Chapter 189. Alluka and Nanika

Ryu's smile seemed genial but it looked like a Devil's to Zeno. His hands trembled in rage, all these years noone has ever humiliated him like this but he was helpless. That short confrontation revealed the disparity between them.

Zeno finally gave in, he retracted his Nen and said " Alluka is dangerous. We can't let her cause any chaos."

Ryu also released Silva.

Silva gulped air greedily, he had faced death before but never has he ever been so powerless. He struggled to his feet and walked back to the castle.

Ryu " It's alright. Nothing will happen, I can guarantee that."

Zeno didn't have any other choice, he led Ryu inside. Alluka was held inside a special room. Layer upon layer of security measures had been taken to ensure that she isn't free to act as she wished.

Ryu watched as the dozens of steel doors several inches thick open before him. He walked straight and came inside a room filled with dolls. His eyes locked on a figure among the dolls.

" Alluka..... Hi, my name is Ryu Uzumaki. I am your brother Killua's friend. Nice to meet you."

He walked upto Alluka and squatted down to her height. His face showed a gentle smile as he spoke to Alluka.

Alluka who was acting like a doll snapped out of it as soon as she heard Killua's name. She looked at Ryu suspiciously, eventhough Alluka is a kid she only trust Killua unconditionally. She isn't naive enough to trust anyone that claims to be Killua's friend.

Alluka " Mmm... ok."

Ryu saw her weariness and laughed " Don't be so distant. Actually I came here to speak to Nanika. Can you bring her out? "

Alluka looked at Ryu with hesitation, if Ryu knew about Nanika then he might really be her brother's friend. Also this was the first time someone other than her brother asking her to bring out Nanika. She hesitated for a bit and did as he asked.

Silva and others watching this from the monitoring room was shocked.

" Doesn't she need to ask three wishes to bring out that monster? "

Zeno was confused as well " There is something going on here."

Inside the room...

Alluka's face changed. Her eyes became deep like a dark abyss, her mouth was parted showing a creepy smile. Ryu eyes changed to Chaos as he looked at Alluka, he was relieved to find nothing wrong with Alluka's body, rather it seemed like Nanika was improving it.

Ryu still had that smile on his face as he asked " Nanika, I know you came from the Dark Continent. It would be great if you can provide me with information regarding that place."

Nanika didn't speak but a sound echoed through the room " Why should I say anything? "

Ryu smiled " Because I can help you. You want to get out of here and stay with your brother, right? "

Nanika clearly had been influenced by these words, Killua was the only one who cared for her, he loved both Alluka and Nanika. There was nothing more she desired than to be with her brother.

Ryu knew he hit the jackpot " Don't worry. I can make that happen. I kind of understand how your power works, I can also take also help you with that."

Nanika or Alluka, both of them were clearly influenced. The room was silent till Nanika spoke.

" The Dark Continent contains creatures far stronger than any Hunter currently alive. It's located in another space and there is only one way of entry into that place."

Ryu was surprised " Another space? "

Nanika " Yes. The creatures that dominate that place differs in strength according to several regions but what's terrifying about that place is the innumerable amount of viruses and diseases along with parasites and other deadly creatures."

Ryu nodded. He understood this point, just the Chimera ant alone was enough to beat Netero and that thing was only B level danger.

Nanika " Also, there is grave danger at the most central location of that place. I don't know much about it but from what I could gather it seems like a great monster reside there."

Ryu asked " Where is this entry point? "

Nanika " If you go west from here you will come across a strange field thousands of miles away. Once you are there, with your powers you can locate it easily."

Ryu nodded " Thanks. I will keep my promise."

He extended his hand, a bright glow surfaced from his hand and went inside Alluka / Nanika's body. Their mind was now imprinted with knowledge on how to reign in their strength.

Nanika's Nen ability is to grant any wish a person asks as long as they do three things Alluka asks. This isn't done consciously rather it's a reaction of her Nen ability.

But her ability comes with a great disadvantage, that is... the greater the wish is the higher the damage done. Once someone asks her for something and the wish is completed, the wisher himself or those related to him will experience tremendous danger.

The worst part is, this danger can't be predicted. It may affect the wisher himself or those immediate relatives of his. It may also affect distant relatives, such is the power of Nanika.

Killua seemed to be the only exception to this case since Alluka knows that her brother does things for her not because he wants something from, it's because he loves her.

Simply put Alluka is the key that activates Nanika's ability and Killua is the cheat that bypass it.

Ryu had done two things, first he awakened Alluka's Nen ability. Second he imprinted a way inside their mind on how to reign in their powers. Only Nen can counter Nen, everything has a balance. Alluka's Nen can now control Nanika's Nen and likewise.

Now she won't automatically go to Nanika when someone does three things for her.

Ryu looked at Nanika lovingly, Nanika may have come from the dark continent but she wasn't dangerous, instead she seemed to have saved Alluka. Ryu could feel some internal organs of Alluka showing recovery. It seemed like they had only recovered for a couple years

Nanika went back to Alluka.

Right now Alluka didn't have the weariness she had before. She showed a lovable smile to Ryu. She didn't get most of the stuff Nanika said but from what she said Alluka knew Ryu was a good guy.

Ryu picked up Alluka and walked out. Silva and Zeno had terrible expressions on their face. They went out and looked at Ryu with a bitter smile. They couldn't beat him, so they were powerless to stop him.

Alluka was happily saying stuff about Killua when they were kids. Ryu saw Zeno and Silva and said

" I will be taking her. Don't worry, her powers are now under control. So don't bother to come after her and .... Warn your family."

At this point his voice changed, a chilling atmosphere surrounded Silva and Zeno.

" If I find out that someone had tried to disturb her life from now then I will slaughter your entire family barred Killua. Understand? "