Chapter 177. Change

Ryu and Kenpachi stood face to face. Kenpachi still had that wild look on his face but this time he didn't come to fight rather....

" Nope. I don't want someone who would jeopardize the safety of my friends to join us. So, no you can't join us."

Kenpachi " Hmph, how would I jeopardize their safety? And why should I care? I just want to fight strong opponents! "

Ryu shook his head " And therein lies our conflict, Titans are a group of people that looks out for one another, we seek strong opponents and we strive to become Strong. If one of us is ever in danger we would all back him up. That's who we are, we are a team.

As for you, you are a one man show, you don't care about plans, you don't care what the consequences of your action is, you would jump right in for a fight without even understanding the difference between your opponent and you.

Sure it's a thrill to fight opponents stronger than you but opponents way above you... that's foolishness. And you are that fool."

Kenpachi " Hah, I can follow a plan."

Ryu nearly fell down " Like hell you can! Anyway, no is the answer."

He shut the door on Kenpachi's face, the latter stood there for few seconds and thought something then he banged on Ryu's doors again.

" Hey!! Open up!! I want to fight strong opponents, so let me join!! "

He was causing a ruckus, Madara who got annoyed opened the door and punched his gut so hard that Kenpachi flew across the sky. He dusted of his hand and went inside but unfortunately Kenpachi who was bleeding came over again.

He yelled " Hey!! Open up!! "


He was again sent flying but some time later he came again and started to yell.

Madara has a vein pop on his forehead, this fool reminded him of Hashirama. He was annoying as hell, Madara cracked his Knuckles and was about to go out again when Ryu stopped him out of fear. Who knows maybe Madara might kill him.

Ryu smiled bitterly " I will take care of this."

Madara warned " He has monstrous talent but he is annoying. People like him.... their character can't be changed that easily. I learned that the hard way. So find another way or I won't agree on him joining us."

Ryu nodded " Alright."

He opened the door only to see a bloodied Kenpachi stand before him.

' Gotta give it to his will. Still able to stand after taking two of Madara's strike head on.'

Kenpachi " See. I was cordial, I didn't break the door. I can be reliant."

Ryu facepalmed when he heard that, he really wanted to bust open this lunatics head and see what's inside.

" Kenpachi, I would be glad if you could join us but like I told you, you need to control yourself if you want to travel with us."

Kenpachi grinned " That's easy."

Ryu rubbed his forehead ' Yeah, I doubt that.'

" Anyway, that's one of the conditions but the other one..... understand your true power otherwise you will only be a burden to us, also the weakest as well."

Kenpachi got annoyed " What do you mean true power. I always fight with my true strength."

Ryu " Then why are you the only Captain with no Shikai or Bankai? "

Kenpachi was stunned for words, his bloodied figure along with that stunned expression was quite the sight.

Ryu continued " Unless you can understand your true strength you can't come with us and that's final."

With that said he shut the door, Kenpachi is strong..... that is without question but..... he is still too weak. He just fights without any form of style or technique, that's fine but the problem is he has no room for improvement. If he fights like this unless he realises his power he himself subconsciously sealed to enjoy a fight longer his strength won't grow.

Ryu is also like Kenpachi, he placed seals on his power so that he could enjoy the fight but he isn't a fool like Kenpachi. Along his journey his opponents would only get stronger, if he were to only use certain amount of strength to fight everyone eventually he would be defeated or killed.

Kenpachi is like that, the power he can release is fixed. Unlike Ryu who raises his battle strength based on his opponents, Kenpachi have a set limiter, he can't increase his Battle capacity. And that's his biggest weakness, he has reached his limit.

Unless he can unleash his powers, he can't improve further. Titans doesn't need someone like him, he would just pull them down.

Kenpachi stood like a stone for few minutes before leaving. He never thought like that, infact he never thinks. If he find a strong opponent, he would fight them until he wins. But the crushing defeat at the hands of Ryu made him understand how weak he was, Madara's strength also made him see how strong they were.

' If such monsters can have equal opponents, then..... if I were to join them wouldn't I be able to fight them as well?

Hahahaha!!! Find my true strength? Sure!! Let's see what excuse you come up with after that!! '

Ryu was watching Kenpachi leave with a smile on his face. He had already planned the seed, now he just have wait to see it sprout. He had placed a silver of Chaos energy inside Kenpachi's body, when he would try to awaken his Zanpakuto this energy would help him.

Suddenly Navii's voice interrupted Ryu's thoughts.

" Master, one mission has been cleared."

Ryu " Oh, which one? "

Navii " Mission no..... Change Yamamoto's Fate..... Rewards... 10,000 WP."

Ryu thought ' Hmm, so Yamamoto did listen. He must have took precautions, I wonder how Ywach would feel when he face Yamamoto and Ichigo at their strongest.'

Days passed...

Ryu had already made Stark his Zanpakuto. He also made Lilinette one as well, technically she is a seperate soul so it was possible for her to have a Zanpakuto. Finishing all immediate tasks Ryu enjoyed his days sightseeing the coming days when Navii suddenly said something.

" Master, the required energy has been gathered."

Ryu was surprised " But it's only been few months."

Navii explained " The sudden increase in Masters strength allowed me to absorb energy much faster."

Ryu " That makes sense. My Bloodline purity did jump from two to three, so it is a massive boost. But this is a problem, Kenpachi hasn't awakened his Zanpakuto yet."

Ryu frowned, this news was sudden, his plan was now gone. He was supposed to wait till Kenpachi unlocked his strength then depart with him in tow but now it seems like he need to make a move himself.