Chapter 155. Shock

The whole World was in chaos.

World government, a power that ruled these Seas and lands for nearly eight century was destroyed overnight. Every organisation was on pins and needles, many had a guess as to who would be powerful enough to destroy Mariejois to such extent but noone dared to confirm.

Since the world government was destroyed, what kept law and order was destabilised. It's a good thing that Sengoku was a great commander, foreseeing such a disaster he had already placed marines over every island to suppress destruction and fight.

Revolutionary army took this chance, their ideals were to create a world where people were not discriminated by the colour of their skin or race. Since the Celestial Dragons and World Government were completely annihilated they came out into the open and supported the navy in suppressing fights everywhere.

They also hunted down any remaining forces of world government. Revolutionary army had a wide network, they killed off the remaining agents who were not on Mariejois during the destruction.

Monkey D Dragon himself stepped up, he lead his army to take over countries that still followed the path of Celestial Dragons and brought order. Days were passing, slowly the chaos all over the world was receding.


Sabaody Archipelago.

Whitebeard was laughing wildly " Gugugugugu... that brat! Ha, he killed them all! Gugugugu."

Marco and the other Captains still couldn't believe what happened, couldn't blame them. A power such as the world government was destroyed like that, the shock would definitely stun anyone.

Whitebeard got serious " Marco, make sure nothing happens in any of our turf. If some bastards try to make trouble... kill them!! "

Marco readily agreed " Yes, Father!! "


Red Haired Pirates.

Shanks was reading the paper and sighed, Beckman who was sitting beside him said " Now I understand why you didn't interfere in that war. You knew he would come? "

Shanks " No. But I had a hunch that he would definitely interfere."

Beckman " Now the world will change."

Shanks laughed " Hahaha, but we are pirates!! We will follow our hearts!!

Beckman laughed as well.


It's been two months since Mariejois was destroyed, Revolutionary army took control of all their branches and was crowned the new rulers of this world. Dragon wasn't a tyrant, he simply did so because of how filthy he saw the world as.

He removed royal families who did whatever they wanted to obtain wealth and power and replaced them with those that seeked to better their country.

Ten months later....

The world saw various changes during this past year. Ruler of this world changed, Navy joined with this new power and continued their job... to ensure justice.

Sengoku retired and placed Aokiji as the next Fleet Admiral. He believed Aokiji to make good decisions rather than lousy ones he did during his time. Like in the story Fujitora joined the Navy as an Admiral, his request on joining was the abolishment of Warlord system which was accepted by the Revolutionary Army.

Thus Warlord system was abolished, crimes still happened all over the world but.... those unreasonable and avoidable ones never occured again. Aokiji was kind to some extent, this was evident when he let Robin escape on several occasions.

Amazon Lily...

These past ten months was like a dream for Hancock. She was with her beloved, she always looked forward to the next day. Her heart seemed as if it was dipped in honey when she was with Ryu.

Ryu took some small advantages from time to time, Hancock had a mental scare left behind due to her past experience. But along with these passing days this scar slowly faded, until one day they finally broke that last wall.

Inside Hancock's room.

Two bodies were curled together. Soft moans echoed through the room constantly.

Hours later...

Hancock was resting with a content smile on her face. Her head rested on Ryu's wide and firm chest, she listened to his powerful heartbeat... she felt calm and relaxed when with him.

Ryu was also happy with his life, he looked at the proud woman in his embrace and smiled. He wasn't a lecherous man who would drool over every gorgeous women he sees but fate was mysterious, he actually had two women now.

Hancock suddenly asked " When are you leaving? "

Ryu teased " What? Couldn't bear? "

Hancock was shy immediately, she kissed him and said " I want to come with you."

Ryu was surprised " To my world? "

Hancock's nodded. In these past months Ryu explained who he was and where he was from, this came as a shock to her but she loved him thus she didn't care where he was from only that.... he never forgets her.

Ryu smiled " Ok. Then you better settle the matters on your Island and be ready to meet my parents."

Hancock was excited, she smiled brightly. This turned on Ryu, they went for another round. It's a good thing that Ryu put a sound insulating barrier otherwise Hancock would be embarrassed to even look at anyone.

Hancock quickly announced the island about her stepping down. When a suitable successor comes along she will be the next princess otherwise that position will remain empty.

During these past months Ryu was busy as well, he used many materials and runes to make Transmission Gates connecting his world and this one. He placed three gates, one in Wano, one in Fishmen Island and the last one on a island near Amazon Lily.

Ryu used Earth style to terraform a portion of the surroundings near Amazon Lily and created this island. He intends to make a town on this island controlled by ' Shinobi '. This will act like a base for their people here, ofcourse he also wanted to protect his wife's island as well.

Ryu visited Wano from time to time, Tama was surprised when she suddenly saw Ryu. She was training with her master to become a fierce Kunoichi like she wanted. She also wanted to make her big brother proud.


On an island in New world.

A man wearing ancient war armour was reading the paper. This was obviously Madara.

" Shattered Heaven..... so his eyes has the ability to replicate and it seems to be stronger than the original. "

Suddenly an attack came behind him, Madara dodged his head to the side and punched back.

" Aarrrggghh.."

A wail was heard, Ace was holding his gut and staring fiercely at Madara. If looks could kill then Madara would have died countless times.

Madara put down the paper and looked at Ace. Seeing Madara focus on him, he trembled. His fierce expression turned back into a flattering one.

" Master, I almost got you."

Madara replied plainly " Not good enough."

' Crap!! '

Ace didn't think anymore and escaped but would he be able to?

Madara smacked him black and blue. Ace was doing his best to live through this hell.

" F**k you!! You porcupine!! "

" I am sorry master!! Please don't... arggggghhh..... Damn you!!! "

His training was hell but Ace could feel his abilities get stronger. If he were to fight Akainu right now he would definitely win. But he wasn't anywhere near Madara's strength.

An hour later Ace laid on the ground with countless bruise on him. He was tired as hell but didn't dare to complain anymore. During these months he understood one thing about Madara.

While Madara may seem cool, he was a demon and held grudges. The guy actually roasted him because he accidentally ate his food, Ace was scared when he realised what he did but Madara didn't respond outright but when their training began... he still felt his body shiver thinking back.

Madara looked above ' Few more months to go.'