Chapter 178. Nozarashi!!!

Ryu didn't want to interfere with Kenpachi's Zanpakuto for one reason, it wasn't his place to do so. Him subconsciously sealing his power is due to his fight with Unohana. Ryu would just be a bother if he were to interfere in personal affairs but now it seems like he has no other choice.

He informed the rest about their departure soon and left for Soul society. His body blurred and vanished from Karakura town.

Soul Society.....

Ryu's body suddenly appeared inside the Sereitei. His appearance didn't go unnoticed, every Captain felt Ryu's presence the moment he entered but surprisingly none made a movement and let it be. Maybe it's cause they know that only Yamamoto can match or maybe they trust him... anyway Ryu located Kenpachi's Riatsu.

Ryu was surprised at where Kenpachi was ' Well..... so he went to Yamamoto. Not a bad choice but he still didn't understand the crux of his problem.'

Ryu's body flashed and he was already near Yamamoto's place. He went inside, the Soul Reapers guarding the place didn't dare to stop him. Ryu walked leisurely, he could feel Kenpachi's Riatsu fluctuating but it seemed to be sealed by something.

He walked to where he felt their presence, a door appeared before him. He pushed it open, the moment he did so, a blast of wind brushed past his face. He looked forward to see Kenpachi crawling on the ground, Yamamoto was standing there with his cane as a support.

Ryu was intrigued " What are you doing old man? "

Yamamoto got irritated " Shut up!! This is your doing, this kid suddenly came here and yelled at me to awaken his Zanpakuto!! "

Ryu chuckled inside, Kenpachi can be very persistent at times " So why is he on the floor? "

Yamamoto " Why else? This room is special, it was created so that individuals with certain talents could awaken their Bankai faster. Toshiro is one of such individuals."

Ryu was surprised, he was hearing such information for the first time but wasn't too shocked by it. After all Gotei 13 was around for over thousand years, unless they have some ways to speed up the mastering of Bankai.... it's impossible for Gotei 13 to be this strong.

Yamamoto continued " A Soul Reaper can only train here to awaken his Bankai. This brat here don't even have his Shikai, unless he can unleash his Shikai he will spend the coming days eating dirt."

Ryu was confused " Why so harsh on him? "

Yamamoto " He told me he wants to travel with you, unless he can go a step further he will die if he were to come with you."

Ryu suddenly smiled, Yamamoto may seem like a uncaring old man but he watched most of these Captains grow up to be what they are. He is like an elder watching over the young ones and Kenpachi is the wild child amongst them.

Yamamoto is worried that he would die if he were to leave even without awakening his Zanpakuto, that's why he went to extreme measures.

Ryu " You know..... there is another way we can try."

Yamamoto raised an eyebrow " And what is that? "

Ryu " Get inside his inner world and awake his Zanpakuto."

Yamamoto denied immediately " Impossible! First, since he sealed his powers all these years his inner world can be in any state, it might be destroyed or it might be in perpetual darkness.

Second, there isn't anyone skilled enough to do such a feat..... wait for you to suggest this, how confident are you? "

Ryu " A Hundred Percent! "

Yamamoto thought for a bit, eventhough he didn't know this kid before him somehow he felt like he could trust him.

" Alright but if there are any complications immediately pull back. Any problems within will put you and him in extreme danger."

Ryu guaranteed him " Relax. I know what I am doing."

Kenpachi who was on the ground struggling to get up was knocked out by Ryu, he then sat cross-legged beside him.

It only took Ryu a second to let his body calm down, his Soul power seeped inside Kenpachi's body. Yamamoto was startled when he saw how fast Ryu was able to enter into Kenpachi's inner world.

' This brat.... '

Ryu stood inside a vacant space devoid of any light. Only eternal darkness was before him, he activated his Chaos Eyes. He looked around but saw nothing. He sensed around and found the energy he left within Kenpachi, he frowned seeing such a situation.

' Looks like it's more complicated than I imagined.'

He choose a direction and moved. His eyes kept darting around, he was looking for any trace of Kenpachi's Zanpakuto. But even after hours of searching he came up with nothing.

Ryu thought ' It's been hours since I started to search and yet I didn't find a single clue. The energy is distributed evenly everywhere, there is no disruption. If his Zanpakuto is sealed then the energy should flow towards the seal itself.

If it isn't sealed then there should atleast be traces of movement but..... there is nothing. It's like I am trapped inside a room with no exist.... Wait!!! '

Suddenly something sparked inside his mind, Ryu's eyes glowed brightly. The mist of golden energy circled inside his pupil, his eyes depicted Creation and Destruction itself.

Ryu took back his vision ' Heh... I didn't expect such a thing. So this whole space is his Zanpakuto.'

It wasn't that Ryu couldn't find Kenpachi's Zanpakuto, rather this whole darkness is his Zanpakuto. But the problem is even when a foreign element like Ryu emerged it didn't react.

' Gotta go the hard way.'

His energy spiked, the space around them was starting to tremble from the sheer amount of energy Ryu released. Something seemed to have jolted within this dimension, it was only for a second but Ryu did sense it.

He curled his lips ' It does work! '

Ryu didn't use any technique, he simply used his utterly destructive powers to force open the consciousness that had been sleeping for years.

While outside.....

Yamamoto stood there guarding Ryu and Kenpachi, he stood for hours and yet no changes appeared. He wasn't worried since both their bodies didn't show any obvious change.

Suddenly he lifted his eyelids, Kenpachi's body started to emanate a strong Riatsu. His Riatsu was starting to climb, eventhough he was out cold, his lips still formed a grin.

His grip on his Sword tightened and he yelled out

" Drink...