Chapter 158. Next World

Ryu and the others were travelling through the space.

Madara " Which world? "

Ryu spoke " An interesting one. Our next member is a bit... lazy but he is strong."

Right, I forgot."

He flicked his finger, two light orbs flickered to life and went towards Zoro and Law.

Law extended his right hand, that light orb embedded into his wrist making his eyebrows twitch in pain. Seconds later the mark of Titan appeared on his arm.

Zoro didn't react, the light orb struck his right chest. The pain didn't even bother him, like Law the mark of a Titan was etched onto his right chest.

Ryu again flicked his fingers. Unlike before two different coloured rays of light flashed and went inside Zoro and Law's head. Both of them were dazed for few seconds.

Since both of them were part of Titans Ryu gave them Manuals which suited them best according to what he got from Navii.

Zoro got ' Sword Sovereign Tactics '. A supreme manual made by Navii according to Zoro's characteristics. Zoro doesn't need a body refining manual, Sword Sovereign Tactics converts your entire energy reserves to Sovereign Sword energy and this energy will automatically temper his body.

As Zoro's strength and realm increases his physical quality will also increase by several folds.

Law on the other hand received ' Myriad Medicine Compoundium ' , ' Nature's Blessings ' and ' Pill Concoction All Volumes.'

' Myriad Medicine Compoundium ' helps him gain understanding of all the medicinal plants in existence, of course it will take him years to understand these herbs and ingredients but nonetheless he will progress as a Doctor.

' Nature's Blessings ' allows him to cultivate, his body won't be monstrously strong as Madara and the others but he will have tremendous vitality. As long as he isn't dead, time is all he needs to restore.

Pill concoction gave him detailed instructions about how to make pills and potions. Tons of recepis were now etched inside his head.

Zoro and Law took few minutes to regain their bearing. They understood what happened and nodded their head towards Ryu in gratitude.

Few minutes later the white halo surrounding them disappeared. Ryu and the others looked around, the sun was just about to set..... they could see swings, see-saws, sandbox..... it seemed like they appeared inside a kids playground. Good thing was that their location was a bit away from were people were so noone notices their sudden appearance.

Madara was curious as to what kind of world this was. The last one was related to physical Cultivation, so the next one would be...

Ryu seemed like he heard Madara's thoughts " Yep. This world's strength system revolves around the soul of a person. I have several soul refining manuals but first I need to understand their powers then we will move to the next step."

Madara nodded. Ryu turned to Zoro " Zoro.... you have absolutely zero sense of direction, I don't mind you going around all you want, just.... don't make any unnecessary trouble."

Law nodded without hesitation, those days when he had to fight together with this moron was torture. Even if it's a straight road he will somehow get lost.... how the heck can someone get lost on a straight road.

Ryu spread out his sense, he could actually feel several strong presences out there. One of them was particularly strong

' That must be.....

Before he could finish his thoughts a loud bang was heard. Two people wearing white clothes with black sides suddenly appeared inside the park.

One man was tall and muscular. He was bald and had a part of skull on his face. The other one was the opposite, he was very thin with green eyes and had bony part with horns on his head.

The tall guy looked around, people inside the park was scared when two people suddenly appeared. All of them were curious and scares.

" Hey, I am hungry. These guys will do."

He opened his mouth and inhaled, people surrounding them went into a daze and all of them fell on the ground. Ryu was watching this with cold eyes, he was about to kill these two rats when he took a good look at those people on the ground.

' Oh it seems he just sapped their spiritual force. Anyway it seems like it's at that timeline.'

The big guy went around gathering souls but he was stopped by another guy with tanned skin. Unfortunately the other guy wasn't strong enough, he was beaten and almost died but just before he was about to get killed a yellow shield blocked the big guy wearing white clothes.

Ryu was surprised seeing that shield ' Not bad.'

It was a girl with long hair who put up the shield but it was also useless. The big guy broke the shield with just one punch, just as he was about to grab the girl when a man wearing black clothes with bright orange hair stopped it with a long black sword with a chain on its hilt.

Ryu was watching this fight with interest ' He has got quite the power sleeping within him, shame he has no control over it or even know it's true nature.'

The black clothed guy released his powers and cut off the arm of the big guy but his powers quickly took a dive when the other party said something. He was beaten till he bled but they didn't kill him.

Suddenly the thin man's face changed, he looked at Ryu and the others direction. The moment he got sight of Madara and Ryu, his heart clenched in fear. He had only felt fear like this Infront of Lord.

He quickly left after leaving few words towards the Orange haired guy. The big guy was bewildered as to why they were leaving in such a hurry to leave.

" Hey!! why did we leave so fast? I was having fun!! "

The thin man spoke in a dangerous tone " Mind your words. I don't mind killing you."

With that the big guy shut up. He knew his strength, he wouldn't be an Idiot and court his death.

Inside the park.....

The Orange haired guy was being supported by a women with black hair, their dark orange haired girl and that big guy was also with him. His face was not focused, it seemed like he was in thought.

Just as they were about to leave four people suddenly appeared before them. The girl with black hair got vigilant, she wasn't able to sense the other party until they appeared before her, this meant that they were stronger than her.

Ryu waved his hand " Hey don't get so nervous. We aren't your enemies. Let me introduce myself

My name is Ryu Uzumaki."