Chapter 150. Idiot

" So this is your home? "

Ryu looked around the worn out house. After he saved Tama from those thugs Tama insisted on repaying him, with no other choice Ryu left with her.

Tama replied cheerfully " Yes big brother! Just wait here, I'll be right back! "

She ran inside, rummaging sounds could be heard. Ryu waited for few minutes before she came out with a bowl of steaming rice in her hands.

Tama smiled brightly " Big brother, please have this! "

Ryu smiled on the outside but his heart stung a bit when he saw the young girl's bright smile. He spread out his sense, he couldn't find a single grain of rice left.

To see a young child smile brightly while she offered all of her food as payment turned his heart sour.

Ryu didn't decline, he took the bowl of rice and ate silently. He didn't leave out a single grain, after he was finished

" That was the best food I have ever eaten! Thanks! "

Tama smiled widely. Ryu got up and rolled his sleeves, Tama was confused

" Big brother, What are you doing? "

Ryu " Just wait."

He waved his hands, a wide variety of fruits and ingredients appeared out of nowhere, few cooking utensils also was in the mix. Tama almost had her eyes pop out. Her mouth drooled when she saw all those fruits.

Ryu started to prepare few dishes, he washed the meat and vegetables and started his work. His hands were dancing as he played with the knife, in just five short minutes he had prepared many dishes. The aroma drifted through the room, Tama couldn't stop drooling.

Ryu finished what he was doing, he gracefully placed all the dishes before Tama " Since you treated me with the best bowl of rice ever, now it's my turn. Eat up! "

Tama's eyes got watery " But big brother..... "

Ryu stopped her, he smiled gently and rubbed her tiny head " You are a kid, so act like one. Now eat up."

Tama couldn't hold on and cried out loud, after Kaido took over their country everyone suffered. Only those whose were of use to him were given privileges, the rest were scrapping for a living. It would be considered luck if anyone was able to have one good meal a day

Tama was the same, she sold Bamboo hats everyday but at times like these noone would buy one and that's all she knew. She had to make money to live.

Tama hugged Ryu and cried loudly, she was just a little girl. She tried hard to be strong and now that Ryu had shown her what it was like to be cared for her strong front crumbled.

" Uwaaaahh..... "

Ryu comforted her, his eyes were colder than ice ' Kaido, to reduce an innocent child to such an extent.... '

A terrifying murder intent was brewing inside him, he quickly suppressed it and told her " Don't cry, ok? Eat, I promise you everything will get better."

Tama nodded while crying.

She started to eat, her eyes were still watery. But Ryu could see bliss from her face, while Ryu may not be a great chef like Sanji he does cook well.

Ryu wasn't a saint, he wouldn't go around saving everyone but those that are fated with him.... Ryu will always meddle. He didn't even recognize Tama until those thugs came along since fate brought him to her, he decided to help her.

While Tama was eating, a man wearing a tengu mask suddenly came inside.

" Eh? "

He saw Tama eating wide variety of food while a red haired man sat beside her.

" Who are you!!? "

Tama was surprised, she smiled happily and shouted " Master!! "

This man wearing a Tengu mask was a Blacksmith, Tenguyama Hitetsu and Tama's master.

Hitetsu " Tama, who is he? "

Tama excitedly explained what happened. Hitetsu was startled when he heard her say Ryu pull things out of thin air.

' Does he have space fruit abilities? That's quite rare.'

Hitetsu introduced himself and bowed to Ryu " Thank you for saving her. You have my deepest gratitude for showing Tama such kindness."

Ryu waved his hand " Don't mind it. You can join in too, there is plenty to go around."

Hitetsu hesitated, but when he saw Tama's hopeful eyes his gave in and ate with her. To not make the atmosphere awkward Ryu also started eating.

Ryu saw the sword Hitetsu had " Is that one of the twenty one Great Grade swords? "

Hitetsu didn't show any surprise, he had already sensed Ryu to be a Swordsman when he first saw him.

" Yes. It's name is Nidai Kitetsu! "

Ryu " Can I take a look? "

Hitetsu gave the sword to Ryu without hesitation. Ryu held the sword in his hands

' A great Sword! '

He was astonished, he could feel how well made this sword was made. Also, he felt this sword different from Kokushibyo, he couldn't put his finger on what it was. He gave the sword back and took out Kokushibyo.

Hitetsu was shocked when he saw Kokushibyo.

Ryu asked " Can you evaluate this Sword? "

Hitetsu replied immediately " No need. It's trash."

Ryu was stunned " That can't be right. I have battled with this sword for years, it's strength and sharpness isn't one bit inferior than Nidai Kitetsu."

Hitetsu nodded " You are right about it having strength and sharpness but that's it's limit."

Ryu was confused " What do you mean? "

Hitetsu traced Ryu's sword " This sword was made from a single high grade material, An absolutely stunning forging material. But... it seems this sword was kind of like.... it was carved out. It didn't go through Forging or refinement. Thus this is it's limit."

Ryu " What's that supposed to mean? "

Hitetsu " When any weapon is forged, many complimenting elements are added together. Along with refinement and tempering, the best of the materials is brought out while the unneeded parts are burnt away.

Such a weapon when accompanying a great master for years will produce a spirit within it. With sufficient materials such weapons can go even further. But yours... tell me how long have you been using that sword? "

Ryu "Nearly two decades. "

Hitetsu " And yet it didn't produce a spirit. From what I can feel, you are a Grandmaster. With your level and this sword accompanying you for years it's evident that this is it's limit.

But what I am astonished is whoever made this is a talent in a different sense."

Ryu was confused " How so? "

Hitetsu " He actually managed to take an astonishing Forging material and make something completely mediocre. All I can say about whoever it was is that, he is an utter moronic idiotic useless fool."

Ryu's mouth twitched when he heard Hitetsu's words. He was so embarrassed, he quickly asked Navii

" Navii!! why didn't you say anything? "

Navii " Master didn't ask. Moreover only a true Forging master could clearly explain what master just heard."

Ryu nearly banged his head when he heard Navii. He quickly changed the subject

" Hitetsu san, can you make a sword with this material? "

Hitetsu was surprised " Yes. As long as I have the same material this sword of yours is made from and few other complimenting ones, I can make one for you but it will take Ninety nine days."

Ryu " That long? "

Hitetsu rolled his eyes " What do you think Forging is!? It takes time to refine and bring out the best out of the materials, moreover their are several steps which the material and the sword itself must go through before it's finished!! "

Ryu nodded, he brought out a chunk of the same material Kokushibyo was made from and few other materials Hitetsu asked. Ryu listened to the properties of those materials and made them appear before him. His ability to make any material in existence allowed him access to information about ores as long as he knows their property.

Hitetsu was satisfied when he got all these materials, his hunger to forge a great weapon surfaced. He asked Ryu for one final material.

" Core of Treasure Tree Adam? "

Hitetsu " Yes. Treasure Tree is the strongest type of wood out there. Its core is even more valuable, to make the handle for your sword i need its core. I need to combine it with other materials to make a good hilt."

Ryu nodded " Ok. I will try to gather it as soon as possible."

Tama who had eaten to her full was sleeping soundly beside Hitetsu. Hitetsu picked her up and placed her on a bed, he covered her with a quilt and turned to Ryu

" What are you going to do next? "

Ryu's face became ice cold in an instant " I told her this country would get better... for that to happen Kaido must die. So I am gonna kill him."