Chapter 188. Greed Island

Ryu words were filled with Killing intent. The glasses man trembled when he felt Ryu's intent, with no other choice he barked at his men.

" Go!! Bring me that damn game!! "

The men surrounding Ryu raised their weapons and cautiously walked towards him. They weren't fools, for a man to send out such intense Killing intent it means that he had gone through years of slaughter.

Ryu shook his head, he didn't continue to waste his words and made a grabbing motion. Suddenly all these soldiers found it hard to move, their face twisted in agony and one by one all of them fell down.

The glasses man was now scared witless, his knees buckled and fell to the ground. His eyes contained fear as he looked at Ryu and his men who were now lying on the ground.

Ryu opened the door to his car and said " It's fortunate that you didn't plan on harming us otherwise..... "

Ryu didn't finish his words. He got inside and left. The glasses man was now drenched in sweat, he thanked his ancestors for all the good deed they have done.

Ryu and the kids didn't put such a small conflict in their minds. All three of them reached the hotel, Gon took out the ring and memory card his father had left for him.

You have to wear the ring and plug in the memory card into the game slot to enter the game. This is how Greed Island works, it teleports you to an island entirely made for the game itself.

Gon turned around and asked Ryu " Do you wanna come with us? "

Ryu shook his head " Nah. That's your adventure."

Gon and Killua were down when they heard him, they looked upto Ryu now so him not coming with them was a blow to them.

Ryu ruffled their hair " Two rascals, go. That place will surely make you strong, also it will be fun."

Gon and Killua nodded, they held back on entering the game. First of all, they had to find a safe location and then enter otherwise who knows what kind of danger they will be in once they return.

Ryu bid farewell to them and left.

" Navii, how long till you gather the required energy? "

Navii " Ten months. It will be a lot faster if master's Soul Grade reaches Level 9."

Ryu nodded, his soul was currently just Heaven Grade. Once it reached Half Immortal his Energy, Soul and Physique will reach a sublime level and his powers would increase exponentially.

He kept walking without aim, the only place he was interested now was the Dark Continent.

After all that place birthed something like the Chimera Ants and the parasite lodging within Killua's younger sister Alluka.

' Speaking of Alluka, that other entity residing within her.... if it really came from the Dark continent then I might get some useful information.'

Ryu's body flashed and he appeared inside the Hunter organisation branch in YorkNew city. He flashed his card to a lady at the counter and asked

" Young lady, give me the position of Zoldyck family."

Ryu's sudden appearance and his voice completely captured the receptionists attention. Her eyes were glued onto him as she replied

" Yes sir! "

She quickly gathered the info about them and spoke sweetly to him. Ryu smiled, he thanked her and left. The receptionist was still in a daze after he left.

Ryu wasn't familiar with the place so he decided to travel the old fashioned way, that way the journey would be relaxing as well.

Three days later....

Ryu was standing Infront of a huge gate. The gate had several layers. By his estimations each layer would be double the previous one.

" So this is the Zoldyck family Estate. Quite grand."

The watchers say Ryu and asked his purpose, which he states as

" I want to meet the head of Zoldyck family."

The Watchman smiled wryly " I suggest you don't. If you try to meet them by force you will die very miserably."

Ryu smiled " It's alright."

Since he was here, he didn't need to go through the formal ways. His body started to float and he quickly located the Zoldyck estate within.

Ryu made a beeline towards the castle in the distance but just as he passed these huge gates several figures appeared to have jumped out from the forest. These things seemed to resemble giant vultures.

' Huh? This wasn't in the story. Guess this is their method to destroy any intruders from the sky. Not bad.'

Ryu didn't slow down, these giant vultures attacked him left and right but it was of no use. Ryu sliced his hands several times and these vultures were cut down from the middle.

After Killing off these annoying ceatures Ryu landed at the entrance to the castle. Two people stood before him, both of them had silver hair and possessed immense strength.

One was a large muscular man with silver hair dragging behind his shoulders. He had blue eye and pale complexion. His body gave off a strong and steady aura

The other one was an old man, he wore traditional robes worn by fighters. He had long whiskers and emitted an aura stronger than the muscular man.

Ryu smiled and introduced himself " Nice to meet you. My name is Ryu Uzumaki, a friend of Killua."

The two before him examined the young man before him. The muscular man is the current head of Zoldyck family, Silva Zoldyck.

The other old man was his father Zeno Zoldyck.

Silva " So what brings you here Ryu Uzumaki? "

Ryu smiled brightly " I have a simple request."

Zeno " Hooo... and what would that be? "

Ryu continued to smile and said " It's very simple, I am preparing to go to the Dark Continent and I would like to meet Alluka Zoldyck or more specifically speaking the other entity within her to get some info regarding that place."

The moment he mentioned Alluka the atmosphere got cold. Silva and Zeno started to emit a terrifying Killing intent, if it was anyone else they would have long fled but the one standing before them was Ryu.

Silva warned " Get out."

Ryu smiled " Come one. Loosen up, I just want to speak to her."

Zeno didn't bother to speak his two hands were covered with a dragon formed from Nen. His figure flashed like a ghost as he merged with the shadows. He silently appeared behind Ryu and went for his heart.

Silva did the same, his attack conjured a white tiger image and attacked Ryu at full strength.

Ryu's smile was still there but this time it seemed to have reflected the deep coldness from ice. His eyes changed to Chaos.

He didn't bother to counter. Silva's attack landed squarely on his chest. Ryu grabbed Silva's neck and gripped it tightly.

At this moment the old man's attacks also hit him but the moment it made contact the old man felt his hands tremble. His bones seemed to have cracked under his own power rebounding.

Ryu slapped his hand behind him, the old man was send flying towards the castle. He crashed through the wall and ended up inside.

Zeno crawled out from the rubble, his eyes displayed shock at what just happened.

Silva was being choked by Ryu's grip, his arms and legs flapped in mid air as he tried his best to broke free from his grip.

Ryu smiled at Zeno " I told you didn't I? I just want to speak to Alluka."