Chapter 176. Sudden Visit

Ryu sealed his Zanpakuto, eventhough he only released his powers for few seconds, these seconds were like years for him.

His Shikai is very simple, it doubles his power as well as allow him to use any and all Soul related abilities. At first glance this may seem simple but anyone with knowledge about Soul related abilities would drool over such ability.

The only condition is that he has to see it, as long as this condition is met he can use any ability. These abilities will come as naturally as breathing for him. Not only that his Zanpakuto can evolve even further, so as time passes his powers will only strengthen.

Ryu spoke to Yamamoto " Genryusai Yamamoto, you are the first person to have made me use such strength. I have met few on the same caliber as you but none could come close to your strength."

These words were spoken from his heart. True, he has fought many strong opponents but none like Yamamoto. His battle capabilities were off the charts, just his Bankai alone can decimate any opponent he met in the past. Only someone like him or Madara could match such monster.

Yamamoto raised an eyebrow " You have fought opponents of the same caliber? "

Ryu nodded " But noone can match you. The offensive capabilities you possess is the strongest one I have fought till now."

Yamamoto was surprised hearing this but didn't care. He turned around and shouted

" This War is over. Captains!! Let's return!! "

Toshiro had already captured Harribel and her sisters. This battle ended in an unexpected way but still Soul society didn't suffer any casualties thus all is well.

Stark saw Harribel's capture, he wanted to stop them but wasn't strong enough to make any change in such situations. Ryu saw his hesitation and said

" You know, we Titans will always stand by our friends."

Stark suddenly understood his meaning and smiled. His figure flashed Infront of Yamamoto and said

" Hey old man, could you release her? "

Yamamoto raised an eyey " Oooh, and why should I? "

Ryu chipped in " Don't worry. You won't lose anything, instead you might gain something, interested? "

Yamamoto " And what is it? "

Ryu smiled mysteriously " Information. One that might save your soul society from destruction."

Yamamoto frowned hearing these words, he thought for a while. Shunsui who was near Yamamoto was pondering on something and asked

" Are you sure it's useful? "

Ryu " Absolutely. Come on, if it's true you will be able to prepare in advance."

Shunsui " And if it's wrong? "

Ryu shrugged " At worst you would only lose an Espada. What can she do alone with her strength? "

Yamamoto agreed after some thinking, Ryu clapped his hands. The space around them froze trapping Yamamoto and him inside. Yamamoto didn't even react to such actions, it's like he didn't care.

Ryu " Old man, in the future you will face an opponent who is so strong that you will have to release your Bankai but remember, what you will fight is nothing more than a double. The real one lurks in the shadows."

Yamamoto " Hmmm. That's it? "

Ryu smiled " Of course not. This opponent I spoke of, you have fought him before hundreds of years ago. His name is Ywach. Sound familiar? "

This time Yamamoto was surprised " Ywach? Shouldn't he be dead? "

Ryu shook his head " Nope. He is alive, it's just that it took him years to awaken then to regain his strength. Moreover he has an army of Quincies serving under him and they live just beneath the shadow of Soul society."

Yamamoto released a frightening aura " What? Are you taking me for a fool kid? "

Ryu shrugged " Believe me or not, it's up to you but what I just said is the truth. They will one day attack, the attack will be sudden and swift and you might even lose those who you see as your students or friends if you refuse to believe me. As of now, only Ichigo, you, Kenpachi and Shunsui are strong enough to face their force.

As for their leader, only you and Ichigo can face him, that is ofcourse if we exclude the Zero squad. As for my warning to you, if I were you I would take it seriously. Don't let down your guard around anyone, that might be your undoing and ultimately your students."

Yamamoto snorted " I don't need a fledgling like you to lecture me! "

He turned around and broke through the isolated space. Ryu smiled seeing his figure leave like that, he knew he got Yamamoto's attention when he said about the safety of his students and friends. If we are talking about friends, Yamamoto only has one and that is his Lieutenant, Chojuro.

Harribel was released by Toshiro, she looked at stark deeply and asked

" Why would you save me? "

Stark " We were comrades before."

Harribel got angry " That's it!? "

Stark was confused " Yes? "

Among all the Espadas only Harribel can be said to be someone who wanted to protect others, this is also the reason he wished for her to be free and not be executed by the Soul Reapers.

Harribel was so angry that her eyes seemed to emit fire, when Stark asked Yamamoto to release her, for a second she thought...

" Go die you bastard!! "

Saying these words she left with her sisters. Seeing Harribel like this shocked the three sisters.

Ryu was amused, he looked back and forth between Stark and Harribel ' Heh.... that's interesting.'

He called out to Harribel " Wait! "

Harribel stopped her footsteps and asked menacingly " What!!?? "

Ryu " Whoa! Direct your anger at him. Anyway stay still."

He flicked his fingers, four light orbs shot at Harribel and her sisters. At first they thought Ryu was attacking them and wanted to dodge but their body seemed to be held down by something. These light orbs entered their body but they didn't feel any pain like expected.

All four of the felt extremely comfortable when this energy moved around their body. The bones visible on their bodies crumbled away. Minutes later four shocked face appeared before everyone.

Ryu was very tired after helping Harribel and her sisters. His energy was almost completely drained.

' Damn!! Helping someone other than those without insignia really drains my energy.'

He lightly breathed out and said " Now you can go."

Harribel didn't know what to say, this man just completely defied logic and mended the hole on her body and turned her into a Human. Stark understood what happened and thanked Ryu.

Harribel looked at Stark for the last time and left. Finally everything was settled.

Ryu and the rest idled the coming days.

But today they had an unexpected visitor. Ryu was facing this sudden guest.

Ryu smiled slyly " What do you want.... Kenpachi Zaraki? "