Chapter 185. Chrollo Lucifer

Phinks Lead Ryu and the other two to their base. He could only pray that Chrollo was there, if all of them combined maybe just maybe they might be able to get away from this guy.

Gon and Killua pestered Ryu about how he trained and stuff.

" You see, for Nen you have to open all your nodes and control the flow of Nen within. Their are many techniques starting from the basic to advanced to perfect your control over Nen but in my mind these basic and advanced techniques can be joined as one, that is your control in Nen.

If you can perfect that all other techniques will come as breathing to you, it's as simple as that. As for you two....

Ryu used his sense to scan their bodies and like expected they had huge amount of energy laying dormant within them.

" Both of you have strong foundations. I don't know what you have gone through Killua, your body is very strong and it seems your reaction speed is much faster than others.

As for you Gon, from my calculations you seemed to have grown up surrounded by forests. Your natural senses are terrifyingly high."

Killua was surprised when Ryu said those words, he knew his body was strong because of the training he did in the past.

Gon suddenly asked " And how do we get strong? "

Ryu smiled " Simple."

He took out two strings, the same one he used to train Ichigo but slightly different. He gave it to both of them.

" Just train with these and you will have perfect manipulation of Nen down in no time."

Killua looked at the white string with faint linings of red among it, he asked confused

" How would this thing help us? "

Ryu rubbed his head " Try channelling your Nen."

Killua did as he was asked and he found the string vibrate for a second then he lost control over his Nen. His eyes stared and he looked at Ryu in surprise.

" These are custom made, if you can perfectly manipulate this string and change its shape as you desire then you would have perfected Nen manipulation. If you can complete this then I might consider saying the next step."

Gon was excited, he tried to do as Ryu told but reality was hard. The string only vibrated like it did with Killua's. Phinks was listening to what Ryu was saying, his eyes showed a shocked expression. This man had just analysed the core of every Nen technique.

Soon they reached their destination, it was a worn down building. Phinks lead all three of them inside. He was relieved to find the rest of the members here.

There was seven people inside, they were the remaining members of the Phantom Troupe.

Kortopi, Shalnark, Feitan, Franklin, Shizuku, Bolonelov. All of them were seated some distance away from each other. The moment Phinks came inside their attention was focused on him.

Gon and Killua had sweat trickle down their cheeks when they saw the rest of the Troupe.

Seeing Phinks walk inside with a broken arm the rest of the members didn't say a word and attacked. All of them would never back down when danger approached Phantom Troupe.

Feitan was the first one to reach Ryu, a sword somehow appeared on his hand as he stabbed it at Ryu's throat.

Phinks was too late to stop them from attacking and it seemed like his mouth was clamped by something, preventing him from speaking.

Ryu looked at the incoming strike and rubbed his chin. Feitan may be fast in others eye but to him... not so much. He nudges his head to the side, Feitan missed. When his body was about to pass Ryu, he was pummeled with an uppercut.

Feitan blasted through the air and made a hole in the ceiling. Franklin has all his fingers split from the middle as his aimed at Ryu, he was a giant with several Nen weapons inside his body.

Nen projectiles piled upon Ryu but....

Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!.....

Sounds of metal being crushed was heard, Franklin had a horrified expression on his face when he saw Ryu's unscathed body. Even his clothes seemed perfect without a single tear.

The rest of the members stood around Ryu, their expression was scary. At this moment


Feitan who was send flying landed with a bang from above. His Nen was completely released, an armour was starting to form around his body. Seconds later, a red and white armour now covered his entire body.

Shizuku said without any emotion " Uh oh, Feitan is gonna blow up."

Shalnark " Let's get out of here."

All of them retreated. Feitan was now emitting a blazing energy. His eyes stared furiously at Ryu, if looks could kill Ryu would have died several times over.

Ryu rubbed his chin ' Heh, not bad. He changed his Nen to explosive energy, created an armour to protect him and it seems like the energy is detaching itself from his body. Simultaneously displaying Transmuter, Emitter and Conjuror abilities.... not bad.'

Several seconds later.....


The entire building was now reduced to rubbles, Feitan stood among the destruction panting. Dust covered his vision as he looked around for Ryu's trace.

Phinks and the others came back.

Shizuku " It seems like he is dead."

Franklin " Seems so. That ability of your is scary Feitan."

Shalnark " Yup, scary. Look at all this destruction. I don't ever want to provoke you."

Among them only Phinks was worried because the force binding his speech was still there which means that guy wasn't dead.

Shizuku " Why aren't you saying anything Phinks? And where is Pakunoda? "

Phinks tried to signal them but then a voice interrupted their conversation.

" Awesome ability."

A voice spoke from the dust, suddenly wind rushed around the dust and cleared it. Ryu stood among the rubble without a speck of dust on him. Gon and Killua was also fine, faint energy covered their bodies like a skin.

Feitan was shocked, he knew how strong his explosion was.

" How are you fine!!?? That explosion could even melt steel!! "

Ryu sneered " Don't put yourself too high, I have fought a person who can harness the power of sun itself, Infront that power your explosion is a joke."

Feitan had a vein pop on his head, he was raging inside. His Nen was churning again but it wasn't as strong as before. Evidently he had used up a lot of Nen during that last explosion.

Ryu looked at Phinks and said " If this is all they have then all of you can die."

He raised his hand, several flame Lance materialised in air. Just the mere pressure from these arrows was suffocating for the Troupe members. But Ryu didn't fire it.

His eyes changed to a direction and smirked " Do you really think a mere trash ability like that can fool me, Chrollo Lucifer? "

As he said these words, the air behind him rippled. A man stepped out, he had black hair with a cross tattoo on his forehead. He wore dark clothes with a dark overcoat.

This was the leader of Phantom Troupe, Chrollo Lucifer.