Chapter 147. Big Day

Akane was extremely efficient. She arranged everything, Mei and Ryu's dress for their wedding as well as for the after party were all handmade and perfect. This was her son's wedding she didn't want any flaw in it.

Ryu smiled when he saw his mother fuss about everything. Like a good son he obeyed her every word, Hiro was running around arranging the venue and personally inviting their close friends and family.

Days passed quickly as it came, only two days remained before their wedding.

People were excited and happy for Ryu, in their eyes Ryu was a Hero, it's because of him all of this came to be. When news got out he was getting married, Shinobi city experienced an influx in population. People from every village came to congratulate and bless him.

Ryu was currently playing with Boruto and Sarada. These two cuties could steal anyone's heart.

Naruto grinned " Big brother, about time you got married. Look at us! We already have kids! "

Ryu mocked him " Good for you, I wonder who was the idiot who took years to understand a girls feelings for him."

Naruto choked on his own words. Sasuke smiled slightly, Hinata and Sakura also chuckled when they heard Ryu.

Naruto defended " I Knew! I....I.... right! I thought it wasn't appropriate for us to date at that age. right? Hinata? "

Seeing his pleading looks Hinata chuckled. Sakura scorned " Yeah right."

Naruto changed the subject " Cough..... anyway.... big brother, what's your plan for the future? "

Sasuke also asked " Yeah. Do you intend to travel."

Ryu nodded " Yup. Since Mei is already relieved of her duties, I will take her with me. For our plans about these worlds... ask Itachi for details."

Sasuke nodded, he asked something bugging his mind " Ryu san, Sarada.... her Bloodline.."

Ryu reassured him " It's fine."

Sasuke let out a relieved breath.

Ryu spoke " But what I am surprised was that these two munchkins have strong relationship to Otsutsuki Bloodline. As time passes these abilities will manifest."

Naruto frowned " Is it gonna be a problem? "

Sasuke knocked his head " Idiot. He is saying that their Bloodline is stronger not that their is a problem."

Naruto held his head and smiled awkwardly.

Ryu " That stupidity of your sometimes astonishes me."

" Hey!! "

Laughter rang out through the courtyard. As they were speaking two kids ran inside.

Shiro and Tsuki " Uncle Ryu!! "

Both these kids amazed Ryu even further. They definitely took after their fathers, they were close as any Siblings can be eventhough they weren't. Tsuki was slightly older than Shiro so he always watched out for him, both were sensible. Izumi and Airi could be relieved seeing their kids character.

Ryu laughed " Haha. Look at you two, always running around, it's good that you don't cause any trouble otherwise I fear for your parents."

Shiro and Tsuki laughed cutely. It's a good thing that Kushina and Akane were busy since the marriage is in two days otherwise I doubt whether these two would have time to play.

The mood only brightened because of these two, Ryu really liked all of them.

Two days passed by,

Innumerable people gathered where Ryu was to be married. There wasn't even space to turn around, it was that crowded. Everyone was eagerly waiting for the Bride and Groom.

After hours of waiting, they finally saw them. The Bride and Groom made their way towards the Alter.

Ryu was dressed in traditional clothes, his deep red hair danced lightly in the air, his clothes were a perfect fit for him, they brought the masculinity in him. His deep dark mesmerising eyes had everyone in a trance and that perfect face stole every girls heart.

Next to Ryu, Mei walked wearing traditional Yukata white as snow in colour, deep blue colour lined her Yukata, her hair was crowned by flowers. Mei's charming face and her perfect figure was a sight to see. She was an absolute beauty.

Both of them were like a match made in Heaven. The ceremony was very smooth, noone made a sound, they quitely watched this couple. Everyone present gave their heartfelt blessings.

With the Ceremony over the party started. Ryu greeted everyone and accepted their gifts gratefully. Akane and Kushina were so emotional that they nearly cried.

Among such a crowd both Ryu and Mei stood out like shining stars. Celebrations continued until it was time for the Bride and Groom to enter their nuptial chamber.

Ryu had already purchased a house for him and Mei. The house itself was a classic one but the land was huge. Artificial ponds and a garden occupied some space while the rest was like a backyard while lush green grass covering it.

After entering their room Ryu smiled teasingly at Mei " How many times did we do this step? "

Mei blushed. Ryu caressed her face, she didn't shy away either. Their clothes quickly came off. Soft moans echoed through the room but not one bit could be heard outside.

The night passed quickly, Sun's rays caressed Mei's body as she cutely rubbed her eye. She opened her eyes and looked at her man beside her. She was happy and contend, this was what she always longed for... a family. Now she has one.

Ryu's breathing was steady, Mei laid her head on his bare chest. She closed her eyes and listened quietly. She felt a hand go through her hair, Mei raised her head and saw Ryu smiling at her.

" Morning my beautiful wife."

Mei smiled and kissed him " Morning Dear."

Ryu pulled her over and kissed her again " Ready for another round? "

Mei blushed but ultimately she nodded. Both of them didn't get out until it was quite late.

Mei wore casual clothes after taking a shower, she tied her hair and started preparing breakfast. To be a good wife, she had learned cooking when they became lovers. She wouldn't be the best cook out there but she was quite good at it, maybe it's because she is making it with all her love for Ryu.

Ryu silently watched as Mei prepared breakfast. He was satisfied with this life, in his previous life he was a loner but this one.... he was blessed with loving parents and now... he was again blessed to have Mei.

Mei put the breakfast above the table. She sat opposite of Ryu, he looked at her lovingly and started eating.

" It's too good."

Ryu was stuffing his mouth with food. Mei heart was filled with honey when she heard Ryu, after all which women doesn't want her beloved to compliment them.

Mei also started eating. Both of them enjoyed each others company and enjoyed their meal. After he ate his full Ryu asked Mei

" When I leave again do you want to come with me? "