Chapter 145. Changes

" Let's Go Navii."

As Ryu spoke these words his body was covered in a white Halo and disappeared.

Naruto World.

After Ryu and Madara left, this world still continued to have it's peace. If one were to observe they would be able to see villagers from every corner walk around in Shinobi City. Not just here, other places were the same as well.

Itachi was the best leader anyone could ever ask for, the other elders were the same as well.

Uchiha Compound.

All of them were here. Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui, Kushina, Minato, Hiro, Akane, Airi..... today was one of those days where they got together.

Giggle Giggle

Among them were the laughter from kids which brought joy to their faces. Kushina was holding onto two kids, her expression was one of bliss. She looked at two other kids holding Akane's hands... she wanted to hold them too. But she was only born with two hands.

The two kids in Kushina's hands were a boy and a girl. The boy had yellow hair with red streaks all over his hair, he had crystal clear blue eyes and three whisker mark on each cheek. The girl had dark hair and dark eyes, her skin was soft and smooth.

Both the kids Akane held were boys, both boys had dark hair and dark eyes. Both of them looked older than the kids held by Kushina.

The ones Kushina held were of course Boruto and Sarada, while the ones standing beside Akane was

Itachi' son, Tsuki Uchiha

Shisui's son, Shiro Uchiha.

All four kids looked so beautiful. Kushina and Akane were like mama bears. They spent more time with the kids then their own parents. Itachi and the rest didn't dare voice their opinions.

Suddenly Itachi flinched, his mouth curled into a smile.

" He's back."

A simple sentence but it got the attention of everyone present.

A man with deep red hair walked in, he had a simple smile on his face that would melt the heart of any women

" I am back."

Ryu's words produced utter silence before everyone yelled in surprise. The men were calm and asked about his travel calmly while the ladies pestered him for going away for so long.

Ryu had a wry smile " I have only been away for a bit more than one year."

Akane huffed " Hmph."

Ryu changed the subject " Ooh, look at these cuties. They are adorable."

It worked pretty well, Akane beamed " Right.Right. They are soooo adorable!! Mwah!! "

Akane bent down and kissed Shiro and Tsuki. Both kids eyes showed intelligence, Ryu could see that as well.

' They took after their fathers. '

Ryu's vision changed to Kushina who was smiling brightly " And these two adorable munchkins here are Boruto and Sarada. Come, Boruto, Sarada, say hi to your uncle."


Seeing both Kushina and Akane hording the kids for themselves Ryu felt pity for the father's. The mother's were safe since a child needs them, as for the fathers....

Ryu turned to their side, the mood was pretty bleak that side.

Ryu could only smile bitterly ' It seems like their maternal instincts actually evolved.'

All of them caught upon what happened during the last year. Ryu explained about his experience, he also told them about Madara which shocked all of them. Only Itachi and Minato calmly analysed Ryu's words.

Minato " Do you trust him? "

Ryu smiled " Yes."

Itachi " Then it's fine."

There wasn't much to talk about what happened here, no major problems cropped up. Every sector was prospering, new cultivators emerged, several hidden Bloodlines surfaced...

Time would pass very quickly when you are with family. Before anyone noticed it was already evening. The kids kind of dozed off, Kushina and Akane carefully tucked them in.

After they took care of the kids both their eyes stared at Ryu. Seeing their gaze Ryu flinched for a second, his brain was working rapidly to analyse whether to escape or not and if he did what would the consequences.

Akane smiled brightly " My dear son, when do you plan to get married? "

That smiled scared the living daylights out of Ryu " haha.... very soon mom. I promise very soon."

Kushina was also beaming " How soon? "

Ryu cursed ' Damn you Nee san! You just want to cuddle another kid, right!!?? '

He could only voice this inside, he wouldn't dare say it outside " As soon as Chojuro takes her position."

Akane smiled " Oh, then be prepared. Chojuro will take her position in few months."

Ryu nodded stiffly, all the men kept quiet. They didn't dare speak up, that would be suicide. Ryu's turned to them

' Traitors.'

Hiro shrugged ' Serves you right! '

Ryu smiled wryly, he said " Mom, I will be visiting Mei. See ya."

He quickly escaped from both of them. Hinata and the ladies chuckled, it's rare to see Ryu panicking like that.

Ryu was currently Infront of Mei's office, he pushed the door and entered.

The office was filled with people, it seemed as if they were in a meeting. Many neatly dressed men and women sat around Mei as they discussed many issues.

Ryu's eyes focused on Mei, after one year she seemed even more beautiful.

All of them turned around see to who came in without permission. But they were stunned the next moment. As scholars and ordinary individuals they looked upto the man who brought such changes to this world. They respected the one who gave them a chance to be someone of importance.

All of them bowed " Sir Ryu!! "

Chojuro didn't have such a reaction, he instinctly placed few stacks of paper above his head.

Mei's eyes got slightly misty, she quickly controlled her emotions. After all, she didn't want to show her weak side to her subordinates.

Ryu waved his hand " Enough of the formalities, do what you were doing."

All of them got their bearings and continued to discuss several issues. Ryu watched from the side. He nodded his head seeing all of them perform their duties even when he was there.

After about twenty minutes or so they were finished.

Ryu hugged Mei tightly when all of the others left. He placed his forehead over her's and said lovingly

" I am back."

Mei rested her head above his chest, she really missed him. Hearing his heartbeat again made her happy, she enjoyed his embrace. Both of them didn't seem to notice a red faced Chojuro standing to the side.

" Cough.... Cough "

Chojuro coughed and brought them out of their love world. Ryu got irritated and smacked his head.

" Ow!.."

Chojuro held his head and whined in pain. Ryu spoke irritated " Come on Chojuro, it's been a year and yet you haven't taken her position yet. Do you know I barely dodged a bullet literally few some time ago. "

Chojuro complained " I will take her position in few months! "

Ryu smirked " Speaking back eh? "

Mei chuckled " Stop bullying him. Chojuro worked really heard all these years, the others agreed unanimously for him to take my position. He did good."

Ryu chuckled " Since you said so. Anyway you got a girlfriend Chojuro? "

Chojuro's face flushed red " N... no... I don't! "

Ryu was stunned " Holy sh.... you have a girl! "

Chojuro flared when he saw Ryu's stunned expression " What's with that face!!?? "

Ryu replied honestly " You are... how do I put this without hurting you... you are kind of shy, like a maiden in love."

Chojuro shouted " I am not a Maiden!! For your information it was me who asked her out for a date!! "

Ryu showed an evil smile " Really? Poor girl, how long did she had to wait before you asked her out? "

Chojuro was like a cat that got its tail stepped on. They bickered over and over and finally Chojuro turned to Mei for assistance.

Mei could only smile wryly " Chojuro..... it's because you act like that he makes fun out of you, not just him anyone would do that."

She turned to Ryu " Ryu stop teasing him. Let's go home."

Ryu smiled, he held her bewitching body close him and whispered something in her ears. Mei's face flushed red, Chojuro who was beside them also got embarrassed seeing their actions.

Ryu and Mei disappeared, Ryu voice echoed in Chojuro's ears " Chojuro, be more confident, only then would she feel relieved."

Chojuro stood with a straight back and answered " I will! "