Chapter 165. Sage Of Heavens.

Law kept dodging Ulquiorra and Grimmjow but even within room he was finding it hard to dodge both of their attacks, especially Ulquiorra's. It seemed as if Ulquiorra was able to grasp where he would appear next.

' I have got a basic understanding of their movements, so let's try this.....

He coated his sword with Nature Qi turning it into a vibrant green colour. Law cultivated Nature's Blessings which granted him enormous vitality as well as other capabilities, this particular energy possessed this distinct colour.

Ulquiorra and Grimmjow felt threatened when Law released his energy. Nature possess a balance brought by Yin and Yang, What Law now released was the purest Yang type energy he could muster. Unlike Madara's Law's Yang Qi leaned towards Healing. But such energy is a bane to Yin types.

His figure disappeared again, Ulquiorra calculated where Law to appear next and attacked but he hit nothing. Law appeared beside Grimmjow like a ghost and striked at him.

Grimmjow crossed his arms Infront of his chest and defended but it was useless. Law's sword cut through his skin and drew blood.

Seeing his body pierced that easily stunned Grimmjow, he quickly retreated. But his wounds weren't healing. Law's Qi still lingered on his arms preventing them from healing.

When your powers reach a certain realm each attack will be filled with your will or intent, this intent is different from Sword or any other weapon intent. One can only heal from injuries sustained from such wounds only if you can drive out the energy of your enemy otherwise it's useless.

Grimmjow released his Riatsu and extinguished Law's energy on his wounds, after he did so his wounds healed at a visible rate. Ulquiorra didn't wait around, he was quick enough to attack Law when the latter Injured Grimmjow but Law dodged with ease.

Grimmjow growled " I am gonna kill you!! "

Like a crazed animal he rushed towards Law. He waved his sword around slicing off buildings around them, that stretch of the city was completely destroyed due to his rampage. Ulquiorra also sneaked in a few attacks from time to time but it was useless against Law. He did hit Law couple of times but he was shocked when he saw the other party's healing ability.

Law's wounf was covered by a green light and soon he was healed without even leaving a scab.

' This won't do. He has regenerative capabilities on par with us! '

Grimmjow was madder than before, his attacks were dodged or deflected, even if he managed to get in an attack, that bastard would just heal himself very fast. With no other choice he took a stance and traced his sword.

Ulquiorra's voice was grave " Grimmjow, did you forget Lord Aizen's orders? "

Grimmjow stared at him " How else do you expect to get out of here!? He has locked down this region, if we don't get out soon the other Soul reapers will quickly gather!!. I am not afraid of them but what if few Captain class Soul Reapers gather? "

Ulquiorra was also aware of this, he also took out his Sword.

Grimmjow traces his sword and yelled

" Panthera!! "

Ulquiorra also released his Sword

" Imprison Murcielago! "



Wind raged around, everything within a fifty meter radius was reduced to dust. It was good thing that not noone was around at this time of night otherwise the casualties would unimaginable.

Law watched the two forms Infront of him, he could feel his body creak from the sheer amount of pressure both these people emanated.

Grimmjow's body was fully covered in white, he had a long tail behind him. His eyes were shaped like a panthers with green and blue colours intermixed.

Ulquiorra on the other hand had two wide black wings with sharp thorns and edges on them behind his back. A white crown with several long thorns rested above his head.

Both of them attacked at the same time, Law was able to dodge Ulquiorra but he was still slow as he couldn't dodge Grimmjow's attack. His chest was slashed, three long wounds extended from his right shoulder down to his left waist. Blood kept oozing out.

Law triggered his Qi and was healing his wounds but it was slower than before. He found it harder and harder to dodge these two, his wounds were increasing as each second passed. If not for Nature's Qi he would have already keeled over.

' Guess that's my limit.'

He distanced from Grimmjow and Ulquiorra. He placed his sword before him, Ulquiorra's eyes shrunk when he saw Law's actions. It was only at this point did he realise that the sword Law's hand was a Zanpakuto!

' But how? '

Before he could think anymore, a voice that seemed to descend from heavens echoed

" With a sword in hand I shall deliver Death....

With these hands I shall reclaim Life....



A terrifying pressure covered both Ulquiorra and Grimmjow. There faces paled when they felt such pressure, they quickly released their Riatsu and kept steady. Both their eyes couldn't help but stare before them.

Law's sword crumbled, the sword seemed to peel off several layers revealing a black Sword with engravings of myriad living creatures. If one looked closely they could see plants, animals and several other unique creatures but most of them were vague like they didn't exist.

The crumbled part gathered together and formed two globes of energy intertwined with green and dark colours mixed together. These two globes of light covered Law's hand. Seconds later they faded, Law's hands were now engraved with runes intertwined with green and dark lines.

His eyes had a circle containing several runes on the outer edge of his pupils. They reflected everything around him to the slightest of details, nothing escaped his eyes.

This was Law's Power. In the depth of his Soul he is a doctor, his powers manifested as such as well. With the Sword in his hand he took away lives, with his hands he shall reclaim Life.

Such is the power of a Sage!

Ulquiorra and Grimmjow's face was grave, they felt as if they were looking at a Divine being, one who brought death as well as salvation to the world. Both of them have only felt such a stifling sensation from their Lord, Aizen.

Law snapped his fingers,

" Room."

The space locking them down expanded like it had no end, in an instant it fully covered the entire area of Karakura town. Every soul reaper or others with abilities could feel their hearts clench in Fear and Awe when Law's room swept past them.

Grimmjow yelled " Damn!! He locked the entire town!! "

Ulquiorra could feel his powers being restrained, this startled him ' His powers are restraining my strength!! How is this possible!!?? '

Before they could understand what was happening Law spoke again

" You have lost."

Grimmjow laughed " Hahaha. Just because you released your powers doesn't mean I will lose to you! Let's fight!! "

He was about to move when his body fell down powerlessly. Grimmjow was stunned, he tried his best but no matter what he did his body didn't move.

" Bastard!! What did you do!!?? "

Law smirked " Don't you know that it's not wise to expose your defence Infront of a doctor? "