Chapter 159. Shinigami

Many people was now gathered inside a small room. The space inside wasn't that large so it looked crowded.

A teenager having orange hair with a scowl on his face asked to a girl with black hair

" Why the heck did you bring them here!!?? "

" This is our base so obviously I would bring him here."

" Base my ass!!! This is my room!! "

A girl with dark hair spoke " Now let's focus. First of all....

Her attention focused onto the group of people before her. There were four of them seated before her. All four of them gave of strong presence especially two among them. The feeling she got from them was like a King among peasants.

A man with long spiky hair who is called Madara Uchiha and the other is that deep red haired guy named Ryu Uzumaki.

These people suddenly appeared and asked them to show their abilities which aroused her suspicion. They didn't have any malice so she couldn't move against them.

" My name is Rukia Kuchiki, this scowled boy over here is Kurosaki Ichigo, this is Orihime Inoue....

She introduced all of them one by one. Uryu Ishida who was sitting near Chad suddenly asked

" What's your purpose in asking us such a thing from us? "

Ryu " Just want to understand how such powers work."

Uryu raises an eyebrow " And what do you intend to do with such information? "

Ryu " I want to forge Zanpakuto's for my team."

Rukia was startled " Zanpakuto's can't be forged casually. Only certain people can become Shinigami."

Ryu curled his lips " Don't try to fool me. Zanpakuto's are the manifestation of one's power or strength. It is forged from the soul of said person. Take you for example, you must have gotten your Zanpakuto when you entered Shinigami training. You put your soul strength inside the sword you got thus becoming a soul reaper, right? "

Both Soul reapers were astonished. Rukia was shocked.

' How does he know so much about Soul Reapers!!? He is a human!! '

Her eyes turned frosty, she deeply suspected these people Infront of her.

" What's your purpose!!? "

Madara didn't like Rukia's attitude, his eyes instantly changed to Sharingan and shot a look at the Rukia.

She felt a shiver down her spine when she saw Madara's eyes. They were so horrifying that her knees buckled just from seeing those blood red eyes.

" Rukia!! "

Ichigo quickly ran towards her and held her up. He raised his head and looked at Madara, he also felt what Rukia did.

Madara spoke coldly " A weakling like you should mind your tone. If we wanted to kill you then none of you are strong enough to put up a fight."

He retracted his Sharingan. The atmosphere got awkward, Ryu quickly changed the subject

" So if you guys could help us forge some Zanpakuto's that would be great."

Ichigo was ready to erupt when he heard Ryu, Rukia held him back and asked with hesitation " Why should we help you? "

Ryu frowned, true.... he was asking them for their help but why should they help him?

Ryu " Ok then. For each Zanpakuto we will owe you guys a favour. How does that sound? "

Rukia's eyes brightened " Deal! "

She witnessed Madara's strength just seconds ago. She knew these people before her were strong, she also understood that this red haired guy named Ryu was the strongest among them. A favour from such a group will be a great asset towards the coming battles.

Ryu and the others left after sealing the seal. Toshiro had regained his composure, he was still scared but managed to ask Rukia

" Why did you agree? "

Rukia " They mean no harm plus a favour from them isn't bad right? "

Ichigo " We know nothing of them."

Rukia laughed bitterly " That we don't but..... with their strength do they really need to ask us politely? "

Uryu and the rest went silent before Uryu spoke up

" They are strong. If they really wanted to get something from us all they had to do was to force us there was no need for politeness. From that it's obvious that they don't harbor evil intention."

Rukia pointed towards Ichigo " An Idiot like you would need someone to explain to understand."

Ichigo had a vein pop on his forehead " What the f**k did you say!!?? "

They were about to argue again when Chad asked " What's with their powers? "

Inoue " Yeah! We didn't sense they had Riatsu until that Madara guy released it!! "

Uryu was in thought " They have Riatsu but doesn't have a Zanpakuto..... who are they? "

Rukia " Anyway, we need to report this to Head Captain. I will get in touch with Gotei 13. "


Living arrangements were a cinch for Ryu and the others. They found an abandoned house and rented it. Of course they put the owner in an illusion.

Few days later.....

Zoro and Law already started cultivating. With their foundation and experience their strength showed exponential rise during these last few days.

Both of them finally understood how small they were in the grand scale of the universe. They practiced diligently.

Zoro was already a Grandmaster, unlike Ryu his path as a Swordsman needs to be found. He asked Ryu but to no avail.

Ryu " You need to find your own path Zoro. I do use Sword for fighting but unlike pure Swordsman, my path lies in diversity like my powers. My path is to unify every ability I have into my sword, remove that just based on intent alone I may be inferior to some Grandmasters out there."

Zoro held his three swords and lamented " What's my path? "

Unlike Zoro Law didn't have any problems, he immersed himself with ' Myriad Medicine Compoundium ' and ' Pill Concoction All volumes '. He is a doctor so to further his forte he need to understand more of said field.

Today was like any other day until a knock resounded through where Ryu and others lived.

Ryu opened the door to see two male and one female stand before him. The girl was Rukia Kuchiki, the man was her brother Byakuya Kuchiki and the last man was Kisuke Urahara.

Ryu smiled brightly " Please come in."

All three of them didn't say a word and got inside. Rukia looked around, seeing none of the others especially that spiky haired man put her mind at ease. She felt stifled in his presence, she was fine talking with Ryu though.

All of them sat down and got to business.

Kisuke asked " Before we agree to your request please answer few questions."

Ryu " Ask."

Kisuke got serious " Why do you need Zanpakuto's? "

Ryu looked at him like an Idiot " Of course to bring out our soul power more conveniently."

Kisuke was in thought " You can release soul power in human form..... how? "

Ryu " Because I can control my soul as I wish."

Kisuke was startled ' For a Soul Reaper, they needs to be in Soul form to use Riatsu but this guy... '

Ryu knew what Kisuke was thinking " Don't think too much it's because we are different. Anyway that's none of your concern."

Kisuke let the matter go, he already got his answer so he got to point " Zanpakuto's can only be used in Soul form."

Ryu smiled " That's my matter. Just show me how they are forged. As I have made the deal with miss Rukia here, we will owe you one favour for every Zanpakuto forged."

Byakuya who was silent upto this point asked " And your favours have value? "

Rukia was startled, she quickly spoke to her brother " Brother, he is Strong!! He will be a help in the future battles!! "

Byakuya didn't bother with Rukia and stared at Ryu " You don't seem strong."

Ryu curled his lips, slowly a terrifying intent engulfed the whole room. Byakuya, Kisuke and Rukia felt their body go cold, their subconscious mind was already whispering them to die than to withstand such pressure.

" Is my strength enough, Byakuya Kuchiki? "