Chapter 157. * Spoiler *

One piece world.

On a small island in East blue. A man with long black spiky hair stood beside a tree. A man hugging a sword sat near him under the shade of the tree.

A while later a shadow could be seen walking from the distance. Madara already felt the man approach, when he got close Madara directly asked

" What's your decision? "

The man standing before him answered " I agree. "

Madara nodded " Then get your affairs in order. We will leave as soon as that brat gets here."

Just as Madara finished his words an irritated sound was heard beside him " All these years haven't changed your character."

Madara didn't even turn back. He sat down and closed his eyes just like the other guy with the sword resting under the tree.

Ryu shook his head, he scanned the new members of Titan. His eyes showed a glint in them. The man resting under the tree wore a northern-style fur hat, which was white and has a spotted pattern along the bottom and the bill. He has short dark hair and has many tribal-style tattoos on his arms.

The other man standing Infront of him had green hair, his left ear had three piercing and he wore a traditional dojo attire used for training. He was muscular and tall, there is a scar on his left eye and long scar running from the top of his left chest down to his waist.

These two were none other than Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro and Death Surgeon Trafalgar D Law!!!

Ryu looked at his new members with satisfaction. At first he only came here for Zoro, the reason was simple.

The promise he made to Kuina.

Zoro is someone with a tenacious will, same like Luffy's. This can be clearly seen from how he took the final strike from Mihawk when he lost against him. Such will is necessary for a warrior.

But as time passed he soon realised there is one more person important to the team.

Zoro " It's been a while."

Ryu smiled " You have gotten stronger."

Zoro shook his head " Not as strong as you."

Ryu didn't reply. He isn't purely a Swordsman, his forte lies in the fact that he is able to incorporate elemental and other abilities to his sword. His mode of attack is using a sword but his true power is that he can merge his other abilities with his sword making it stronger. That is what Chaos Bloodline grants him, that's his path.

As Ryu progressed further he felt his advance in sword becoming slower. He asked Navii and found out that he as a Hollow Chaos Bloodline mustn't follow a single path and dominate it rather he should understand these paths and use them as he please. His sword will progress further if he can do these.

Everyone has their own path, if one strictly follows anothers way then their progress will come to a halt. Swordsmanship is about seeking what best suits you, if Swordsman used a spear then the outcome is obvious. The way of every Weapon users is the same, they have find their own path.

When Ryu and Zoro was speaking Law who was resting under the tree opened his eyes and asked

" Why recruit me? "

Ryu " Because of your ability as a doctor. Also.... why would I not want to see a Divine Doctor in the making? "

Law was confused " What? "

Ryu " You see.... I have the ability to treat any wound as long as it's within a certain range but.... I am not a god. There will be situations where I will be helpless unless I have a friend who is a Doctor with abilities like yours.

Your Ope Ope fruit grants you the ability to make modifications as long as it's within range and that in my opinion is a terrifying ability. Also your capabilities as a Doctor is astonishing as well, if you can further increase your knowledge who knows what heights you will reach."

Ryu didn't lie. Law is an excellent doctor, there is a profession which is respected in the higher realms, Alchemist.

An Alchemist can make potions and pills with different ingredients that can bring about certain results. Even to this day Ryu is always buying pills from Navii using WP, if it's an ordinary pill then Energy Points will be fine but if the pill is exceptional then only World Points can be used. The more exceptional a pill is the more World Points required.

Ryu can also make pills out of nothing but that is only possible if he can get his Chaos Bloodline purity over Ninety Five Percent.

Law accepted Ryu's words. When Madara came to recruit him he was startled, he knew of these two's strength so he always wondered why the other party wanted him to join their team.

As for Zoro, he had already sailed these seas with Luffy, he is already a Grandmaster and defeated Hawkeye but he wasn't satisfied. He felt that Ryu is stronger and he could feel his way as a Swordsman stretch further beyond his current realm but he couldn't touch this path.

That's when Madara appeared before him, he stated his purpose and promised Zoro to reveal what's further ahead. Zoro took his time to decide, he promised Kuina that either one of them will become the best Swordsman. Now that she isn't here, it's his duty to keep the promise he made.

Ryu smiled " Zoro, say farewell to your friends. We will leave in few days."

Zoro nodded, he went back to prepare.

Days passed.....

Today few ships docked near East blue cost. Several figures stood inside a Dojo laughing merrily. No introductions were needed these were the Strawhat Pirates. Ryu, Madara and Law were with them as well.

They were preparing to leave, Zoro said farewell to his friends. Everyone of them were happy that Zoro could follow his dream even further.

Zoro fist bumped Luffy's shoulder and said " You will always be my Captain."

Luffy did the same and laughed " Hahaha, just go."

Zoro bid his farewell " Goodbye guys."

Ryu spoke in his mind " Navii."

A while halo appeared before all of them, a door with several engravings on it appeared before them. This same step has to be done when Ryu opens the connection to a new world, when he has access to the world then he only need to gather World energy and he came travel between worlds as he wish.

Ryu and the others entered the door.