Ryu face palmed when he saw this scene. Well, he couldn't blame them Shirahoshi was innocent to such extent.

Madara was for the past few weeks mulling over the gains from his fight. It may seem as if it was easy but Madara was treading a fine line between life and Death refining his body during his fight, a small mistake and he would have died.

Few more months passed.

Ryu had made preparations for his plan, everything was going smoothly. Soon he would get the second member of Titans.

" Guess I should make a visit."