Chapter 148. Returning

Ryu's words startled Mei, she thought for a bit and shook her head. It would be a lie if Ryu said he wasn't sad. Seeing him like this Mei chuckled

" It's fine isn't it, I will always be here when you come back. Years back I was just like any other Ninja within Mist village, trying my best to not die. If I had a choice then I would never fight, but reality was cruel.

I had to kill to survive, I always longed to have a quiet life and now....

She held Ryu's hand and spoke from her heart " That's what I have. You, your family, friends... all of them, they consider me their family and I have the same feelings towards them. You go have your adventure, I will always be here when you return."

Ryu's heart warmed when he heard her " You know, I am damn lucky to have you."

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Both of them stayed like that for few minutes before separating, Mei looked at her man with loving eyes.

Ryu placed his forehead on hers " Sorry for being selfish."

Mei smiled " Hehe."


Ryu spent his time back leisurely, these days were the happiest moments in his life. In his last life he never knew what it's like to have a mother or a father, he never knew the sacred bond of marriage, he never knew what it was like to be in love but.... in this life he was blessed with all of it.

He would leave soon so he spent most of his time with Mei His parents were very happy, they hoped the best for him, which parent wouldn't be.

Eventhough Mei stepped down she still helped Chojuro from time to time. Kushina and Akane always brought Boruto and Sarada with them when visiting, the ladies became as thick as thieves in a short time. She also really liked Shiro and Tsuki.

At one point, she spoke about wanting a kid as well. Ryu still laughs his heart out when remembering Mei's face when she mentioned having a kid, Priceless.

Ryu also wished to have a kid, both of did the deed every opportunity they got. But it seemed as if it wasn't that easy.

Ryu got worried but Navii put his mind at ease

" Master, you possess Chaos Bloodline. Eventhough it's impure still it is the strongest Bloodline there is. Your existence itself breaks all laws.

In the future when you have a child he/she won't inherit your Bloodline but he/she will certainly possess a heaven defying talent and special capabilities.

Everything has a balance, just imagine if master had three to four kids, just your kids alone may be enough to dominate higher realms. Thus it will take time for you to have a child. "

Ryu was shocked ' I didn't think of that! '

" Navii, are you saying that the someone strong will only be able to have one or two kids? "

Navii " Yes. Stronger a Cultivator becomes, the chances of their offspring inheriting their powers are very high thus the number of offsprings will decrease. That's balance put forth by Heavenly Laws."

Ryu heaved a sign of relief ' Then it's fine.'

Mei was feeling down since it's been two months since their marriage, they did it every day but still she couldn't get pregnant.

Ryu understood how she felt, he explained why this was so. He also reassured her that they will definitely have a child in the future, he guaranteed it.

One more month passed, it was time for Ryu to leave. He had been back for almost a year.

This time he didn't tell everyone just Mei and his parents. His parents and Mei sent him off, Ryu repeatedly told Mei to live with his parents when he is gone. Seeing him fuss about such a thing warmed her heart.

Ryu caressed Mei's face " Take care."

Mei smiled " Be careful."

Akane and Hiro didn't interrupt them, they silently send him off. A white light covered Ryu and he was gone.


One Piece World.

Sea rippled as the water reflected the sun's light.

A halo of white glow suddenly appeared above the Sea.

Ryu stepped out of the light. His body flashed as soon as he came out, disappearing into thin air.

Sabaody Archipelago.

Ryu's figure appeared here, his sudden emergence stunned people around him. Over the past year Sabaody had changed a lot, Fishmen and Mermaids were common on this island. Since Whitebeard set his base here, no pirate had the courage to cause problems here especially when Fishmen Island had the backing of Ryu.

Ryu could feel Whitebeard's aura, he went towards his direction. Fishmen and Mermaids around him smiled and gave out things in their shops, Ryu declined them politely. All of them knew of Ryu's connection to Shirahoshi and the royal family, they also knew that it was because of Ryu that all of them were able to have such a life.

Whitebeard Pirates were the same as ever, laughing and drinking together. Jinbe was also with them, Ryu hadn't seen Jinbe before so it came as a surprise when he saw him.

Marco and the rest noticed Ryu, all of them shouted and welcomed him. They respected him, he saved Whitebeard and Ace so they would welcome him anytime.

Whitebeard " Gugugugu, almost a year since I last saw you."

Ryu " Went home for some time."

Whitebeard " Gugugugu, since you are here then don't leave until you are drink! Gugugu "

" Yeah! Come!! let's drink!! "

" Let's see if you can hold your liquor!! "

" Bring out the booze! "

Ryu quickly got into a drinking competition with them. Whitebeard pirates seemed to forget the fact that the man infront of them killed two powerhouses from the Navy.

Ryu smiled ' Guess that's what you expect from these guys.'

He drank like crazy, one by one Whitebeard pirates fell down until only Ryu and Whitebeard remained. Ryu was still going, his body was different.

" Where is Ace? "

Whitebeard " Your friend took him."

Ryu was confused " Huh? "

Whitebeard " That spiky haired brat Madara. Shortly after the war, he came here and took Ace away. His exact words were

' You are a disgrace, a monkey could do better. '

He actually burned Ace to prove his point, Ace tried to use his powers but were useless. He beat him black and blue and took him away saying he would train him. They hadn't returned since."

Ryu was stunned, he showed a wry smile " Sorry about him. So did you guys fight? "

Whitebeard downed another mouthful from his gourd " No. He didn't have any killing intent, it seemed like a big brother beating some sense into his younger brother."

Ryu was again surprised " I see..... then it's fine. He is the best when it comes to fire abilities, Ace will have gone a step further with his abilities."

Whitebeard " Gugugu, I really anticipate his return."

Ryu nodded, he stood up " Well then, I will be going. See ya."

His figure disappeared, Whitebeard couldn't sense Ryu's aura anywhere in the island. He was surprised but didn't care.


On a far away island.

This island was difference from others. It was blazing red, volcanoes erupted every few seconds. The intense heat would burn anyone who stood on its ground.

A figure suddenly flashed here, Ryu looked around to locate Madara and Ace. This is where Ryu's mark he placed on Madara took him. He almost died of laughter when he saw the both of them.