Chapter 156. Preparations Complete

Ryu was busy for the past few weeks, to terraform and create an entire island was no easy feat. He had to make sure the geography would be correct otherwise certain factors might lead to the islands destruction in the future.

Hancock was also busy, she wass the Ruler of Amazon Lily. When she suddenly declared she would give up her throne the entire island was sent into frenzy. Every Kuja warrior, young and elderly alike showed their concern but Hancock assured them that she would still help out when its needed.

After a month, Ryu's preparations were completed. He held Hancock's hand and said

" Let's go."

Elder Nyon and her Sisters were there to say farewell. Marigold and Sandersonia were happy for their sister while Elder Nyon was relieved seeing a kid she watched grow up finally find someone.


On an island far away,

Madara was beating..... training Ace when two figures appeared some distance from him.

Hancock was looking at Madara with interest ' This man is Dear's friend? He looks strong but not as strong as Dear. '

Ryu was shaking his head when he saw Ace's figure, he was bruised all over but it seemed he was stronger.

" He is stronger."

Madara " He better be otherwise...."

Ace hearing Madara's words sweated. All the time he was training with Madara he was literally beaten black and blue. Thank god he was getting stronger if he wasn't.... Ace thanked all his lucky stars.

Ryu got back to subject " Change in plans. You gather our teammate. I have to make a short trip back home."

Madara gave Hancock a side glance " You have been busy."

Ryu laughed " Haha. Then see you in few months."

Madara nodded. His strength was reaching the peak he could achieve in this world moreover his teammate won't be available until few more months later.

Ryu and Hancock disappeared along with those words. Madara turned his attention back to Ace who was sweating profusely.

' Damn! '

He turned around and ran. Thus their training began again.


Naruto world, Shinobi City.

Uzumaki Compound.

Akane, Hiro and Mei were sitting around chatting.

Akane spoke annoyed " Kushina is such a traitor! She took out Boruto and Sarada to play and didn't call me."

Hiro could only smile bitterly. These two have been hording Boruto and Sarada for themselves as long as the kids were awake. Even their parents could only smile wryly seeing Akane and Kushina spoiling those two. Shiro and Tsuki couldn't escape either.

Mei comforted " It's fine isn't it? You had them all to yourself yesterday."

Akane huffed and stopped speaking. It was at this time two figures silently appeared beside them. All three of them were surprised, but in a second all of their face showed happiness.

Ryu walked over to his parents and hugged them, he then hugged Mei.

Akane saw Hancock standing beside Ryu nervously, she kind of understood what was happening but still asked " Ryu who is this? "

Ryu spoke embarrassed " Mom, this is Boa Hancock. She is my Woman."

Mei's eyes showed bitterness for an instant but it went away quickly. Eventhough it was only for a split second Ryu sensed it, he could only smile wryly.

Akane was over the moon " Ha! My son bagged another Beauty!! Haha."

Hiro and Ryu could read her thoughts from that beaming smile of hers. Mei also smiled at Hancock.

Hancock nervously introduced " Hello.."

Akane took her hands " What are you being so nervous about?? You are family now, call me mother! "

Pretty quickly all of them got to know each other better. Hancock is a prideful women, she saw Mei and clicked her tongue seeing how beautiful she was, she wasn't a bit inferior to her.

Ryu could sense these two beautiful women's emotions, he could only sigh. They were both beautiful and both had their pride as well. After all which women would want to share their Man.

After all the introductions have been made Ryu sat alone with both of them. His eyes scanned both these beautiful women and spoke

" Mei..... Hancock..... I know your feelings. I am not a lecherous man. I know what to treasure."

He took both their hands.

" Try to accept each other because no matter what, both of you are my women... my partners. Aside from both of you there won't be another one for me, after all if I take every women who loves me then I might be able to start a country on my own, hahaha."

Mei and Hancock could feel how sincere Ryu was in his words. Their hearts melted, both of them hugged him and kissed his cheeks.

Ryu got his answer, Mei volunteered to show Hancock her room. It seemed as if both were able to remove their pride and accept each other.

Akane and Hiro was sneaking around and listening on what they were saying. Seeing how their son was able to use his words to get them like each other they commented

" He grew up to be quite the smooth talker. Look at him bag those two beauties!! "

Ryu could hear their words, for some unknown reason he felt annoyed.

Mei and Hancock quickly became good sisters, both of them had already made plans on who would be with Ryu on certain days. Hancock had already been introduced to other friends and family.

Naruto gave a thumps up when he saw his big brother bag another beauty. But this little action of his earned a twist on his hip by Hinata. Shisui knew Ryu from when he was a child, he was one who teased Ryu the most.

Hacock was never good with children but for some reason she really liked Sarada, Sarada was the same. She stuck close to Hancock like a glue, maybe it was because of her looks or something else but it seemed like Sarada really liked Hancock.

Kushina and Akane moped around when they saw their cute munchkin abandon them. The others could only smile bitterly, these two were.... were a bit too loving.

While Ryu was back he already informed Itachi about completing his preparations. All it would take is for the Transmission Gates to align with coordinates of this world's gate and the preparations would be completed.

Itachi quickly gathered the other elders and made a training regime for the new kids. It seems like a Ninja was good in skills and Ninjutsu but when it comes to pure physical strength they were lacking.

So all of them decided to train the coming generations in the other world for a brief period with the body refining manuals suited for them during their missions to overcome this shortcoming.

Ryu had given complete authority over the gates to Shinobi, people from here could go there but not the other way unless they are accompanied by a Shinobi member. Naruto world only had one Transmission Gate and that was located at the base of Shinobi Headquarters.

After finishing with all his work Ryu headed back. It was time for his next journey.

' Madara should have got our next teammates by now. '