Chapter 182. Netero

Ryu was currently on an air blip, he managed to book a ticket to Cheers city.

He was currently seated cross legged, his breathing was steady. Chaos energy channeled through every part of his body, quenching his body as well as strengthening his vessels.

Ryu " Navii, status."

Name : Ryu Uzumaki

Energy Type : Chaos

Cultivation Stage : Half Immortal ( Level 8 )

Body Grade : Half Immortal ( Level 2 )

Soul Grade : Heaven ( Level 8 )

Bloodline : HPC ( Purity 3% )

Title: Sword GrandMaster Level 8

Zanpakuto Grade : Mortal ( Level 9 )

Chaos Control: Perfect.




EP : 50M

WP : 12K

Ryu was satisfied thus far, he doesn't need a Body and Soul Cultivation manual like the rest, as long as he advance in his Cultivation his body and Soul would automatically reach the same Stage. Only his soul Cultivation was lagging behind, but it won't be long when it reach the same stage as well.

He got up and went outside, there were few areas were the window was open. He stood beside a window and let the wind brush past his face. His figure obviously attracted few young girls onboard. But Ryu seemed like a world that they can only gaze upon but never touch.

Hours later Ryu reached his destination. He watched as crowds of people got out, he walked along with them until he was out from the crowd. He spread out his sense, he didn't know how Netero's presence felt like but it didn't matter. He looked for the strongest presence in the city.

And as expected, among all the presences in his sense one was abnormaly high. He locked on that presence and vanished. People around him were scared when he disappeared like that.

Inside Hunter Association Building....

Netero was in his training clothes doing his workout. He was doing pushups when he felt someone appear beside him. This startled him to some extent.

" Oya..... who would you be? "

Ryu introduced himself " Sorry to barge in like that, my name is Ryu Uzumaki."

Netero caressed his beard " And why have you barged in? "

Ryu " I would like to join the Hunter Association."

Netero was surprised " With your strength is it necessary? "

Ryu shrugged " Having a Hunter identity would get me out of certain troublesome situations."

Netero grinned " Normally I would put a test where you have to prove whether you are qualified or not but that's not needed in your case. Also I would have loved to fight you but... "

Netero stopped, in his vision Ryu seemed just like a normal human but the senses that he sharpened over decades told him that Ryu was terrifying beast laying dormant.

Netero continued " Even if you were a level above me in strength, I would have still tried to fight you but.... you are leagues above me."

Ryu chuckled " Thanks for your praise. So can I be a member? "

Netero replied brightly " Sure! I will make sure you receive extra special treatment! "

Ryu didn't understand what the undertone in his words meant, even if he did he wouldn't care.

Netero did like he told, by night that same day he had registered Ryu as a Hunter. Not just any Hunter, the first one of his category. As Ryu is someone far stronger than Netero, he was given powers similar to Netero. Which means his authority inside Hunter Association was only beneath Netero.

Ryu was surprised " You trust me that much. We have only known for few hours."

Netero waved his hands like he didn't care " With your strength there isn't a need for schemes, also you don't seem like a person who would do evil."

Ryu thought ' With age come wisdom, I guess these saying have some truth.'

Both of them laughed and had drinks. Netero left after some time, Ryu was holding his card and pondering.

' Well, I should go to YorkNew city. They should have reached there.'

Ryu had always liked Gon and Killua from the stories. Gon was pure and bright whereas Killua was wild and dangerous but somehow these two became best friends. He really wanted to meet these two.

Two days later.....

Ryu was now strolling through a market. His eyes were darting around the various items on display. He was intrigued by some of them as many items on display were emitting peculiar auras.

While he was walking he spotted two kids, one had silver hair while the other had Green spiky hair. Both were about the same height, as an Uzumaki, Ryu felt their innate natures.

Gon was kind of like Naruto while Killua somewhat resembled Sasuke. Seeing these two reminded Ryu of old days. He watched as these two tried to find out several good items from display.

Gon suddenly turned around, he was looking straight at Ryu.

Killua " What is it Gon? "

Gon " That guy is looking at us."

Killua " Who? "

Killua turned around and spotted Ryu. He was stunned at Ryu's appearance.

' Cool Hair! '

Gon also had the same thought as Killua, they have seen people with different hair colours but Ryu's was somehow different, his wasn't awfully wavy or loose, just right at right places.

Ryu came forward " It seems like you two are trying to find some good items."

Killua got defensive " So what if we are? "

Ryu chuckled " Relax kid, I don't want such trashy items."

Killua was surprised at Ryu's words, he was about to say something when a tall guy taunted from the side

" Hey pretty boy, if you don't want ' such trashes ' then get lost!! "

Ryu's eyes swept past that tall guy, he was bulky with several gold ornaments around his neck and on his fingers. A voluptuous woman was coiled around his arms. There were several large body guards behind him. That's to say.... he was filthy rich. Ryu ignored the tall guy and said to Gon and Killua.

" Do you want me to help you? "

Seeing how the other party was blatantly ignoring him the tall guy felt like he was being shamed. Out of anger he yelled at his guards

" Break that bastards legs!! I want to see him crawl!! "

Without a second word his guards menacingly walked towards Ryu. The leader among them was especially brutal, he took out a knuckle with spikes and rushed at Ryu.

Seeing that Ryu was about to be attacked Gon and Killua couldn't just stand by, they prepared to attack.

Just as the man's attack was about to fall on Ryu he stopped. Like a stone sculpture his body stood still, seconds later he bled out of all of his orifices and fell down.

The tall guy who was shouting at Ryu was scared witless when he saw his most prized guard fall down just like that. As he was still reeling from shock a cold voice echoed in his ear

" Since you chose to attack, are you prepared to face the consequences? "