Chapter 149. Wano

Ryu was laughing his heart out seeing Madara and Ace. Some distance away from him a figure was trying his best to dodge.

" Die you bastard!! "

" Owww!! My butts burning!! "

" F**k you!! You spiky haired Zombie!! "

" No! No! Wait we can talk about this!! "

" Aaahhh! you are gonna die single you a**hole!! "

Ace was jumping around all the place, flames danced around as he defended against Madara.

Madara was like a devil as he was pounding Ace. Bruises covered Ace's whole body, he looked pitiful. The funny thing was Madara set Ace's butt on fire. Now he is running around with flames raging on his a**.

" I curse you zombie!! You are gonna die single!! Ow ow ow my butt!! Bastard porcupine!! "

Madara kicked him and sent him flying towards a volcano.

" Since you have so much energy then try to bring your flames to the next level."

Ace scowled " I am gonna get you for this!! Mark my words Porcupine!! I will get yoooouuuuu!! "

Those were his last words before he fell inside a Volcano. Ryu was holding his stomach and laughing hard

" Hahahaha, Porcupine! Your hair does look like one!! Hahahaha."

A vein popped on Madara's forehead " Get lost if you have nothing."

Ryu smiled " Now now, don't be mad. Ofcourse I have things to ask."

Madara " Get on with it."

Ryu shrugged " How are our next members? "

Madara " Them? Has talent and quite the tenacious will but I doubt whether they will join us."

Ryu " Leave that part to me. Anyway why the sudden interest in Ace? "

Madara remained silent. Ryu didn't ask further, maybe Madara saw his brothers shadow in Ace or maybe it was something else but Ryu didn't care. Madara meant no harm to Ace moreover it's funny to watch this duo.

Ryu " Then see ya. I will come back with our new members, so be prepared."


Madara nodded. Ryu's figure flashed and he disappeared.

Somewhere in New World.

On a large island densely covered by forests, humungous beasts could be seen roaming around. Few figures kept on clashing within this jungle.

" Gum gum no..... hawk!! "

A fist completely covered in flames blasted towards an old man standing some distance away.

Seeing the incoming attack the old man's hand turned pitch black. He didn't back down and received the flaming fist.


Shockwaves blasted apart the surrounding trees when their fists collided. The old man retreated one step while the other one was send flying.

The old man spoke " Not bad Luffy."

This old man was none other than the King of Pirates, Gold D Roger's right hand man

Dark King Rayleigh.

The other was was obviously Luffy. Luffy got off from the ground and yelled " I won! You retreated!! Haha!!! "

Rayleigh smiled " Haha, it seems you did."

Luffy laughed smugly " Hehe."

After the war, Kuma found Luffy and introduced himself as Dragon's subordinate. He offered Luffy and his crew a chance to get stronger, eventhough Luffy may seem dumb he knew that for his crew to survive in New world they need to get stronger.

Like in the story Kuma send all of them to appropriate places to train, but what was different was that all of them stayed in touch.

Luffy was send off to Rayleigh, at first Rayleigh was amused but as time passed Luffy reminded him a lot of his Captain and Friend. So he decided to train him, Luffy already had a stronger body than the original story thanks to Treasured Rainbow so he picked up Haki very fast.

After a year of training this is the result, If your body isn't strong enough then armament Haki will hurt your body, since he has a strong body Luffy was able to go much further these days, the current Luffy and the one a year ago was like day and night.

Rayleigh " Now you are ready. You can leave."

Luffy was somewhat excited, he put aside a year to get strong so that he could sail these Seas.

Rayleigh laughed " Let's go! They should be returning soon."

Luffy jumped up " Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Nami, Brooke, Chopper, Robin, Franky... I can't wait to see them!! All of them should have gotten stronger!! "

Both of them boarded a ship and left. The others also completed their training. It was time for them to resume their adventures and to chase their dreams.


Ryu was watching one of his future teammates with curious eyes " He has gotten stronger."

He was satisfied, eventhough this guy isn't nearly as strong as Madara or him, he was monstrously talented and had an unshakable will.

Ryu left after confirming his future teammates condition. His next destination was one he was curious about.


This country is one of the strongest out there. Moreover most famous blades were forged by masters from this country, even the indestructible Ponyglyphs were made by the people from this country.

Suddenly Ryu remembered something ' Isn't it controlled by Kaido? Doesn't matter anyway, if he ruins my leisure time then I don't mind killing him.'

His figure cut across the sky, he was getting closer to Wano. But the weather took a sudden change, from the sunny, warm one it suddenly became like a tempest. Tornados raged all around, Ryu could see several large whirlpools down below the sea.

He thought ' A natural Stronghold.'

Ryu nodded his head and resumed his advance. The terrifying weather didn't pose a threat to him, as he neared Wano he saw a beautiful sight.

The Ocean waves were climbing up!! He could see several huge Carps jump through these waves as they moved along the water.

He flew above the water and went up. He got past the upstream flowing water and stepped onto the shores of Wano. Ryu was quite interested in Wano but of course this country was now occupied by pirates.

He walked through the forest and reached a small town. The place was a mess, people were exhausted and most looked like they haven't eaten for days. Their eyes showed despair and pain.

As he was walking through the desolate town he saw something that surprised him. A cute little girl was standing near a rundown building and selling Bamboo hats. The hats were well made, one could see how much effort she put into it.

He walked upto the girl " Hey, how much for one hat? "

The little girl was happy she got a customer " Just five beli! "

Ryu handed her the money. The little girl didn't take it and said in a depressed tone " I don't have change."

Ryu laughed " Haha, don't worry. Keep it."

He wore the Bamboo hat, he was about to leave when few thugs barged towards the little girl. The kid was scared when she saw them, she quickly hid the money.

" Oi Tama!! Where is the money!!?? "

Ryu ' Tama?? Where have heard that before? Ah!! Isn't that the little girl Luffy saved in the original story.'

Tama bit her lips and handed the money she hid before, it was useless to lie since Ryu was right beside them wearing a hat.

" Hmph!! F**king brat, deceiving us all this time!! "

The leader of those things was about to hit her when a hand grabbed his neck. He choked on his words, the rest of those things were startled but then they got angry the next instant.

" Bastard!! Get your hand off!! "

" Courting Death!! "

All of them drew their blades and attacked but Ryu stood their without moving. Their blades struck his body, but instead of the scene where Ryu was injured the thugs saw something that scared them.

Their blades actually cracked when it hit Ryu, their hands were split and blood was coming out. Obviously they attacked with full power.

Ryu spoke coldly " You know what I hate most? People who harm Innocent Women and Kids."

His grip grew stronger, the thugs leader was struggling. His hands and legs flapped around in mid air, his eyes rolled back. Before he took his last breath Ryu released him, his body slumped on the ground twitching.

" Get lost."

Like rats seeing a cat, all of them ran as fast as they can. They placed Tama's money on the ground before leaving.

Tama was shocked, she looked at the person who just saved her. In this village noone would care for the welfare of others, her eyes misted when she saw someone helping her.

" Thank you! "

She was a proper young lady, she bowed to her benefactor. Ryu was amused, he waved his hand and a light breeze pulled her up.

" It's nothing. So your name is Tama."

Tama wiped her eyes and cheerfully replied " Yes, Big brother! "

Ryu smiled " Nice to meet you Tama, I am Ryu Uzumaki."