Chapter 191. Volcano

Madara was currently walking towards a direction. He could feel a blazing energy in this direction.

As he reached the location what greeted him was a range of volcanos. Lava spilled out constantly, just the heat around the perimeter would burn anyone to ashes. Madara's eyes were focused onto the largest volcano.

This volcano was different from the rest, it didn't spill out lava and yet this one seemed to be most dangerous one out of all the volcanos around here. Madara walked across the Lava, he wasn't the least bit affected by this amount of heat.

As someone cultivating ' Heavenly Flame Mantra ' as well as possessing the supreme affinity towards fire, one can say that he is loved by all sorts of flames and are blessed by them.

Madara was walking across the Lava lake surrounding the giant Volcano, suddenly an attack came from beneath him.

A blazing burst of Lava along with a hint of violet energy was launched towards his heart. Madara raised his hand and grabbed the attack. He pinched and extinguished the attack. His eyes narrowed and they changed to Sharingan.

His gaze focused beneath him, he could spot several red figures moving inside the Lava. He was surprised to find any creature survive in such intense heat. He focused a bit more and found out they were pythons.

These pythons had blazing red body several meters in length. Their body was covered in scales, and at the edges of each scale their was a violet lining. What was eye-catching was their forehead, a small bulg was there. It's colour was a mixture of violet and red.

Madara raised his arm and grabbed. His energy condensed into a flaming hand and went down through the magma. He caught several of these snakes, when his hand caught them these snakes started to hiss in pain.

Madara cultivated ' Heavenly Flame Mantra ', as such his energy was blazing hot.

He observed these snakes closely and was astonished. His eyes blazed as he looked around, he found several hundreds of these snakes down below. Madara dived down and caught these snakes one by one.

Ryu didn't give them any storage items instead their insignia contained a space similar to storage items. Unlike storage items this space inside would increase as their level in Cultivation increases.

Against Madara these snakes possessed no chance of survival. As he was capturing them a loud roar caught his attention. He turned to back to look at the origin of this sound.

A huge python several times bigger than the ones he caught was now looking at him dangerously. It's slit pupils emitted fury as it gazed at Madara. Unlike these small ones, this large snakes forehead had a small horn rather than a bulg.

Madara wasn't fazed by this large Python, his eyes blazed with excitement. He was looking at that large Python with a sharp gleem in his eyes.

That large Python felt danger, it was infuriated when it found out someone was capturing it's offsprings but never did it imagine it would run into such a danger. It was because of rage that it came to attack Madara and now it turned tail and ran.

Madara didn't want to let go of such good opportunity. His figure flashed and he appeared above the Python. He formed his hand like a blade and slashed the large Python's neck.

A second later the large Python's head and body was seperated. Madara put the snake inside his storage and continued his endeavour.

Half an hour later Madara had captured all the Pythons in this large Lava lake. He surfaced and walked towards the large Volcano.

Just as he was about to step step onto the volcano....


A heaven shattering roar echoed through the volcano infront of him. A huge figure emerged from the volcano.

It was a humongous Python. It's large head poked out of the Volcano, it's head was atleast tens of meter in size. As its body completely emerged, one could make out several bulges beneath it's belly.

' Heh.... it seems to be in the process of evolution. A Dragon? '

That huge Python opened its mouth and spat out a blazing red energy towards Madara. Madara was surprised, he jumped back and dodged the attack but before he could regain his footing a huge tail assaulted him from the side.

Madara raised his hand and blocked it.


He was blasted through several Volcanos and skidded through the Lava lake. Madara regained his footing, he looked at his hand and it was bleeding. Madara looked at humongous snake and said.

" Not bad for a beast."

His eyes were blazing with eagerness to fight. His shook off the blood on his arm and stood up. Energy blazed around him, his hands gleemed with a red metallic sheen. Above this metallic sheen energy morphed into something akin to a gauntlet around his fist, Pure Yang flames blazed around these gauntlets.

Madara grinned " Let's dance!! "


His figure blasted through the air leaving sonic echoes. He appeared right Infront of the Python and punched out. It seemed as if a world was being crushed, the Pythons pupil shrunk, it flicked its tail and countered Madara.


Madara's fist and the Python's tails collided. The Volcanos surrounding them was shaking uncontrollably, Lava erupted out due to their fight. Madara was blasted back, he sailed through the air before making a flip and stabilising himself. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.

The Python wasn't feeling any better, its scales were cracked and blood oozed out. The Python stared at Madara with hatred, it was in the final stages of its evolution and this pest barged in and killed off all of its offsprings.

Madara laughed wildly, his entire body quickly blazed with energy and was covered in a blazing reddish metallic sheen. Flames surged and covered his armour giving extra protection.

His body again moved as he continued to attack the Python. From afar Madara seemed inconsequential compared with that huge Python but each of their collision levelled the area beneath them. The Lava lake was disrupted and destroyed.

Dozens of minutes have passed, Madara was looking wild with a domineering aura around him. His body was covered with various wounds but none severe. But not a drop of blood was on his body as it was evaporated due to the flames on his body.

That huge Python on the other hand cut a sorry figure, it's scales were cracked at different spots. Blood dripped all over its body.

The Python looked at Madara with hatred, it looked down. Deep inside that huge volcano a blazing flower stood. The Python's eyes showed a gleem as it looked at the flower. It seemed to be making some kind of decision.

Finally with no other choice it dived down and swallowed that Flower.

Madara noticed the flower and his eyes showed excitement. He was about to take the flower when he saw the Python swallow down the flower. Just as he was about to beat it out of the Python he looked above.

Lighting seemed to be gathering above them. Madara was distracted for a second and realized

" Tribulation!!! "