Chapter 161. Kenpachi Vs Zoro

Kenpachi didn't beat around, he directly took off his eyepatch. A crushing Riatsu was released from his body, Ichigo who was watching from a distance was tensed. He has fought Kenpachi before so he know the man's strength, if anything it was because of an instant release of his true strength that he was able to beat him at that time.

Zoro took out one of his Swords, he was in a relaxed position. This showed that he was in full focus, no distractions. Sovereign Sword Qi was channeled to his sword, the Sword quivered when it came in contact with Zoro's Qi.

Absolute silence.

Both of them stared at each other before disappearing.


A sharp metal colliding sound was heard. Zoro and Kenpachi clashed in mid air. Zoro's domain was instantly released, Kenpachi could feel his surroundings change subtly.

His mode of attack was simple and crude, swing swing and swing until you get em. Zoro was able to dodge Kenpachi's strike but the sheer speed of the man was scaring.

Zoro sheathed his Sword and took a stance, his aura seemed to have changed completely.

" One Sword Style.....

Lions Song! "

A wave of intent powered by his Sovereign Qi assaulted Kenpachi.

" Hahahaha, that's more like it!!! "

Kenpachi laughed like a maniac. He gathered Riatsu in his sword and swung hard.


A bright gleam of energy swept past as it collided with Zoro's intent.


The entire training field was being ripped apart by the power between this collision. Kenpachi ignored the shockwaves and attacked Zoro head on, he wasn't gonna wait till the shockwaves died down.

Zoro took out the other two Sword, it was proving hard for him to fight this man with one Sword and yet his eyes gleamed with ferocity. He had just started to practice so his Sovereign Qi wasn't strong enough..... yet. He got ready in his strongest style.

Everyone was amazed when they saw Zoro's form. Ryu explained

" Zoro is a three sword style user. His strongest attacks uses three swords simultaneously."

Ichigo was flabbergasted " But... but. ... how can anyone wield swords like that!!?? "

Ryu asked back " Why not? I have seen a guy use Nine swords. It doesn't matter whether you have one Sword or three Sword, as long as you can master them."

Ichigo shut up, he stared intently to see how Zoro would fight.

Kenpachi was in the midst of his attack when Zoro made his attack

" Three Sword style.....

Raging Bull! "

His body disappeared, a bright flash went past Kenpachi.


Blood sprayed through the air.

Everyone was shocked when they saw what happened. Kenpachi stood on the field with a long gash on his chest. Blood kept pouring out.

Kenpachi was injured!!!

Zoro wasn't faring that nice either, his gut had a wound as well. When his attack was about to make contact, Kenpachi retracted his Sword and pierced his gut. Eventhough he coated his body with Haki in time, it was still able to pierce through.

Kenpachi touched his would and grinned widely " Now this is a fight!! Let's go another round!! "

Kenpachi couldn't hold back his excitement, he crashed towards Zoro like a mad beast. He swung his sword

Zoro blocked it and countered. They kept moving around throughout the field, Zoro's mastery over his Qi was getting stronger and stronger. His realm didn't increase but his control in energy did.




Sounds of sword colliding rang through the air. Even the lieutenants could only see a blur flashing past from time to time they couldn't see the battle. All of them were shocked when they saw Kenpachi, that monster being matched by someone else like this.

Some time later two figures stood apart staring intently at the other. Zoro and Kenpachi were panting a bit but they were far from being exhausted. Their energy flared, apart from Captain rank Soul Reapers the others felt their knees go weak, their bodies were drenched in sweat, both of them were about go for another round when Yamamoto interrupted

" That's enough! "

Kenpachi grumbled " Che.... just when it was getting fun."

Zoro sheathed his Sword and walked away. During that fight he realised many things, he found a corner and sat down to steady his ideas and get them in order.

Ryu turned to Yamamoto " That should have been enough right? Ah! Just clarifying, me and Madara are atleast five times stronger than these two."


Many lieutenants gulped hard. If that freak is this Strong then these guys being five times stronger than him..... scary.

Yamamoto opened his eyes and said " Very well. I will get in contact with the Zero Squad but I can't say when they will respond."

Ryu " That's fine."

Usually this step was unnecessary but Ryu and the others are humans. It's a miracle they can use Riatsu while in human form so they need the man who crafted every Zanpakuto there is,

Ōetsu Nimaiya, also known as God of Sword.

Ryu certainly understood this, all four of them were given places to stay. Ryu gave all four of them ' Spirit Emperor Classics '. The highest tier Soul refining there is but he warned them not to start it's practice until they get their Zanpakuto.

During this time Ryu also passed them all Hado and Kido Techniques Soul reapers use. Of course they could only start practice later but these techniques will lay foundation for them when learning higher tier soul techniques.

Ryu was in his courtyard practicing basic Sword stances. Each of his moment seemed so natural, as he breathed the world breathed.

Suddenly he moved back, the wall near him broke apart and a huge man with bells tied to his hair with a girl having pink hair on his shoulder appeared.

" See I told you that's the right way."

The pink haired girl spoke. Kenpachi grumbled and replied

" How many walls did we go through before you got it right? "

" I got it right though."

The pink haired girl is Yachiru. Lieutenant of Kenpachi's division.

Ryu looked interestingly at Yachiru ' How can his own power exist separately like that? Moreover she also has a Shikai? Well doesn't matter.'

Kenpachi looked around and saw Ryu, his eyes glowed before grinning " Let's fight."

Ryu shook his head " If we fight with full power then I am afraid the entire Sereitei will be destroyed."

Kenpachi " Don't care. Let's fight!! "

Ryu " Anyway i won't fight you here. And you are too weak, if you can't even release your Sword then you won't stand a single blow from me."

Kenpachi grinned widely " That's even better. Let's fight! "

Ryu sighed " Seems like words won't be enough."

Kenpachi didn't care for Ryu's attitude he took off his eyepatch and attacked directly. Crazy amount of Riatsu radiated from Kenpachi's body, like an erupted volcano he rushed at Ryu.

Ryu shook his head " Seems like I have no other choice."