Chapter 184. Phantom Troupe

Seeing Ryu break her Nen threads, the women with pink hair raised her eyebrows. What surprised her wasn't how he breaked her Nen threads rather it's how easy it was for him.

These two before Ryu were two of the oldest members of Phantom Troupe.

The girl with pink hair is Machi Komacine.

The guy wearing ordinary clothes with a sword on his waist is Nobunaga Hazama.

Machi jumped back, she waved her hands. Threads with a sharp needle attached to it stretched out from all of her fingers. They formed layers as each of them tried to stab into Ryu so that she could trap him but reality isn't kind.

Like an egg against a rock her Nen needles broke upon contact with Ryu's body. This scene shocked Machi and Nobunaga.

Finally both of them realised what kind of figure was trailing them, it wasn't that they noticed him rather he didn't bother to hide his presence.

Ryu was interested in these abilities ' I see.... their character has a part in what kind of abilities they manifest. Moreover, like Devil fruits they essentially have control over certain laws. Nen sure is something but it's possibilities are limited.

Once a Cultivator reach a high level he could produce these effects as well, with even more power. Techniques and Bloodlines also produce the same effects.

Anyway, to give an ordinary human such strengths with relative ease is quite extraordinary.'

Very quickly Ryu analysed the in's and out's of Nen. It is quite powerful, that's the conclusion he came to but when put in the large scale of Cosmos it amounts to very little.

Nobunaga released his Killing intent and drew out his sword. He swung it with full force and tried to kill Ryu in a single strike. Machi provided support, she released her Nen threads and like a spider casting its web she tried to trap Ryu.

Ryu's entire body was coiled around by these strings, he was standing leisurely. A teasing smile was on his face seeing their attacks.

Before Nobunaga made contact, he raised his arms. The strings around him didn't even bind him for a second as it broke apart, Machi furiously produced even more and tried to bind him but it was of no use. Ryu grabbed Nobunaga's sword and pinched it.


Cracks spread throughout his sword and was broken into pieces. Ryu lightly backhanded Nobunaga's chest, like a loose cannon Nobunaga was blasted away and broke through the wall around them.

He turned his sight to Machi, this cold woman's face was dripping with sweat. She realised the danger both of them were in, she bound the bloody Nobunaga lying in the rubble and tried to escape but would it be that easy?

Like a phantom Ryu appeared behind her and knocked her out. Ryu dusted his hand off and came down.

Gon and Killua was now looking at Ryu with stars in their eyes. The ease in which Ryu took care of these two clearly had an impact on these two.

Killua vowed in his heart ' If i become strong like Ryu then... even my brother won't dare play any cheap tricks with me.'

Gon's thoughts were very simple, he thought Ryu was cool when he took out these two, especially his leisure attitude and that calm smile on his face.

Gon was excited " Ryu! How do I get as strong as you!? "

Ryu chuckled " I am more than twenty years old. I started training when I was less than three, so all you gotta do is train hard and after sufficient accumulation you will become strong.Take Netero for example, he trained for decades till he became what he is today."

Gon and Killua listened intently, their serious face was so interesting.

' Looks like I won't be bored these coming days.'

Just as he thought of this he moved to his side, Ryu raised his arms and caught a hand aiming for his heart.

At the same time a figure appeared behind Killua and Gon trying to capture them.

Ryu flicked his finger and the figure trying to grab Gon and Killua was blasted back. Blood sprayed through the air, he then pulled the one trying to take his heart.

Ryu put some pressure on his grip, sound of bones cracking echoed through the alley. Ryu then let go of the hand. The figure that attacked him retreated, he held his now broken arm and looked at Ryu with Killing intent.

This man was wearing sports wear, he had long face and sleaked hair. The other one was a women, she had short hair and wore standard formal clothes for woman.

These two were also members of Phantom Troupe, the man was called Phinks while the woman was called Pakunoda.

Phinks was clenching his teeth, he never thought a simple trail like this would put all four of them in danger. He looked at Pakunoda's direction, her shoulder seemed to be pierced through and blood kept pouring out.

Ryu looked at Phinks " Nice ability... show me that few more times. As for you...

His vision turned to Pakunoda, his eyes turned cold and dangerous. Phinks felt his heart clench, he was all too familiar with such an expression. It was the same expression he has before Killing someone.

" Your first thought wasn't to attack me but the kids... for that you must die."

He waved his hand, an arrow materialised before Phinks eyes, he quickly yelled

" Stop!! "

Ryu turned his eyes to Phinks.

Phinks " You said you wanted to see my ability right? If you don't kill her I will show my ability as much as you want otherwise...."

From earlier when Ryu spoke he understood that the only reason he is alive even after trying to kill this man is because he was interested in his ability otherwise he would be a cold corpse by now.

Ryu smiled but his smile seemed like one from a devil " Seems like you don't get the jist of the situation. It is true I want to see different abilities but what makes you think you could bargain with me over such a thing? "

Phinks suddenly realised where he made a mistake, he forgot that for a powerhouse, such threatening will only anger them.

Ryu suddenly said something which scared him even more " Since the Phantom Troupe is full of Nen Users, take me to them. Then I will consider letting you all live."

He then bound all three Phantom Troupe members lying on the ground with threads made out his energy. If Machi was awake now she would be shocked to her core.

He took all three of their bound bodies inside his dimension and said to Phinks " Lead the way."

Phinks had no other choice, if he refused this guy now he would find the Troupe members and kill them but if he were to take him to them then there might be a silver of a chance that all of them might survive.