Chapter 160. Genryusai Yamamoto

The atmosphere was stifling. Kisuke and Byakuya had only felt such pressure from their head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto. Their faces turned grave, for such a person to appear in Karakura town...

Ryu was actually having a hard time controlling his soul force, after all he hadn't officially started on refining his soul. Chaos Manual did possess that part but he decided it was best after he obtained a Zanpakuto. That way he would be able to refine his Zanpakuto as well.

He took back his soul force, Rukia was kneeling on the floor gasping for breath, had Ryu continued for a second longer she might have lost consciousness.

Kisuke and Byakuya had cold sweat trickle down their cheeks.

Kisuke spoke up " For every Zanpakuto..... a favour? "

Ryu nodded in confirmation " Yes."

Byakuya " We will relay this to the head Captain."

Ryu nodded. With that he saw them out.

' Head Captain... Genryusai Yamamoto. That man... in this world only him and Zero squad could match me. Especially that Ichibe Hyosube, his ability is a power to reckon. Hehe.... "

Kisuke who left Ryu's house was in deep thought, Rukia asked Kisuke, her face was still pale

" What do you think Kisuke? "

Kisuke " His Soul strength..... it's on par with the Head Captain. Moreover he could release such power in human form, that itself is a problem."

Byakuya " Why? "

Byakuya is a proud man but he wasn't a fool. There was a hidden meaning behind Kisuke's words.

Kisuke " Physical body is the vessel to our soul, it's also like an outer shell that shields our body from various powers. Otherwise why do you think humans can live peacefully with their weak souls. It's their physical body that shields their Soul.

A Shinigami can only use their power when they get out of their physical body. Any damage we suffer will be inflicted directly to our souls whereas...

Byakuya " His will have double protection."

Kisuke " Yes. That makes him stronger than a Shinigami. He inherently has an advantage over us."

Byakuya " The same for hollows. This advantage he has over us is also applicable to Hollows as well."

Kisuke nodded " Yes. Aizen already has the Hogyoku, he has already succeeded in creating the Arrancars. For the battle in the future he will be of great help."

Rukia was worried " But the Head Captain, will he agree? "

Kisuke smiled slyly " Simple. The best way is to show the Head Captain his strength."

Rukia was shocked " You are crazy! We can't take him to the Soul Society!! Until we can absolutely trust him, we can't take him."

Kisuke shrugged " We will see."


Meanwhile in a dark grey world,

A large building stood majestically in this world. A moon hung up in the air.

Inside the building various figures gathered in a throne room. A man wearing white dress with sleek hair sat above the throne. A man with dark skin wearing dark shade glasses stood beside the seated man. Another man stood in the darkness, he had a fox like face. Noone could understand what was going through this guy's head.

The man sitting on the throne is none other than Sasuke Aizen. The two standing beside him were Kaname Tosen and Gin Ichimaru.

A man wearing white clothes having green eyes with horns on one side of his head stood before Aizen and reported

" He isn't that strong."

Aizen " Doesn't matter."

The man standing before Aizen was Ulquiorra.

" There is one more thing. I felt a huge Riatsu inside Karakura town, they weren't Soul reapers."

Aizen showed some interest " Oh, who are they? "

Ulquiorra gouged out his eyes and crushed it, his eyes scattered into bits of light showing a scene when Ryu and others appeared before Rukia and Ichigo.

Gin showed a foxy smile " Well.... they are humans."

Kaname " Which one did the Riatsu belong to? "

Ulquiorra pointed to Ryu " This red haired guy. His riatsu was off the charts."

Aizen smiled " Is that so? "

Ulquiorra " Lord Aizen, do you want me to....

Aizen " No. Let them be. Our focus should be on the Soul Society."

Suddenly an arrogant voice scorned Ulquiorra.

" Ha! Tucked your tail and ran away eh... Ulquiorra!! "

Ulquiorra turned him focus to the one who spoke. The man had blue hair with the teeth part of a skull on the right side of his face.

" Grimmjow.... I followed the best choice."

Grimmjow " Coward."

Aizen " Keep track of them Ulquiorra."

Ulquiorra " Yes. Lord Aizen."


Days have passed since Ryu and the others arrived in bleach world. Right now all of them were moving through a dark corridor. Disgusting liquid like thing seemed to flow through both sides.

" How long will it take us? "

Ryu asked Ikkaku who was leading them through the Senkaimon, which was the gateway to the Soul Society.

Few hours ago Kisuke found him.

Kisuke " All of you need to go to Soul Society if you want your Zanpakuto's. But first you gotta meet the Head Captain."

Ryu smiled " Then what are we waiting for? Lead the way."

Ikkaku was sent from soul society as he was chosen to lead Ryu and the others to soul society.

Ryu " How long does it take? "

Ikkaku scowled " We will reach there in few minutes!! Now shut up will ya!? "

Ryu was amused " Say, your Captain Kenpachi Zaraki... how strong is he? "

Ikkaku's scowl went away and was replaced with respect " He is strong! Only the head Captain can beat him! "

Ryu " Such confidence? "

Ikkaku said in a matter of confident tone " Of course!! You look strong as well, my Captain would probably try to fight you."

Ryu's showed an amused smile " I look forward to it."

Soon they reached their destination. Ryu could see two Captains were already waiting for their arrival, it seemed like Soul Society took his existence seriously.

The two Captains were Shunsui Kyoraku and SuiFeng.

Shunsui had a gentlemanly smile on his face as he welcomed Ryu and others " Nice to meet ya. Head Captain is already waiting for you."

Sui Feng was arrogant, she didn't speak all the way. Ryu didn't mind as this, he spread out his sense and found a strong blazing pressure inside the huge building infront of him. This presence alone was enough for Ryu to release upto seventh ring.

' Genryusai Yamamoto! He sure is a monster.'

All of them entered the huge building then proceeded towards a room. As they stepped inside the room, Ryu and the others could see several people stand in attendance on both sides. A old man stood at the center using a cane as support. It would seemed like he would keel over any moment but Ryu and the others thought otherwise.

Madara's eyes showed a glint, Zoro and Law were the same. They all felt a terrifying pressure emanate off this old man infront of them. Zoro gripped his Swords, Sovereign Sword Qi automatically revolved inside him. His body started to subconsciously react to that power.

Law was the same, his body started releasing Nature Qi subconsciously as well. Madara didn't show any change but his heart was pumping madly. He really wanted to fight this Old man before him.

Ryu smiled and introduced himself and the others " It's nice to meet you, Genryusai Yamamoto. My name is Ryu Uzumaki, This is Madara Uchiha, Roronoa Zoro and Trafalgar D Law. I believe you understand why we are here."

Yamamoto opened one eye and looked at Ryu. His face didn't show any reaction but he was very surprised.

' Not bad. All of them have Captain class strength and above but it seems as if they can't release their Riatsu easily. They are even worse than that Ichigo brat.'

Yamamoto " Hmm. I do know about it but..... first show me that your favours are valuable. If not then get out."

Madara and Ryu didn't mind Yamamoto's words. Only the strong had the right to speak to them like that and the old man is definitely strong.

" Ha! Now you are speaking old man!! I will fight them! "

Jingle... Jingle

A man with a scary face stepped out from the line. He had spiky hair with bells at its end, he also had an eye patch.

Ryu was above to accept his challenge when Zoro stepped up.

" Let me."

Ryu smiled and backed away. All of them went out to the training field.

Zoro took out his sword and introduced himself " Roronoa Zoro! "

The man opposite of him grinned devilishly " Kenpachi Zaraki! "