Chapter 166. Aizen

Law's words provoked Grimmjow even more, his eyes turned red due to rage. Ulquiorra seeing Grimmjow's fate quickly checked his body but he found nothing unusual so he calmed down. His head ached when he thought about how to escape from here.

He thought he could take care of this guy but it seemed like he was wrong. This guy may not be as strong as those two monsters but he was leagues above him, maybe only Espada no.2 or 1 could match him but even that's doubtful.

Law stood calmly with his sword in hand. His sword embodied death, it can produce effects similar to the vilest of poisons, whereas his hands, also named as Saint hands can cure the deadliest of wounds.

A Sword to take away life, Saint hands to snatch it back. His powers were the perfect representation of his path, the path of a Divine Healer. This is the path he chose and none shall be his equal.

Law watched Grimmjow struggle to get up, he had used the remaining Nature Qi inside Grimmjow and used his Sword to turn it into poison. Ulquiorra was lucky that he wasn't injured by Law before otherwise he would end up the same way.

Law changed his target to Ulquiorra, before he could react Law was already in motion of cutting him apart. Seeing Law's speed Ulquiorra's eyes shrunk, he quickly used a Sero and parried Law's attack. With this he was able to get some distance between them.

He didn't dare let Law injure him, he had already analysed what happened to Grimmjow so he wouldn't be foolish to repeat his mistakes. But with his released state Law was like beast staring at his prey, his lazy demeanor completely changed.

Their figure flashed all over the place, Ichigo and Rukia who were watching this from afar was shocked. They could feel Ulquiorra's Riatsu and they knew he was leagues above them but..... the man who they made a deal with was actually toying with such a person.

Ichigo had a sweat trickle down his cheek " Hey Rukia.... are any of the Captains capable of such a thing? "

Rukia nodded " Of course they would be. Even among Captains there is large disparity in strength but..... only two of them can achieve what he is doing with such ease."

Ichigo was startled " Only two? Who? "

Rukia " Head Captain Yamamoto and Captain Shunsui."

Ichigo nodded, he found Rukia's words reasonable. He continued to watch the fight.

Ulquiorra was finding it hard to keep his distances from Law, he was nearly killed a moment ago as well.

Law pointed his fingers

" Shambles."

Rubbles and debris around them started to float as it blocked Ulquiorra's vision, for a second he lost sight of Law. Suddenly he felt immense danger from his side, he pointed his finger to his side and fired a Cero. By using the Cero's force he quickly dodged but not fast enough.

A faint red line appeared on his neck.

' Damn! '

He was about to force out Law's energy when he felt his body go limp. He fell down from air and crashed heavily into the ground. Same as Grimmjow he was now paralysed due to poison.

Law started walking towards Ulquiorra, he intended to finish this fight but before he could, a terrifying surge of energy assaulted him. Blackish green Riatsu covered Ulquiorra, they formed a tornado as it protected him.

The runes inside Law's eyes spinned, he raised an eyebrow when he saw what was happening inside but he didn't interfere. His eyes didn't have any special abilities like Madara's or Ryu's, they simply had one function and that is to see through a person's body to aid him in his treatment or to kill them.

The Riatsu cyclone around Ulquiorra dissipated revealing a black figure with huge bat like wings behind him.

This was Ulquiorra's second release.

With his second release Ulquiorra was able to barely squeeze out Law's energy and save himself.

Without wasting any time he gathered his palms together and made a spear out of pure Riatsu. Law could feel danger from that spear, he readied himself for any sudden attacks. Ulquiorra threw the spear at Law, seeing the incoming attack Law didn't panic, he wasn't strong to take that head on..... yet.

He raised his Sword and made a circle in air, it seemed as if the space was cut apart as a small hole appeared in mid air. The hole was pitch black, Ulquiorra's attack simply went inside and vanished.

Ulquiorra was shocked to his core when he saw this, his hands trembled. He made another one and attacked again but like last time it was also devoured by that small hole.

Ulquiorra's body shivered ' Just what kind of monster did we provoke!!?? '

Law was about to attack when he felt his body quiver, he quickly dodged to his side.


Where he stood before was blasted to oblivion. A huge hole several meters in radius appeared before Law and Ulquiorra.

Ulquiorra was relieved when he saw this, he bowed and spoke " Thank you for your help, Lord Aizen."

A man wearing white clothes with sleeked hair suddenly appeared above them, two others followed behind him.

Aizen along with Gin and Kaname stood above them. Law felt danger from Aizen but he didn't care, his heart and mind had already changed after he talked with Ryu and now... along with this fight his will was being forged.

Gin smiled like a fox " You are quite strong to reduce two Espadas to such extent."

Law had an evil smile " Same cannot be said about you, all this time you were watching from afar and yet you only revealed yourself only now. Can't blame you, rats are always like that."

This didn't anger Aizen or the other two. They just smiled at Law's provocation.

Aizen drew out his sword and spoke faintly

" Shatter..... Kyoka Suigetsu."

Law was watching Aizen intently, he saw the guy pull out his sword but nothing happened. Just as he was about to mock the other guy he sensed an attack come towards his heart.

Law sliced his Sword towards where he felt danger. He felt his Sword make contact with something but he was startled..... he saw nothing. He looked around to see Ulquiorra standing some distance away from him, Aizen and his subordinates watching him closely.

Nothing seemed out of place but he felt danger from all sides, he couldn't see these dangers, he couldn't hear them... he used shambles and distanced himself from Aizen and his team.

Law watched Aizen and muttered " I see.... Hypnosis."

Aizen was surprised for the first time since his arrival " Not bad. Kyoka Suigetsu can manipulate your five senses, once you see me release Kyoka Suigetsu you will be under her Hypnosis indefinitely."

Law raised an eyebrow when he heard the " Is that so? But it won't be enough to kill me."

With that said Law closed his eyes.

Aizen smiled and said " Closing your eyes won't help, Kyoka Suigetsu's Hypnosis is perfect. You can't....

Before he could finish his words he saw Ulquiorra's hand being cut off. Law dodged Kaname's sword and stabbed his shoulder, he raised his fingers

" Shambles."

Both him and Kaname were shifted much further away. He cut his sword right through Kaname's shoulder producing a deep gash on him. Kaname's entire arm was nearly cut off. Gin was fast enough to attack Law otherwise Kaname would have died.

For the first time ever Aizen's expression changed, a disbelieving expression appeared on his calm and composed face.

" How is this possible!!?? "