Chapter 183. Meeting

Ryu's words brought out fear deep within the tall guy's heart. He was regretting making a move on this guy before him. Squeezing out a smile he bowed his head and apologized.

" Forgive... Forgive me for attacking you! Please Forgive me!! "

He body was drenched in sweat, the rest of his guards fell down the same way their leader did but Ryu didn't kill any of them.

Ryu's voice was cold " If a sorry was enough for every harm done how nice would that be.... sadly the world isn't a merry place, you must be responsible for your actions."

The tall guy was horrified, Ryu walked towards him. Each step he took made his heart palpitate with fear. Under such fear he yelled

" My company has partnership with Hunter Association, if you harm me you will be hunted down!! "

Ryu's foot came to a stop, he looked at the tall guy and laughed out loud. He then took out the the card Netero gave him. This card was different from normal Hunter Membership cards, it was black with red lining over it edges. The letter X was marked on one side.

" It's this thing right. I am pretty sure even if I were to kill you no Hunter would ever come after me, even if they did their fate would only be death."

The tall guy felt his heart crumble when he saw that black card. He has heard that recently a man was given such card and his authority is only beneath Netero, it was Netero himself who declared this. This piece of news was headlight of every media for days.

The tall guy kneeled, he pleaded at Ryu " Please let me go.... please.... I have money!! I can give you lots of it!! please let me go!! please! "

Ryu was about to make his move when he suddenly remembered something. He smiled widely and said to the tall guy

" You have lots of money? "

Hearing Ryu's words the tall guy felt a spark of hope in his heart, instantly he replied " Yes! Yes! I have tons of it!! "

Ryu grinned " I want all of it! "

The tall guy swallowed " All of it? "

Ryu spoke coldly " What? Can't cough out? Then you can die! "

" No! No! No! I can! I will immediately transfer it!! Please wait a minute! "

The tall guy took out his phone, he made few calls and asked Ryu " Sir what's your account number? "

Ryu " Ah! That's right I don't have one! "

He turned around to Gon and Killua " Hey! You guys have one right? Can you help me out here? "

Gon and Killua were stunned at what had transpired minutes ago. Gon was stunned and confused but Killua was looking at Ryu with stars in his eyes. He was a wild kid and liked fights, he especially respected strong people.

Killua nodded, he gave the Tall guy the details. Both of checked their accounts and their eyes nearly fell off seeing the zeros in their account.

Ryu waved his hand " You can go now. And don't think I don't know about you keeping some seperate stash elsewhere."

The tall guy quivered for a second. What he had given Ryu was just the money he had publicly revealed. He had plenty offshore money hidden away. Hearing Ryu's words he was about to explain

Ryu kicked him away and said " Get out of my sight! "

The Tall guy nodded and ran like crazy.

Ryu turned back to see both Gon and Killua look at him with awe.

Gon " We were busting our head off to make money but you just earned billions. So.... such method is also useful? "

Killua nodded " There are plenty of bad guys like that around, should we go around and beat them up? "

Seeing two kids earnestly discussing whether to beat and extort money out of people made Ryu sweat bullets. He coughed and changed the subject

" Anyway, don't take it to heart. So how much did he transfer? "

Killua was excited " 15.7 Billion!! "

Gon nodded " Yeah!! That's like.... huuuge amount!! "

Ryu smiled " Anyway, why are you guys looking around here for? "

Gon and Killua hesitated for a bit but as kids they didn't have that much of a problem speaking about their matters.

Ryu " Heh, you are trying to buy a game. That's interesting... so your father left it for you? "

Gon nodded " Yes. I need it to find Gin."

Killua " That Game is gonna be auctioned soon. And we don't have enough money to buy it."

Ryu chuckled " Then it's easy isn't it? I have tons of money, we can use that."

Gon rejected " But that's yours. And this is my problem..... "

Ryu stopped him " Don't worry. I am interested in that game. Also I don't care about money, so it's decided we will buy it! "

Gon was moved, he thanked Ryu. All three of them went towards a hotel. Ryu booked a room there and went to his room while Gon and Killua left for theirs.

With the money for the game arranged, Gon and Killua relaxed. All three of them went around the city, it was then they got a notification about Phantom Troupe. It seems like a reward was posted for any information about them.

Since the money was arranged Gon and Killua didn't mind this reward but still they took up the mission to pass time.

It was at this point they met Leorio, Gon and Killua's friend. This guy was a doctor in training and a Hunter. He was pretty knowledgable in many regards but an utter failure in combat.

It wasn't until long before they met two who were part of the Troupe. Ryu wasn't interested in these weaklings but he had to admit that he was intrigued by their special abilities. These abilities don't come from Bloodline but each person will have a distinct power or ability.

The moment Gon and Killua started following them the other two had realised that they were being tracked. Both of them took some twisted route and cornered all three of them.

" Why the heck were you following us? "

These two blocking them was a man and a woman. The man had his hair down to his shoulders and was wearing ordinary clothes. The other was a woman with pink hair, her hands seemed to have made some grabbing motion. Several thin wires surrounded all three of them.

Gon and Killua was flustered. Ryu on the other hand was looking at the woman's ability with Interest.

He stepped out a made a grabbing motion, the strings snapped as a part of it was grabbed in his hands.

" Interesting ability, care to show me some more."